17 Dec. »Irans revolutionärer Prozess und die europäische Iran-Politik«, org. Fortbildungsreihe »Iran verstehen: Damals bis heute«, Ayande/IGD (Iranische Gemeinde Deutschland), Haus der Demokratie (Robert-Havemann-Saal), Berlin.
4 Dec. Panel 2 »Menschenrechte überall: Wie schützen wir kritische Stimmen aus dem Iran in Europa?«, Konferenz »Universell und unteilbar – Menschenrechte weltweit stärken. 75 Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte«, org. Bundestagsfraktion Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Bundestag.
3 Dec. »Iran: Revolutionärer Prozess, Regionalpolitik und Beziehungen zu Deutschland«, Seminar »Sicherheitspolitische Herausforderungen im Mittleren Osten und Nordafrika: Chancen für eine regionale Friedensordnung?«, org. Jahresakademie für internationale Studierende und Promovierende, Institut für Begabtenförderung der Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung (HSS), online.
22 Nov. Podium »Ein Jahr nach Jina Mahsa Aminis Tod: Die Situation im Iran heute«, org. FES Hessen, VHS, Frankfurt.
21 Nov. »Iranische Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, die Politik des Westens und der Nahost-Krieg«, Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Basislehrgang Streitkräfte (Stabsoffizier-Ausbildung) Berlin.
18 Nov. Vortrag »Die Islamische Republik in einer Existenzkrise und die Notwendigkeit eines Paradigmenwechsels der europäischen Iran-Politik«, 7. Augsburger Sicherheitsdialog »Im Schatten der Wahrnehmung: Der Iran – Drahtzieher im Nahen und Mittleren Osten«, org. Landesverband Bayern der Gesellschaft für Sicherheitspolitik (GSP), Haus St. Ulrich, Augsburg.
8 Nov. Podium »#IranRevolution: Talk zum revolutionären Prozess im Iran«, org. Dunya Collective in Kooperation mit VHS Dresden & Riesa Efau, Motorenhalle (Riesa Efau), Dresden.
7 Nov. Keynote & Podiumsdiskussion »Der Iran vor der Revolution? Die Situation im Land ein Jahr nach dem Tod Mahsa Aminis«, Mod. Violetta Hagen (SWR aktuell), org. Reinhold-Maier-Stiftung (Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für Freiheit in Baden-Württemberg) in Kooperation mit dem Regionalforum Baden-Württemberg der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Stuttgart.
26 Oct. »Autoritäre Stabilität oder Fragilität? Perspektiven aus Iran, Syrien und Afghanistan«, Physischer CMEG-Launch | org. Center for Middle East and Global Order (CMEG) & FU-Arbeitsstelle Politik im Maghreb, Mashreq und Golf, Freie Universität (FU) Berlin.
21 Oct. Politische Situation in Iran, »Politikwerkstatt: Iran & China. EU-Digitalpolitik. Bildung neu denken« | org. Bayerische Landeszentrale für politische Bildungsarbeit & Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, Tutzing.
19 Oct. Iran-Panel mit Gilda Sahebi & Maren Claren, Seeheimer Kreis der SPD, Bundestag.
18 Oct. Podiumsdiskussion »Iran: Revolution verloren und vergessen« mit Shahrzad Osterer (Journalistin, BR), Mod. Sophie Sumburane (Autorin & Redakteurin) | org. PEN Berlin, Frankfurter Buchmesse. {Report: Hessenschau, 18/10}
19 Sep. Panel »Proteste, Atomkonflikt & multipolare Weltordnung: Wo steht der Iran heute?« {video}, org. Böll-Stiftung, Theater, Bremen.
14 Sep. Chair »The new global divide: Regaining trust for democracy« Strategic Working Group, M100 Sanssouci Colloqium, Potsdam.
11-12 Sep. Strasbourg Forum Summit, Strasbourg.
2 Sep. Podium »#IranRevolution«, Superbloom Festival, München.
27 Aug. Podium »Frauen – Leben – Freiheit. Exilautor:innen aus dem Iran«, Lesung und Gespräch mit Razieh Aghajari, Jiyar Jahan Fard und Ali Fathollah-Nejad; Moderation: Cornelia Zetzsche (ehem. Vizepräsidentin & ehem. Beauftragte für Writers in Prison/Writers at Risk, PEN-Zentrum Deutschland), Poetenfest Erlangen, Orangerie im Schlossgarten.
30 June Lecture »A Zeitenwende in the Making? Iran’s Long-Term Revolutionary Process«, »Zeitenwenden. Thinking in Upheaval« International Conference, Einstein Forum, Potsdam, June 29 – July 1.
26 June Panel »Wie steht es um Schutzsuchende aus dem Iran in Deutschland?«, 23. Berliner Symposium zum Flüchtlingsschutz, Französische Friedrichstadtkirche, Berlin.
19 June Input »Aktuelle Lage in Iran und westliche Außenpolitik«, menschenrechtspolitische MdBs der Regierungskoalition, org. FB 4 – Internationale Politik und Menschenrechte, Berlin (online).
6 June »Frau, Leben, Freiheit: Aktuelle Lage, Aussicht und Bedeutung für den Nahen Osten«, org. CDU HH-Altona. [Bericht]
3 June Panel »Frau, Leben, Freiheit – hat die Revolution im Iran eine Chance?« {video}, Lange Nacht der ZEIT, Uni Hamburg (Altes Hauptgebäude, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1) & Livestream.
31 May Moderator, »#IranFutures: A Multidisciplinary Look at Iran’s Protests and Future Trajectory«, CMEG.
23 May Moderator, »Iran, the Middle East, and the World Order: Exploring Key Transformations«, CMEG launch webinar.
11-12 May Trust Lab Inputs »From Oppression to Empowerment: Trusting in the Women’s Revolution of Iran?« & »From hegemony to harmony: Trust in a post-unipolar world« & Panel »Divided Societies« {Video}, 4th International Kultursymposium Weimar, org. Goethe Institute, 10-12 May, Weimar. {Report: Tagesspiegel, 14/05}
9 May Keynote zu Iran, KPMG Executive Dinner, Düsseldorf.
27 Apr. »Nuclear Diplomacy: Iran’s “Nuclear Escalation” Strategy in the Face of Escalating Sanctions«, Panel »The View from Iran«, International Conference »Nuclear Issues in the Middle East and North Africa«, Middle East Center (MEC), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, April 27-29.
4 Apr. »Iran in a Revolutionary Process and the Role of the West« {video}, mod. ACG President Steven Sokol, American Council on Germany (ACG) webinar.
23 Mar. Moderation »Diversität und Mitbestimmung«, International Conference »Fragile Demokratien – Fragile Democracies: 1923/1933/2023«, NS-Dokumentationszentrum/Munich Documentation Center for the History of National Socialism, München.
8 Mar. Panel »Kampf für die Freiheit: Die Revolution im Iran«, NZZ Live, org. Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ), Zürich.
27 Feb. Panel »Die aktuelle Situation in Iran – Musik als Protestform einer feministischen Revolution«, Abendsalon »Zwischenraum«, org. Alfred-Toepfer-Stiftung, Bar Hadley’s, Hamburg.
25 Feb. Chairing workshop »Relevant political processes in Germany and Europe in relation to Iran«, Woman, Life, Freedom Movement Conference, org. Bahamad, Berlin.
11 Feb. Panel »AZADÎ in Progress: Politische Gefangene im Iran und was der Rest der Welt tun kann«, mod. Ronya Othmann, org. Münchner Kammerspiele & PEN Berlin, Therese-Giehse-Halle, München.
6 Feb. Panel »Iran zwischen Diktatur und Revolution« {Video}, org. Centrum für Religionswissenschaftliche Studien (CERES), Ruhr-Universität Bochum, VHS Bochum.
27 Jan. Panel »The Iranian Unknown Post-JCPOA: Domestic and Geopolitical Implications of the Current Protest Movement«, mod. Marcus Schneider (FES, Project Director, Middle East Peace and Security and Syria projects), Conference »Geopolitical Shifts and Global Crises: What Implications for the Middle East?«, Beirut Security Debates, org. AUB-IFI & Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Regional Peace and Security Project, 26-27 Jan. (online).
26 Jan. Parlamentarisches Frühstück »Iran – Testfall für die wertegeleitete deutsche Außenpolitik?«, Deutscher Bundestag.
24 Jan. Panel »Der Iran im Umbruch? Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Iran und ihre sicherheitspolitischen Folgen für die Region«, org. Gesellschaft für Sicherheitspolitik (GSP, Sektion Berlin) & FNF, Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit (FNF), Berlin.
19 Jan. »Die Protestbewegung im Iran: Informationen und Analyse zur aktuellen Lage«, org. Caritasverband Leverkusen & Katholisches Bildungsforum Leverkusen.
16 Jan. Panel »Iran: Sound of Revolution« {Video}, org. Körber-Stiftung, Hamburg.
11 Jan. Panel »What would be the consequences of a revolution in Iran?« {Video}, org. wiiw & IIP.
10 Jan. Keynote & Panel »Jin*, Jîyan, Azadî / زن*، زندگی، آزادی / Woman*, Life, Freedom / Frau*, Leben, Freiheit«, Akademie der Künste, Berlin {Report: FAZ}.
10 Jan. »Secularism, Counter-Hegemony and the Islamic Republic of Iran«, Global Policy webinar »Secularism in Religiously Dominated Societies: Between Threat and Promise«.
2 Jan. »Zwischen gewaltsamer Unterdrückung und Freiheitsprotesten: Wohin steuert der Iran?«, org. Bündnis 90/Die Grünen – Kreisverband Warendorf.
16 Dez. Impulsvortrag »Brennpunkt Iran – Am Vorabend einer neuen Revolution«, org. KAS Südbaden.
14 Dez. »Neue Kräfteverhältnisse und umkämpfte Weltordnung: Was bedeutet Anti-Imperialismus heute?« {Video}, Diskussion mit Dr. Axel Gehring (Fellow, Institut für Gesellschaftsanalyse, RLS), Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (RLS), Berlin.
13 Dec. Lesung »Die Unbeugsamen – Über den Aufbrauch im Iran«, Junges Staatstheater Berlin.
12 Dec. »Iran – Frauen, Minderheiten, Umbruch«, Hochschulgruppe Amnesty International, Göttingen.
10 Dec. Panel »Die Frauen*revolution in Iran 2022 und die Rolle Deutschlands«, Universität Marburg.
08 Dec. Panel »Revolution im Iran: “Frau, Leben, Freiheit”«, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Hessen, online.
7 Dec. »Die Revolution im Iran«, Schule ohne Rassismus / Schule mit Courage, Maria-Wächtler-Schule (Gymnasium) Essen.
2 Dec. »Digitale Unterdrückung in autoritären Staaten: Iran«, org. AG Digitales & AG Menschenrechte und humanitäre Hilfe der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion, Bundestag {Report: SPD-Fraktion: Wie autoritäre Regime die Freiheit im Netz unterdrücken, Vorwärts, 2/12}.
30 Nov. Panel »Revolutionary Iran: “Women, Life, Freedom”« {Video}, King’s College London (online).
28 Nov. Panel »Frau, Leben, Freiheit – Jin, Jian, Azadî: Die feministische Revolution im Iran« mit Dastan Jasim (GIGA Hamburg), org. MFH Bochum, Sponsor: Brot für die Welt, Bochum (online).
26 Nov. Iran Q&A, Ayandeh, online.
24 Nov. Über die Proteste im Iran: Analysen und Einschätzungen, Zentrum Flucht und Migration, Katholische Universität Eichstätt, online.
23 Nov. Panel »Talking about a (Feminist) Revolution?« {Video}, org. Alsharq Reise & Dis:orient, Berlin.
17 Nov. Panel »Beirut Talks Freedom« (BTF), mod. Daniel Böhm (NZZ-Korrespondent für den Nahen Osten), Friedrich Naumann Stiftung Beirut (online) • cited in: Mathias von Hofen, Russland und der Iran: Einig in der Gegnerschaft zum Westen und zu den USA, Berliner Zeitung, 25/01/2024.
10 Nov. Panel »Moskau und Teheran: Eine Allianz gegen den Westen?« {Video}, org. Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung (FNF) Länderbüro Niedersachsen/Bremen, online | cited in: Kersten Knipp, Iran und Russland: Ziemlich beste Freunde, DW (Deutsche Welle), 12/11 • Focus Online, 12/11.
4 Nov. Panel »Iran & Wir: Solidarität mit den Protesten in Iran« {Video}, Bildungsstätte Anne Frank, Frankfurt, Förderer: Hessisches Ministerium für Soziales und Integration.
30 Oct. Podiumsgespräch »Blicke auf den Iran! – Protest – Aktivismus – Kunst«, Deutsche Oper.
21 Oct. Panel »Women, Life, Freedom – The Past and Present of (Women’s) Political Oppression in Iran«, Universität Bielefeld (online). https://twitter.com/sfb_comparing/status/1582408614286721037
30 Sep. Panel »Frau, Leben, Freiheit! Feministische Freiheitsbewegung im Iran«, mod. Susan Zare, org. AG Migration und Vielfalt der SPD Frankfurt, Frankfurt.
15 Sep. Moderator »Europe in a New World Order« Strategic Working Group | M100 Sanssouci Colloquium 2022 »War and Peace. A New World Order«, Potsdam (Germany).
13 Sep. Panel Organizer & Chair »The Islamic Republic of Iran at 43: Authoritarianism and Foreign Policy« | Section »Politics, History, Economics and Society of the Middle East and North Africa«, Deutscher Orientalistentag (DOT) / DAVO Congress, Freie Universität Berlin, 12–17 Sep.
26 Aug. »The Collapse of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Social Contract and its Repercussions«, paper to be presented at the international workshop »Social Contracts in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) – Drivers of Change«, org. German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), Aug. 24–26, 2022, Bonn.
26 July Iran–Russia Relations and the War in Ukraine {video}, org. American Council on Germany (ACG), mod. Dr. Steve Sokol (ACG President), online.
20 June Panel »Afghanistan: The political fallout from the Taliban takeover« with Simbal Khan (analyst, Islamabad), Suhasini Haidar (Diplomatic Editor, The Hindu), etc.; mod. Waslat Hasrat-Nazimi (head of DW’s Dari and Pashto Service), hosted by DW (Deutsche Welle) Asia | DW Global Media Forum, Bonn, 20–21/06 {report by DW Pashto Service}.
18 June The Islamic Republic’s »Triple Crisis«, Protests and Prospects | Block »Iranian Internal Politics« together with Prof. Zibakalam (U of Tehran) | »Iran« Module | ITSS Summer School 2022 »The Contemporary Challenges of Security, Policy, & Statecraft« | org. ITSS (International Team for the Study of Security) Verona (online).
9 June Panel »Nuklearabkommen mit Iran vor dem Aus: Was heißt das für die Region und für die Welt?« (in German & English) | org. Berlin Forum for German–Gulf Dialogue (GGD Berlin) | Haus der Bundespressekonferenz, Raum 0107, Berlin.
15 April Ali Fathollah-Nejad – Iran in Emerging New World Order {Video} | »Spotlighting an Author« series | org. Iran 1400 Project.
13 April »The war in Ukraine: Repercussions in the world and in the Middle East« panel | org. Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) & Middle East Treaty Organization (METO), Geneva (online).
7 April 43 Jahre Islamische Republik Iran, ihre Dreifachkrise und die Rolle Europas | OSI-Club Alumni-Stammtisch | org. OSI-Club – Verein der Freundinnen und Freunde des Otto-Suhr-Instituts, FU Berlin | Salon Diskurs, Berlin.
6 April Panel »(Un)Peace in the Middle East« | Bucerius Summer School on Global Governance »Facing New Realities: Global Governance Reloaded« | org. Zeit-Stiftung & Observer Research Foundation (ORF), Special Spring Session, Hamburg.
5 April Guest lecture on Iran’s international relations | »Histoire des relations internationales post-1945«, by Dr. Dr. Joseph Daher, Centre d’histoire internationale et d’études politiques de la mondialisation (CRHIM), Institut d’études politiques (IEP), Université de Lausanne (UNIL).
15 March Guest lecture »The Islamic Republic, Iranian Political and Geopolitical Cultures, and the Question of Shia Geopolitics« | »Political Islam between Three Continents« by Dr. René Wildangel (Visiting Lecturer, IHU), Black Sea and Eastern Mediterranean Studies, International Hellenic University (IHU).
24 Feb. Iran unter Raisi: Vom Atomdeal und hausgemachten Krisen | Iran – Politische Studienreise digital | org. Alsharq-Reisen | 24/25 Sep. (Zoom).
1 Feb. Guest lecture on my book Iran in an Emerging New World Order | MA Course »On the Concept of Iran and the Iranian Cultural Sphere: Iran in West Asia«, by Dr. Homayun Alam | Institute of Political Science, Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany).
25 Jan. Iran–Europe Dynamics and the JCPOA Negotiations | Panel with Dr. Clément Therme (Sciences Po Paris & EHESS & EUI Middle East Directions) & Prof. Heinz Gärtner (University of Vienna & Chair, Advisory Board of the International Institute for Peace (IIP), mod. Dr. Asif Shuja (Snr. Research Fellow, MEI-NUS) | org. Middle East Institute (MEI) Political Economy research cluster, National University of Singapore (NUS).
18 Jan. {Book Launch Middle East} Iran in an Emerging New World Order {YouTube video}, Discussants: Prof. Ali Ansari (Professor of Iranian History & Founding Director, Institute for Iranian Studies, University of St Andrews) & Kazem Sajjadpour (Distinguished Senior Fellow & fmr. Director and President, Institute for Political and International Studies [IPIS] & fmr. Deputy Foreign Minister of Iran), mod. Dr. Joseph Bahout (IFI Director), org. Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy & International Affairs (IFI), American University of Beirut (AUB).
8 Dec. Iran and Taliban-ruled Afghanistan | Panel »A Road Untraveled I: Central Asia, Russia, Iran, and their future relations with Afghanistan« | org. Institute of War and Peace Studies (IWPS) & Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) Afghanistan.
30 Nov. {20h} Diskutant, Buchpremiere von Golineh Atais Iran – die Freiheit ist weiblich, mod. Theresa Brücker | org. Literatur Live & Rowohlt Berlin Verlag & Thalia-Buchhaltung & Heimathafen Neukölln | Heimathafen Neuköllln, Berlin.
26 Nov. Iran’s Socioeconomic Crisis and the Future of Protest, paper presentation in the panel »Social justice and mobilization in the MENA: Understanding the struggle for socioeconomic and political transformation post-2011«, org. & chaired by Dr. Irene Weipert-Fenne (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, PRIF), Institute for the Study of Protest and Social Movements (ipb) Annual Conference 2021 »Social Movements and the Social Question«, 25–26 Nov., Berlin/online.
10 Nov. [Book launch Australia] Iran in an Emerging New World Order | mod. Prof. Shahram Akbarzadeh (MESF Convenor) |org. Middle East Studies Forum (MESF), Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation (ADI), Deakin University, Melbourne.
5 Nov. Iran’s “Look to the East” and China: Past is prologue? | Session 3 »Asian Friendship and China«, mod. Dr. Jae Sok Kim (Director, The Institute for China Studies, SNU) | Asia–China Dialogue 2021: Toward a Peaceful and Brighter Future | Hosted by Seoul National University Asia Center (SNUAC); Humanities Korea Plus (HK+) Mega-Asia Research Project Group, SNUAC; Korean Association for Contemporary China Studies; Institute for China Studies, SNU | org. Seoul National University Northeast Asia Center (NEAC) | 4–5 Nov. (Zoom).
4 Nov. Konfliktherde weltweit: Iran | Vortragsreihe »Konfliktherde weltweit« | org. Patenschaftsprogramm »Ankommen in Leipzig. Paten für Geflüchtete« der Johanniter-Akademie Mitteldeutschland (Campus Leipzig) / Bildungsinstitut Mitteldeutschland Johanniter | Leipziger Stadtbibliothek.
21 Oct. Iran unter Ebrahim Raisi: Aktuelle innen- und außenpolitische Herausforderungen, Gesprächskreis Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (via Zoom).
6 Oct. Strategic Roundtable Discussion »Fit for the job? Europe’s role in a new world order« | M100 Sanssouci Colloquium 2021 »From Crisis in Perpetuity to Democratic Resilience« | Schlosstheater Neues Palais, Potsdam.
11 June Panel »Iran in an Emerging New World Order: A Book Talk with Ali Fathollah-Nejad« w/ Prof. Anoush Ehteshami (Durham University, UK), mod. Alex Vatanka (MEI) | org. Middle East Institute (MEI), Washington, DC (online).
8 June Panel »Iran – Katalysator des Nahost-Konflikts?« mit Katharina Willinger (Leiterin, ARD-Auslandsstudios in Teheran) & Dr. Payam Ghalehdar (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Lehrstuhl für Internationale Beziehungen, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen & Fellow, Centre for International Security Policy, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin) | mod. Susanne Koelbl (Auslands-Reporterin des Spiegel) | org. Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit (FNF) Landesbüro Bayern / Thomas-Dehler-Stiftung, München (online). {Video}
22 Apr. The EU and Iran | Panel 3 »China, Russia, and the EU« | »Iran – Red Teaming From the Inside Out« colloquium | University of Kansas (Graduate Military Programs, Center for East Asian Studies & Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies), as part of the Office of Director of National Intelligence’s (ODNI) Center of Academic Excellence (IC CAE) program, in collaboration with International Relations Council (IRC) Kansas City (KC) and Command and General Staff College Foundation | Online.
26 Feb. 42 Jahre Islamische Republik: Innen- und außenpolitische Herausforderungen | Iran – Politische Studienreise digital, 26–27 Feb.| org. Alsharq Reise | Berlin (online).
17 Feb. Panel »Biden, Rouhani and the Iran Nuclear Deal« with Iran’s Ambassador to South Africa Mahdi Aghajafari & Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) and Transnational Institute (TNI) Fellow Phyllis Bennis | org. Afro–Middle East Centre (AMEC), South Africa (via Zoom) | Report by Daily Maverick.
16 Feb. Panel »The Future of U.S. Policy towards the Middle East in General« | IALIIS Annual International Conference, »Ramifications of the Change of the U.S. Administration on World Affairs« | org. Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Institute for International Studies (IALISS) & supported by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), Birzeit University (West Bank, Palestine), 15–18 Feb. (via Zoom) | Report.
11 Feb. Die Dreifachkrise der Islamischen Republik | Iran – Politische Studienreise digital | org. Alsharq Reise, Berlin, 11–12 Feb., Zoom.
29 Jan. Aktuelle Lage in Iran | Deutsch-iranische Parlamentariergruppe des Deutschen Bundestags.
3 Dec. The Rivalry between Iran and the Gulf Cooperation Council: Background and Future | 7th Annual Gulf Studies Forum | org. Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS), Doha, 29 Nov.–3 Dec.
25–26 Nov. {14h} Moderator, Foresight Panel »Exploring the Future of a Complex Region – How the Gulf Might Look Like in 2030?« & Speaker, Hybrid Roundtable IV »States and People – The Situation of the Civil Society in the Gulf Region and Europe’s Current and Future Ways of Engagement« | Engulfed in the Gulf? On A Search for Europe’s Future Role in A Turbulent Region |org. Protestant Academy Loccum, Germany, 25–26 Nov.
23 Nov. Panel »The US in the Middle East and North Africa: A change in command« | org. Casa Árabe & Real Instituto Elcano (Elcano Royal Institute), Spain. {Video in English & in Spanish translation} • {Reports: Atalayar (Madrid) EN|SP}
14 Nov. »Look to the East«: Iran’s International Relations between Eastern and Western Great-Powers |Panel »Iran and the International System«, V. Middle East Congress on Politics and Society, Middle East Institute (ORMER), Sakarya University (SAU), Turkey, 14–15 Nov.
27–28 Oct. Discussant, Policy Papers »Young Progressive Voices from the MENA Region Advocate for Security Through Regional Cooperation« | org. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), Department for Middle East and North Africa & Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi), 27–28 Oct.
22 Oct. Iranian foreign policy | Guest Lecture, »Arabian Peninsula« Area Studies course by Dr. Karen Young | Foreign Service Institute (FSI), U.S. Department of State.
24 Sep. Panel 3 »Die Bedeutung der Religionsgemeinschaften für Aufarbeitung und Versöhnung in Post-Konflikt-Prozessen im Nahen Osten« [The significance of religious communities for reappraisal of the past and reconciliation in the Middle East’s post-conflict processes] | 11. Hafis-Menschenrechtsdialog Weimar »Aufarbeitung und Sanktionierung von Religionsfeindlichkeit und Religionsverfolgung« | org. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), Weimar.
3 Sep. Iranian foreign policy | Guest Lecture, »Arabian Peninsula« Area Studies course by Dr. Karen Young | Foreign Service Institute (FSI), U.S. Department of State.
28 July Studying Iran amid the Middle East’s »long-term revolutionary process« | Research Forum Middle East and Comparative Politics (Forschungsforum Mittlerer Osten, FFMO) | org. Research Group Middle East and Comparative Politics, Institute of Political Science, University of Tübingen.
10 July »Domestic politics« panel | org. Chatham House MENA Programme & Near East South Asia (NESA), Center for Strategic Studies, National Defense University.
25 June Iranian foreign policy toward the GCC states | Guest Lecture, »Arabian Peninsula« course by Dr. Karen Young | Foreign Service Institute (FSI), U.S. Department of State.
10 June Panel »Iran – Ein Land im Wandel?« [Iran – a country in transformation?] with Prof. Heinz Gärtner & Laleh Monsef | org. International Institute for Peace (IIP) & F.I.R.E (Forum interdisziplinäre Rhetorik und Expertise).
16 March Iran’s International Relations in the Age of »Imperial Interpolarity« | org. Department of International Relations & Center for Indian Studies in Africa (CISA), Department of International Relations, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
12 March Beyond Eurocentrism and Iranian Exceptionalism: Iran’s Long-Term Revolutionary Process, Mafeje–Jordan seminar series, Centre for African Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Cape Town (UCT).
12 March Iran’s conflict with the U.S. and its »Look to the East« policy | School of Government (SOG), University of the Western Cape (UWC), Bellville, Cape Town {11h–12h}.
11 March Panel »Global and regional implications of increased US–Iran tensions« | Symposium »Where will US–Iran tensions lead the Middle East?« | org. Afro–Middle East Centre (AMEC) | Sheraton Pretoria Hotel, Pretoria.
9 March Panel »The internal and regional impact of the Iranian legislative elections« | org. Gulf Studies Center, Qatar University (QU) | QU Library building.
24 Feb. The Islamic Republic at 41: Amid Acute Internal and External Crises | org. Center for Asian Studies (CAS) & Jan Masaryk Centre for International Studies (JMCIS), Faculty of International Relations, University of Economics (VSE), Prague.
24 Feb. »U.S.–Iran Conflict and Iran Protests« | org. Prague Centre for Middle East Relations (PCMR), CEVRO Institute – School of Political Studies, Prague.
20–22 Feb. Middle East Regional Security and Cooperation Meeting | org. UCLA Center for Middle East Development | Prague.
12 Feb. Understanding the Iranian Protests amid the Islamic Republic’s Triple Crisis {IFI Pocast • IFI SoundCloud} | org. AUB’s Issam Fares Institute (IFI) & graduate program in Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) | mod. Rami G. Khouri (inaugural director & senior fellow, IFI) & Karim Makdisi (program director, PPIA) | IFI, American University of Beirut (AUB) | American University of Beirut (AUB).
8–9 Feb. Iran’s long-term revolutionary process | »New Regionalisms and the Middle East« workshop | org. Arab Council for the Social Sciences (ACSS), Beirut.
14 Jan. Iran im Fokus: Zwischen Volksaufstand und geopolitischen Unruhen [Iran in focus: Between popular uprising and geopolitical tumult] | org. WeltTrends-Institut für Internationale Politik, Berlin.
8 Jan. Pulverfass Naher Osten [Middle East powder keg] | org. Globale Gleichheit & Rosa-Luxemburg-Club Heilbronn (Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Baden-Württemberg), Heilbronn.
4–5 April The Place of China in Iran: Foreign-Policy Schools of Thought and Political Economy | »The Future of China’s Presence in the Islamic World in Light of Regional and International Challenges« international conference | org. Qatar University’s Ibn Khaldon Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, 4–5 April 2020.
8 Jan. Pulverfass Naher Osten [Middle East powder keg] | org. Globale Gleichheit & Rosa-Luxemburg-Club Heilbronn (Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Baden-Württemberg), Heilbronn.
16-17 Dec. Iran and China [tba] | Session 2 »China’s Role in Regional Security: The Politics of Non-Interference in MENA« | Workshop »The Belt and Road Initiative: China-Middle East Cooperation in an Age of Geopolitical Turbulence« | org. Brookings Doha Center (BDC) & Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS) | Ritz Carlton, Doha.
14 Dec. Closed-Door Roundtable »Gulf Regional Security« | org. Doha Forum & Chatham House | Doha Forum | Doha, 14–15 Dec.
7 Dec. Iranian Strategy after the U.S. Withdrawal from the Nuclear Deal: “Maximum Resistance” and “Look to the East” {in Arabic translation}| Session 3 »U.S.–Iran Tensions and the Repercussions on Gulf Security« | 6th Gulf Studies Forum | org. Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS), Doha, 7-8 Dec. {Reported in Arabic: Researchers discuss policymaking in the Gulf and its security in a changing environment, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies (DI), 07/12 | Lusail News, 08/12 | Al-Araby Al-Jadeed (The New Arab), 08/12 | AlArab, 08/12, p. 18 | Alghad News (Jordan).
13 Nov. Org. & Chair, BDC Brownbag »Macron, America, and Iran« by Dr. Clément Therme (Center for International Studies, Sciences Po, Paris), discussant: Dr. Nasser Hadian (Faculty of Law and Political Science, U of Tehran) | Brookings Doha Center.
1 Nov. »Contextualizing Iran’s Ecological Crisis« | Panel »Climate Change in Iran: The Forgotten Crisis?« | International Symposium »Political Economy of Climate Change and Natural Disaster with Reference to Iran and the Arab Region« | org. Economics of the Middle East Research Group, Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies (CNMS) & School of Business and Economics, University of Marburg | spons. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung | 1–2 Nov., University of Marburg.
28 Oct. »In den Händen des Klerus: Die Islamische Republik Iran« [In the hands of the clergy: The Islamic Republic of Iran] | Panel II »(Un-)heilige Allianzen? Verpflechtung von Religion und Politik in Diktatur und Demokratie« |12. Hohenschönhausen-Forum »Religionen in Diktatur und liberalem Rechtsstaat« | org. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) & Gedenkstätte Berlin-Hohenschönhausen in Berlin | KAS-Akademie Berlin.
22 Oct. Chairing closed session »The Gulf Crisis Two Years On: What Does the Future Hold?«, TRT World Forum, Istanbul, 21–22 Oct.
21 Oct. Org. & Chair, BDC Closed Roundtable »The Role of Iran in the Persian Gulf « (Dr. Abbas Maleki, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran) | org. Brookings Doha Center.
20 Oct. Organizing & Chairing »Pushing the Limits: U.S.-Iranian Brinkmanship in the Gulf« panel with Dr. Abbas Maleki, Dr. Suzanne Maloney & Omar Ayasrah | org. Brookings Doha Center.
17 Oct. Organizing & Chairing talk on »Space Race in the Gulf?« by Dr. Jörg-Matthias Determann (Associate Professor in History, Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar) | Brookings Doha Center (BDC) Brownbag Discussion, Doha.
5 Oct. »The 2017/18 Iranian Revolt in Comparative Perspective« & »Revisiting Iran Sanctions: Conflict Resolution and State–Society Relations«, Panel »Iran: Revolts and Socioeconomic Problems« | 26th International DAVO/DMG Congress »History, Politics and Culture in the Middle East« | org. German Middle East Studies Association for Contemporary Research and Documentation (DAVO) & Islamic Studies Section of the Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft (DMG) & Institute for Culture and History of the Middle East, University of Hamburg | Department of Asia–Africa Studies, University of Hamburg.
25–26 Sep. Panel »Sanktionen und Menschenrechte« [Sanctions and human rights] mit Dr. Sascha Lohmann (German Institute for International and Security Affairs, SWP)| 10. Hafis-Menschenrechts-Dialog Weimar »Globale Herausforderungen für die zivilgesellschaftliche Menschenrechtspolitik«| org. European and International Cooperation, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), Weimar.
23 Sep. The Long-Term Revolutionary Process in the Middle East: The Situation of Progressive Forces | Young Leaders Conference »Between Political Islam and authoritarian politics: Is there still hope for progressivism in the Arab world?« | org. Department for the Middle East and North Africa, Division for International Cooperation, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Berlin.
13 Sep. »Iran und die Welt: Außenpolitik und internationale Bedrohung« [Iran and the world: Foreign policy and international threats] – Panel with Andreas Zumach (Geneva-based UN correspondent); mod. Bamdad Esmaili (journalist, WDR) | Iran-Konferenz: 40 Jahre Revolution – 40 Jahre islamische Diktatur – 40 Jahre Widerstand | org. Medizinische Flüchtlingshilfe Bochum (Medical Care Service for Refugees Bochum, MFH), campaign »Justice heals – The international network against the impunity of crimes against humanity« & funded by Stiftung Umwelt und Entwicklung Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW Foundation for Environment and Development), Brot für die Welt & Misereor | Bochum Kulturzentrum Bahnhof Langendreer (Germany), 13–15 Sep.
4 Sep. Towards a Regional Security Architecture: Actors, Interests, Challenges (discussants: Dina Fakoussa, Head of Middle East and North Africa Program, German Council on Foreign Relations & Fawaz Gerges, Professor of International Relations, LSE) | FES Peace and Security Summer Academy »In Search for Regional Security Cooperation« | org. Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) & GPPi (Global Public Policy Institute) | Akademie für politische Bildung, Tutzing (Germany), 2–6 Sep.
16 Aug. »Domestic and International Pressure Builds on Iran« panel, org. Gulf Affairs working group (chairs: Dr. Karen Young & Adel Hamaizia) | UCLA Center for Middle East Development (CMED) Regional Security & Cooperation Meeting, Prague, 15-17 Aug.
14 Aug. U.S.–Iran Tensions: Developments and Prospects | mod. Dr. Tereza Jermanová (Assistant Professor, Department of Middle Eastern Studies, Charles University & Research Fellow and Member of Supervisory Board, AMO | org. Association for International Affairs (AMO) | Scout Institute (Skautský Institut), Prague. {AMO is the 2nd-ranked Central/Eastern European think-tank in the »Think Tank to Watch in 2019« category of the 2018 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report} [FB]
11 June The case of Iran | Session 3 »The growing gap between the rulers and the ruled« | Workshop »Critiquing the study of the state in the Arab world« | org. Chatham House (project on »The Future of the State in the Middle East and North Africa«)| Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI), American University of Beirut (AUB), Beirut.
16–17 May 6th International Conference on the Iranian Economy | org. International Iranian Economic Association (IIEA) | Department of Asian, African and Mediterranean Studies, University of Naples ‘L’Orientale’ (UNIOR).
9 May The future of Europe: Strategic options for an era of uncertainties | Hertie School of Governance, Berlin.
22–25 April Iran’s Ecological Crisis | 8th Global Conference on Global Warming | Qatar University [accepted but rejected]
25–26 March Governance Breakdown and Violent Conflict in the Middle East: From Early Warning to Strategic Policy Design Options, EU-LISTCO (Europe’s External Action and the Dual Challenges of Limited Statehood and Contested Orders) Workshop | org. Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) & Foresight Intelligence| Evangelische Bildungsstätte auf Schwanenwerder, Berlin.
26 Feb. Iran and Middle Eastern Politics | Foreign Policy Talks (FPT) series| closed round-table, mod. Alphan Telek, Academic Director, IstanPol | org. Istanbul Political Research Institute (IstanPol) & Heinrich Böll Foundation Turkey Representation, Istanbul. {Pictures}
Iran and Middle Eastern Politics | Istanbul Political Research Institute (IstanPol) & Heinrich Böll Foundation Turkey Representation Foreign Policy Conference (FPC) series | mod. Dr. Ahmet Salih Bıçakçı, Associate Professor of International Relations & Director, Middle East and Africa Research Center (MARC), KHU | co-org. Kadir Has University (KHU) Department of International Relations & International Relations Council (UIK), Istanbul. {Pictures}
10-11 Dec. Middle East session, 4th Annual CPPF–DPA MENA Resident Coordinators’ (RC) Forum, organized by the Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum (CPPF) of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) and the UN Department of Political Affairs (DPA).
9-10 Dec. Qatar’s Crisis Resilience: An Account of Power in the 21st Century | 3rd Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference 2018 »Gulf Crisis: Origin, Repercussions and Future«, Gulf Studies Center, Qatar University, 9–10 December 2018.
4 Dec. European Security and Foreign Policy | Diplomatic Course for Defense Attaché Preparation (DiCDAP), Officers’ Training Institute (OTI), Qatar Armed Forces (QAF), Doha.
3 Dec. Moderating »Political Islam in the Gulf States« panel with Dr. Courtney Freer (Research Officer, LSE Middle East Centre & author, Rentier Islamism: The Influence of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gulf Monarchies, OUP 2018) & Dr. Abdullah Al-Arian (associate professor of History, Georgetown University in Qatar) & Daniel Tavana (PhD cand., Princeton University), org. Brookings Doha Center (BDC), Doha.
28 Nov. The Future of Iran Policy: The Return of Sanctions and Iran’s Domestic Politics, Brookings Doha Center (BDC), Doha.
23 Nov. Policy Forum »Iran after US sanctions: What’s next?« | MED (Mediterranean Dialogues), in collaboration with IFRI (Institut français des relations internationals) | Rome, 22–24 Nov.
22 Nov. »Europe, Iran and the Future of the Nuclear Deal« panel with Dr. Tarja Cronberg (Distinguished Associate Fellow, SIPRI European Security Programme & fmr. MEP and Chair of the European Parliament’s Iran delegation), mod. Andrea Dissì (Mediterranean and Middle East programme, IAI) | Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) Library, Rome.
9–11 Nov. [tbc] Foresight Conference »In a Quagmire? How Could Europe Improve its Iran Policy?« | Protestant Academy Loccum (Northern Germany).
24–25 Oct. Workshop »European Security in 2030«, strategic foresight and scenario planning project, Dahrendorf Forum (joint initiative of Hertie School of Governance, LSE & Stiftung Mercator) | Hertie School of Governance, Berlin.
12 Oct. Dialogue Workshop »The Role of Russia in the MENA Region: Strategy or Opportunism?« | org. ISPI (Institute for International Political Studies), EuroMeSCo (Euro-Mediterranean Research, Dialogue, Advocacy) project | ISPI, Milan.
15 Sep. Keynote »Europe and Iran: When the Forgotten Revolt« | 6th edn. »D66 Day of the Middle East: Stories of the Unusual Suspects« | org. Dutch progressive liberal party D66 | Utrecht.
4 Sep. Iran zwischen innerem und äußerem Druck: Eine politische Betsandsaufnahme [Iran between internal and external pressure: A political balance-sheet]| »Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit Iran in Zeiten der US- Sanktionen« [Economic cooperation with Iran in times of U.S. sanctions] conference| org. Gesellschaft zur Förderung von Wissenstransfer Ost–West (Society for Promotion of East–West Knowledge Transfer), Berlin.
2-4 July Roundtable »Achieving the Possible: On the Establishment of a Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone in the Middle East« | org. British American Security Information Council (BASIC) & Green Cross Switzerland | Zurich.
25 June Beyond the Iran Nuclear Deal: Predictable and Unpredictable Consequences in State, Society and Geopolitics | Summer School »Understanding the Middle East«, Topic: »Beyond the narrative of sectarianism: The struggle for regional hegemony over natural resources and human flows«, TOMidEast, Department of Cultures, Politics and Societies, University of Turin, 25–29 June.
11 June Iran als Regionalmacht [Iran as a regional power] | Guest lecture (via Skype) for the seminar »Iran als Regionalmacht«, convened by Dr. Homayun Alam, Institute of Political Science, Technische Universität (TU) Darmstadt.
8 May West Asia in the Trump Era: Highlights of Key Geopolitical Developments | West Asia Center, Seoul National University Asia Center (SNUAC), Seoul National University (SNU).
3 May Panel »The Prospect of the Iran Nuclear Deal« | 4th ROK–EU International Conference on Middle Eastern and North African Affairs | Org. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea & European External Action Service (EEAS) | 3-4 May, Four Seasons Hotel, Seoul.
9 April Course instructor »Regionalism and Foreign Policy in the Gulf« | »Middle East Politics« Politics and International Relations core course, convened by Dr. Sophie Devroe-Richter, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies (DI).
16 April The 2017/2018 Iranian Revolt: Causes, Comparative Characteristics, and Consequences | Liberal Arts Lecture Series, Liberal Arts Program, Texas A&M University at Qatar.
1 May Panel »Syria’s Chemical Weapons and the Challenge of WMDs in the Middle East« w/ Richard Weitz (Senior Fellow & Director, Center for Political-Military Analysis, Hudson Institute) | Brookings Doha Center.
27 March The Iranian and Persian-Language Media Landscape: Limitations and Resistance | Brookings Doha Center (BDC) Roundtable »Media Freedom in the Middle East: How to Resist the Closure of Media Networks« | BDC, Doha.
14 March Panel »Iran – Strohfeuer oder nachhaltiger Aufschwung« | »Dialog International« VA »Die aktuelle Lage in Iran – Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschaft« [The current situation in Iran – Ramifications on the economy] | Org. vbw – Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (Bavarian Industry Association) | Hotel Bayerischer Hof, München.
13 March Iran’s Regional Posture after the Recent Uprising and the Rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia | org. Brookings Doha Center & NATO Parliamentary Assembly Delegation | Four Seasons Hotel, Doha. {Report}
2–4 March Iran – Staat, Gesellschaft und Außenpolitik im Umbruch [Iran – State, society and foreign policy in flux] | Seminar organized on behalf of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) North-Rhine Westphalia (NRW) | Düsseldorf.
1 March 3 talks on »Europa und seine Nachbarregion: Reflexionen und Lehren aus dem ›Arabischen Frühling‹ bis hin zum ›Krieg gegen den Terror‹« [Europa and its neighbouring region: Relections and lessons from the »Arab Spring« and the »War on Terror«] Spessart-Gymnasium Alzenau, Germany. {Report; Kurzfassung im Main-Echo, 12/03}
26 Feb. Panel organizer & chair »Iran in 2018 and Beyond: External and Internal Challenges« w/ Dr. Mohammad-Kazem Sajjadpour (Pres., Institute for Political and International Studies [IPIS], Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs) & Prof. Hooshang Amirahmadi (School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers University & President, American-Iranian Council) & Prof. Shafeeq Ghabra (Professor of Political Science, Kuwait University & fmr. founding President, American University of Kuwait) | Brookings Doha Center. {Reports: Qatar Tribune, 01/03, p. 3 | Gulf Times, 04/03, p. 10}
23 Feb. Missachtete Lehren aus dem »Arabischen Frühling«: Wieso Entwicklungs- und Außenpolitik in Europas Nachbarregion zusammengedacht werden muss, Keynote & Podiumsdiskussion »Die Globalisierung und die außenpolitischen Herausforderungen für Deutschland unter spezieller Betrachtung der Entwicklungsländer«, Wirtschaftsforum der Evangelischen Bank, Berlin, 22.–23.02.
22 Feb. Introduction to the talk »Wer regiert im Iran und welche Ziel verfolgt der Iran in der Region?« [Who rules Iran and what are Iran’s goals in the region?] by Omid Nouripour, German MP, The Green Party | berlinlounge | Org. AGIT (Agentur für Integrierte Kommunikation) | Kempinski Hotel Bristol Berlin.
22 Feb. Political and Socio-Economic Situation in the Middle East and EU Foreign and Developmental Policies | International Diplomats Programme | Federal Foreign Office (AA) of Germany, Berlin.
22 Feb. Panel »Die aktuellen Unruhen im Iran und die Zukunft des Iran-Abkommens« [The current unrest in Iran and the future of the Iran deal] w/ Charlotte Wiedemann, journalist | Aspen Institute Germany, Berlin.
19 Feb. Panel »Der neue Iran: Zwischen Konfrontation und Veränderung« [The new Iran: Between confrontation and change] w/ Dr. Hannes Swoboda (IIP President & ex-MEP); mod. Angela Kane (IIP Vice-President & ehem. Hohe Repräsentantin der UN in Abrüstungsfragen) | International Institute for Peace (IIP), Vienna. {video|report}
15 Feb. »Domestic politics in Iran and foreign policy implications for Europe« | Mod. Amanda Paul, Senior Policy Analyst, EPC | European Policy Centre (EPC), Brussels.
14 Feb. Panel »Transatlantic Perspectives on Iran« with Dr. Ian Lesser (Vice-President, Foreign Policy & Executive Director, Transatlantic Center, GMF) | GMF series »Mediterranean Mornings« | Org. German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) Brussels & American Jewish Committee (AJC) Transatlantic Institute (TAI) | GMF Mediterranean Policy Program, Brussels.
13 Feb. A Critique of Iran Analyses in the Rohani Era: Deconstructing Eight Key Hypotheses | Seminar »Où va l’Iran ?« [Where is Iran headed to ?], mod. Prof. Firouzeh Nahvandi, Institute of Sociology Director & CECID Director | Centre d’Études de la Coopération Internationale et du Développement (CECID), Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels.
10 Feb. Chairing »Raving Iran« panel with Blade&Beard | Studio, Essen.