Overview - Dr. Ali Fathollah-Nejad • Official Website
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Books & Monographs

2023        The Islamic Republic in Crisis and the Need for a Paradigm Shift in the EU’s Iran Policy, Chaillot Paper, Paris (France): European Institute for Security Studies (EUISS).

2021          Iran in an Emerging New World Order: From Ahmadinejad to Rouhani, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan (Studies in Iranian Politics), May.

2020          The Politics of Culture in Times of Rapprochement: European Cultural and Academic Exchange with Iran (2015–16), new forewords by A.-H. Cheheltan & A. Adib-Moghaddam, Potsdam: Wissenschaftsverlag WeltTrends.

2020          The Islamic Republic of Iran Four Decades On: The 2017/18 Protests Amid a Triple Crisis, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution & Doha: Brookings Doha Center, April (60 pp.) • Arabic translation: Brookings Doha.

2010/2011   Der Iran-Konflikt und die Obama-Regierung: Alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen? [The Iran conflict and the Obama Administration: Old wine in new skins?], Potsdam: Potsdam University Press (WeltTrends-Papiere, No. 12), March 2010, reprinted in 2011. »A very thorough and succint work.« (Rudolph Chimelli †, Journalist, Süddeutsche Zeitung) • »A detailed and utterly persuasive indictment of US policy towards Iran« (Dr. Arshin Adib-Moghaddam)

2007          Iran in the Eye of Storm: Backgrounds of a Global Crisis [online], Peace and Conflict Studies, Institute of Sociology, University of Münster (Germany), 3rd edn., May ▪ republished by the Institute for Strategic Studies, Zurich ▪ documented by the Information Centre on Militarisation (IMI) (13/04) ▪ reprinted as Report by Nathan Hale Institute for Intelligence and Military Affairs (Boise, ID: Liberty Park, USA™ Foundation). »absolutely fascinating« (Prof. Anoush Ehteshami) • »The study is of great interest« (Prof. Michel Chossudovsky) • »impressive« (Prof. Hans-Jürgen Krysmanski †) • »highly interesting« (Prof. Albert A. Stahel)


Edited Volumes

Since Oct. 2023 Iran Revolution Monitor, Berlin: Center for Middle East and Global Order (CMEG), monthly briefing.



Book Chapters

2024          Die Islamische Republik Iran und ihre „Achse des Widerstands“, Risikobild 2024: Welt aus den Fugen, Wien: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung, pp. 142-146 • {English transl.} The Islamic Republic of Iran and its “Axis of Resistance”, Risk Monitor 2024: A World of Disorder, Vienna: Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence, pp. 136-140.

2020          Marx Goes Gulf: The Rise of the Working Class, in: F. Gaub (ed.) Conflicts to Come: 15 Scenarios for 2030, Chaillot Paper 161, European Union Institute for Strategic Studies (EUISS), ch. 1 (17–20).

2020          COVID-19 nach einem Annus Horribilis: Die Coronakrise in Iran, in: Thomas Schmidinger & Josef Weidenholzer (eds.) Virenregime: Wie die Coronakrise unsere Welt verändert [Virus regime: How the Corona crisis has changed our world], Vienna: bahoe books, pp. 443–457, Oct. 2020.

2020          L’Iran et le Conseil de coopération du Golfe : des relations entre un aveugle et un sourd (Iran and the Gulf Cooperation Council: Like the deaf trying to communicate with the blind), Confluences méditerranée, No. 113 (Summer 2020, »L’Iran en quête d’équilibre«, eds. C. Therme & M.-R. Djalili), pp. 167–176.

2020          Iran und der Golfkooperationsrat [Iran and the GCC], in: M. Baraki & F. Edlinger (eds.) Krise am Golf: Hintergründe, Analysen, Berichte [Crisis in the Gulf: Backgrounds, analyses, reports], Vienna: Promedia, pp. 73–82.

2020          Revisiting Rouhani’s School of Thought: A Critical Discussion of its Developmental and Foreign Policy Doctrines, in: L. Zaccara (ed.) Foreign Policy of Iran under President Hassan Rouhani’s First Term (2013–2017), Palgrave Macmillan, 43–56.

2020          The Revolution’s Broken Promises, in: S. Maloney (ed.) The Iranian Revolution at 40, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, ch. 2 (pp. 8–17).

2017c         Kritik der Iran-Analysen unter Präsident Rohani: Von Dämonisierung zu Glorifizierung [Critique of Iran analyses under President Rouhani: From demonization to glorification], in: Ernst, Oliver (ed.) Iran-Reader 2017: Beiträge zum deutsch-iranischen Kulturdialog, Sankt Augustin & Berlin (Germany): Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), pp. 9–24.

2017b         Cultural and Academic Relations between Iran and the West after the Nuclear Deal: Policy Recommendations, in: Ernst, Oliver (ed.) Iran-Reader 2017: Beiträge zum deutsch-iranischen Kulturdialog, Sankt Augustin & Berlin (Germany): Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), pp. 191–194 ▪ republished by the Brookings Institution, 15/11 | WorldAffairsJournal.org (Washington, DC: World Affairs Institute), 15/11.

Arabic translation, Brookings Institution, 15/11.

2017a         Deutsche Iran-Politik jenseits des Atomdeals: Außen- und entwicklungspolitische Neujustierungen, in: Christian Mölling & Daniela Schwarzer (eds.) Außenpolitische Herausforderungen für die nächste Bundesregerung: Stärken, Schwächen, Chancen und Risiken, Berlin: German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) (DGAPkompakt, No. 6, Summer), pp. 37–39.

Germany’s Relations with Iran beyond the Nuclear Deal: Readjusting Foreign and Development Policy, in: Christian Mölling & Daniela Schwarzer (eds.) Foreign Policy and the Next German Government: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, Berlin: German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAPkompakt, No. 7, Summer), pp. 27–30.

2014            Long Live the Tyrant! The Myth of Benign Sanctions – plus Epilogue on the Geneva Agreement with Iran, in: Ernst, Oliver (ed.) Iran-Reader 2014, Sankt Augustin & Berlin (Germany): Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), pp. 81–96.

2012           Der internationale Konflikt um Iran und das Völkerrecht: Versuch einer Gesamtdarstellung [The international Iran conflict and international law: Towards a complete overview], in: Crome, Erhard (ed.) Die UNO und das Völkerrecht in den internationalen Beziehungen der Gegenwart [The UN and international law in contemporary international relations], Potsdam (Germany): WeltTrends (Potsdamer Textbücher, No. 18), pp. 137–206.

2011            Der internationale Konflikt um Iran und das Völkerrecht [The international Iran conflict and international law], in: Crome, Erhard (ed.) Die UNO und das Völkerrecht in den internationalen Beziehungen der Gegenwart [The UN and International Law in Contemporary International Relations], Berlin: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (RLS Papers), pp. 67–93.

2010           The Iran Conflict in an Interpolar World: The Case of China, in: Luedtke, Ralph-M. & Strutynski, Peter (eds.) Kapitalismus, Krise und Krieg: Den Kreislauf durchbrechen [Capitalism, crisis and war: Disrupting the cycle], Kassel (Germany): Jenior Verlag (Kasseler Schriften zur Friedenspolitik, Bd. 17 [Kassel Scripts on Peace Policy, Vol. 17]), pp. 99–111.

2009          Kriegsgefahr gebannt? Obama und der Iran [Danger of war averted? Obama and Iran], in: Luedtke, Ralph-M. & Strutynski, Peter (eds.) Deutschland im Krieg: Transatlantischer Imperialismus, NATO und EU [Germany at war: Transatlantic imperialism, NATO and EU], Kassel (Germany): Jenior Verlag (Kasseler Schriften zur Friedenspolitik, Bd. 16 [Kassel Scripts on Peace Policy, Vol. 16]), pp. 140–172.

2008          Mut zur Integration! Plädoyer für eine partizipative Demokratie [Courage for integration! Pleading for a participative democracy], in: Kissau, K.; Kortmann, M.; Tietze, K.; Aksünger, H.; et al. (eds.) Migration steuern oder verwalten? Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich, University of Münster, pp. 121–145.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

2019          & Anja Palm, MENA Spring 3.0: The Persistent »Triple Crisis« in Europe’s Neighbourhood, in: M. Sus & M. Hadeed (eds.) European Security 2030: The Results of the Dahrendorf Foresight Project, Dahrendorf Forum (joint initiative by Hertie School of Governance & LSE, funded by Stiftung Mercator), LSE IDEAS, Sep. 2019, 50–53.

2017           Facing big political challenges, this week’s Gulf Cooperation Council meeting fell flat, Markaz: Middle East Politics & Policy, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, Center for Middle East Policy, 06/12.

Translation into Arabic, Brookings Doha Center.

2016           German–Iranian Relations after the Nuclear Deal: Geopolitical and Economic Dimensions, Insight Turkey, Vol. 18, No. 1 (Winter), pp. 59–75.

2014b          Why Sanctions against Iran are Counterproductive: Conflict Resolution and State–Society Relations, International Journal, Vol. 69, No. 1 (March), pp. 48–65.

2014a         Iran’s Policy Towards Post-Saddam Iraq, Orient: German Journal for Politics, Economics and Culture of the Middle East, Berlin: German Orient Institute, Vol. 55, No. IV, pp. 29–37.

2013b         Building Sustainable Security for Southwest Asia: A Regional Integration Process of the Highest Priority, Palestine–Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture, Vol. 19, Nos. 1 & 2 (Autumn), pp. 15–22. | Reposted by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

2013a         Iran’s Civil Society Grappling with a Triangular Dynamic, in: Aarts, Paul & Cavatorta, Francesco (eds.) Civil Society in Syria and Iran: Activism in Authoritarian Contexts, Boulder, CO & London: Lynne Rienner, pp. 39–68.

Other Periodicals

2023             & Simon Engelkes »Frau, Leben, Freiheit: Proteste in Iran«, Die politische Meinung, Vol. 68, No. 578 (Jan./Feb. 2023), Berlin: Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), pp. 118-121.

2021b           Bidens Iran-Politik und der Schatten der Obama-Doktrin, WeltTrends: Das außenpolitische Journal, Vol. 29, No. 179 (Sep. 2021), pp. 35–40 | republished by Iran-Journal, 18/09 Arabischer Publizistenverein Deutschlands (APVD).

2021a           Das »alte Spiel« ist aus: Irans Präsidentschaftswahl, Internationale Politik (IP), Berlin: German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), No. 3/2021 (May/June), pp. 79–83.

2020           Corona in Iran: Folgenreiche geopolitische Prioritätensetzung [Corona in Iran: Consequential geopolitical priorities], WeltTrends: Das außenpolitische Journal, No. 163, May 2020, pp. 7–8.

2019           Swamped in a Triple Crisis, Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Cairo: School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (GAPP) at American University in Cairo (AUC), No. 33 (Spring 2019), 120–125.

2018f           Brief aus Doha (Trumps Rückzug aus dem Iran-Atomdeal und seine schädlichen Konsequenzen) [Letter from Doha (Trump’s Withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal and Its Nefarious Consequences)], WeltTrends: Das außenpolitische Journal, Vol. 26, No. 141 (July 2018), pp. 12–13.

2018e          Iran und der Krieg in Syrien: Das Regime-Narrativ wird zunehmend infrage gestellt [Iran and the war in Syria: The regime’s narrative is increasingly being questioned], FriedensForum: Zeitschrift der Friedensbewegung, Vol. 31, No. 4 (July/Aug.), pp. 32–34.

2018d         Wüste Eden: Über Irans Wasser- und Umweltkrisen [Desert Eden: On Iran’s water and evironmental crises], ARTE-Magazin, May 2018, pp. 21–22.

2018c         & Bernd W. Kubbig & Marc Finaud, Against All Odds – Decreasing the Saudi–Iranian Rivalry for Regional Hegemony Through and in the Wake of the JCPOA: Obstacles and Opportunities, 6th Cooperative Idea – APOME (Academic Peace Orchestra Middle East, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt) & GCSP, Policy Forum for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation in the Middle East/Gulf, Geneva: Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP), No. 9 (March 2018).

2018b          Das Ende der Stabilität in Iran: Zur jüngsten iranischen Rebellion [The end of stability in Iran: On the recent Iranian rebellion], WeltTrends, No. 137 (March 2018), pp. 4–8.

2018a         Iran: Hält das Atomabkommen? [Iran: Will the nuclear deal survive?], LuXemburg Spezial »Weltordnungskonflikte«, January, pp. 62–69. ▪ first published in Online-Sonderausgabe 2017, Berlin: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Novermber 2017 ▪ slightly updated version published on Telepolis, 11/12/2017.

2017d         Where will the Rouhani administration’s neoliberal doctrine lead Iran to? (Persian), pecritique.com (Political Economy Critique), Nov./Dec.

2017c         Wandel durch Handel und Annäherung? Ernüchternde Bilanz und Lehren nach vier Jahren Rohani-Präsidentschaft in Iran [Change through trade and rapprochement? Sober balance sheet and lessons after 4 years of the Rouhani administration in Iran], multipolar: Zeitschrift für kritische Sicherheitsforschung, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 75–82.

2017c         Hunde, die bellen, beißen nicht?, IranContact: Das Außenwirtschaftsmagazin, Vol. 2, No. 03/2017 (mid-September), Berlin: OWC-Verlag für Außenwirtschaft, pp. 26–28.

2017b         Der Doppelschlag von Teheran: Wie das Regime die Attacken innen- und außenpolitisch instrumentalisiert [The twin attack of Tehran: How the regime instrumentalizes the attacks in domestic politics and foreign policy], Internationale Politik (IP), Berlin: German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), Vol. 72, No. 4 (July/August), pp. 103–107.

2017a         Brief aus Manama, Eindrücke vom IISS (International Institute for Strategic Studies) Manama Dialogue 2016, WeltTrends: Das außenpolitische Journal, No. 125 (March), pp. 19–21.

2016c         Islam – der einzige Weg: Die politische und geopolitische Kultur der Islamischen Republik Iran [Islam – the only way: The Islamic Republic of Iran’s political and geopolitical culture], trans. R. Hagen, Wissenschaft und Frieden (W&F), Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 13–16.

2016b         Eine Region aus den Fugen [A region unravelling], Berliner Republik: Das Debattenmagazin, No. 1/2016 (February), pp. 29–31.

2016a         (& Sebastian Sons) The Saudi–Iran Conflict Up Close, Handelsblatt Global Edition: The Voice of Europe’s Leading Economy, No. 357 (29 January), pp. 32–34 ▪ republished by »DGAP Five Questions«, Berlin: German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP).

2015b         Iran-Analysen: Zwischen politischem Kalkül und Wunschdenken [Iran analyses: Between political calculus and wishful thinking], inamo: Berichte und Analysen zu Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens, Berlin: Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten (inamo), Vol. 21, No. 83 (Autumn), pp. 47–49.

2015a          Irans Politik gegenüber dem Irak nach Saddam Hussein, partial translation from the English original ‘Iran’s Policy Towards Post-Saddam Iraq’, Orient, 2014, by Ch. Schweitzer, FriedensForum: Zeitschrift der Friedensbewegung, Vol. 28, No. 1/2015 (Jan./Feb.), pp. 32–33.

2013f          Das Genfer Abkommen mit Iran: Eine Folge der Sanktionspolitik? [The Geneva Agreement with Iran: A Result of the Sanctions Policy?], inamo: Berichte und Analysen zu Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens, Berlin: Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten (inamo), Vol. 19, No. 76 (Winter), p. 3.

2013e         Der »Fallout« der Iran-Sanktionen, International: Die Zeitschrift für internationale Politik (Austria), No. IV/2013, pp. 25–26.

2013d          Long Live the Tyrant! The Myth of Benign Sanctions, New Politics (New York), Vol. 14, No. 3 (Summer), pp. 17–24.

2013c         Nefarious Fallouts of Iran Sanctions: Time for Abandoning Coercive Diplomacy, Asfar: The Middle Eastern Journal (UK), No. 3 (August).

2013b         Les sanctions contre l’Iran : Les multiples impacts néfastes [Sanctions on Iran: Multiple nefarious impacts], Géostratégiques, Paris: Paris Academy of Geopolitics, No. 40 (3rd trimester 2013), pp. 155–161.

2013a         Iran, die Bürgerrechtsbewegung und der Westen: Zehn Thesen [Iran, the civil rights movement and the West: Ten theses], FriedensForum: Zeitschrift der Friedensbewegung, No. 2/2013 (March), pp. 31–33 | republished online on Die Freiheitsliebe, 12 June ▪ ZNet Deutschland, 13 June ▪ aixpaix.de: Aachener Friedensmagazin, 13 June ▪ Arab Spring Collective, 1 July.

2012f          Lang lebe der Tyrann! Die Mär von den gutartigen Sanktionen, inamo: Berichte und Analysen zu Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens, Berlin: Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten (inamo), Vol. 18, No. 72 (Winter), pp. 77–79.

2012e         Iran: Die falsche Medizin (Iran: The wrong medicine), Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, Vol. 57, No. 4 (April), pp. 9–13 | Republished in Münchner Aufruf: Aufstehen für den Frieden – Kein Krieg gegen Iran, Newsletter, No. 2 (10 July).

2012d         Auf Kollisionskurs mit dem Iran: Von Spektakeln, lähmenden Sanktionen und der Vorbereitung eines Krieges [On collision course with Iran: On spectacles, crippling sanctions and the preparation of a war], Hintergrund: Das Nachrichtenmagazin, No. 2/2012, pp. 15–19. [Fußnoten | Footnotes]

2012c         Sicherheitskonferenz Nahost: Eine zivilgesellschaftliche Initiative [Middle East security conference: A civil-society initiative], WeltTrends: Zeitschrift für internationale Politik, Vol. 20, No. 83 (March–April), pp. 98–100.

2012b         Krieg gegen Iran? [War against Iran?], FriedensJournal, No. 2/2012 (March), pp. 3–4.

2012a         Konferenz für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit im Mittleren und Nahen Osten, Sand im Getriebe: Internationaler deutschsprachiger Rundbrief der ATTAC-Bewegung, No. 94 (15 February), p. 12.

2011b         (& Kaveh Yazdani) Das Verhältnis von Religion und Staat in Iran: Von den Safaviden bis heute [The relationship between religion and state in Iran: From the Safavids until today], Zeitschrift für Religion und Gesellschaft, Cologne: Forschungszentrum für Religion und Gesellschaft (forege), Vol. 1, No. 2 (Autumn), pp. 298–312.

2011a          Will There Be War on Iran? A Fresh Yet Divergent Look at an Old Question, The Middle East in London, London: London Middle East Institute (LMEI), School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, Vol. 7, No. 7 (February–March), pp. 16–17 | republished online as Is War with Iran Inevitable?, Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 01/02 ▪ Payvand Iran News,01/02 ▪ e-International Relations (e-IR), 02/02 ▪ Iranian Diplomacy, 02/02 ▪ Monthly Review Webzine, 03/02 ▪ Iran Review, 03/02.

2010e         Sanktionsregime gegen den Iran: Entstehung und Auswirkungen [The sanctions regime on Iran: Its formation and ramifications], inamo: Berichte und Analysen zu Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens, Berlin: Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten (inamo), Vol. 16, No. 63 (Autumn), pp. 33–39.

2010d         Unkluge Kollateralschäden »smarter« Sanktionen gegen Iran [Collateral Damages of »Smart« Sanctions against Iran], FriedensJournal, No. 3/2010 (May), pp. 6–7.

2010c       Collateral Damage of Iran Sanctions, The ColdType Reader, No. 46 (May), pp. 56–57.

2010b         The »Middle East«: From Past and Present Attributions to a Future Regional Identity?, Polyvocia: SOAS Journal of Graduate Research, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, Vol. 2 (March), pp. 3–20.

2010a         Iran: Gescheiterter Auftakt im Atompoker [Iran: Failed prelude to the nuclear poker], in: Informationsstelle Wissenschaft und Frieden (ed.) 2008: Yes we can – 2010: No I can’t? Ein Jahr US-Außen- und Militärpolitik unter Obama, Dossier No. 63, Supplement to Wissenschaft und Frieden, Vol. 28, No. 1 (Feb.), pp. 12–14.

2009e        (& Miriam Shabafrouz) Dem Iran drohen im Atomstreit schärfere Sanktionen [Iran is threatened with sharper sanctions in the nuclear dispute], Zenith – Zeitschrift für den Orient, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 38–39.

2009d        Die Obama-Administration im Umgang mit Iran: Von Risiken und Chancen für Frieden und Demokratie [The Obama Administration dealing with Iran: On risks and chances for peace and democracy], Berlin: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (RLS Standpunkte, No. 21/2009), November.

2009c        60 Jahre Nakba: Von ethnischer Säuberung zur Dekolonisierung? [Nakba 60 years on: From ethnic cleansing to decolonization?], inamo: Berichte und Analysen zu Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens, Berlin: Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten (inamo), Vol. 15, No. 58 (summer), pp. 56–60.

2009b        Iran: Das amerikanische Dilemma zwischen alter und neuer Politik [Iran: The American dilemma between old and new policies], Eurasisches Magazin, No. 06/09 (2 June 2009), pp. 15–22, online.

2009a        US-Politik gegenüber Iran vor einem Wendepunkt?, Interview, FriedensJournal, No. 3/2009 (May), pp. 8–9.

2008d        Kommt der Krieg gegen den Iran? Wie in den USA über einen Iran-Krieg nachgedacht wird [Is war against Iran coming? How an Iran War is discussed in the U.S.], WeltTrends – Zeitschrift für internationale Politik (Journal of International Politics), Vol. 16, No. 63 (November/December 2008), pp. 5–10.

2008c        Damoklesschwert Iran-Krieg [Iran War as sword of Damocles], FriedensJournal, No. 4/2008 (July), pp. 3–5 ▪ updated and slighty revised version on NRhZ-Online – Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Online Flyer No. 157 (30 July).

2008b        »Business as usual«? Neokonservatives Kriegsgetrommel in Berlin [»Business as Usual«? Neoconservative war-drumming in Berlin], inamo: Berichte und Analysen zu Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens, Berlin: Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten (inamo), Vol. 14, No. 54 (1 July), pp. 61–63.

2008a        »Aufs Maul hauen, einknasten, umbringen«: Ex-linke Bellizisten trommeln zum Präventivkrieg gegen den Iran, analyse & kritik, No. 529 (20 June), p. 19.

2007          »Don’t blame the messenger for the message«? Wie die EU-Diplomatie den Weg für einen US-Angriff auf Iran ebnet [How EU diplomacy paved the way for a U.S. war on Iran], AUSDRUCK, Tübingen: Informationsstelle Militarisierung, June 2007, pp. 3–6 [lead at Linksnet, 29/05) and in: Informationsstelle Militarisierung e.V. (ed.), Studien zur Militarisierung EUropas 28/2007, 7 pages.

2006          Offensive Realism, Concepts of Power, and China: Is There A New “Biggest and Baddest Dude on the Block”?, 360° – Das studentische Journal für Politik und Gesellschaft, 01/2006, Issue China als globaler Faktor im 21. Jahrhundert? [China as global factor in the 21st century?], pp. 38–48; Summary.




2022-2023 »Iran in Focus« report, Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy & Int’l Affairs (IFI), American University of Beirut (AUB)


2021         Iran 1400 Brief: Beyond the Headlines, Amman: Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Middle East and North Africa (FNF-MENA), weekly analysis May–Aug.:



Newspapers (excerpt)

2022             Wenn die Revolution der einzige Ausweg ist, Zeit Online, 01/11 • Republished: Qantara, 02/11.

2022             Wirtschaftskrise im Iran: Sanktionen statt Atomabkommen, taz – die Tageszeitung, 08/07, p. 11.

2020             Tod von Qassem Soleimani: Geliebt-gehasster General [Qassem Soleimani’s death: Beloved-hated general], Der Tagesspiegel, 08/01, p. 6.

2019             Leicht entflammbar – Schwerste Unruhen seit 40 Jahren: Was die Proteste im Iran so außergewöhnlich macht [Easily inflammable – Gravest unrest since 40 years: What makes the protests in Iran extraordinary], Der Tagesspiegel, 02/12, p. 6 Excerpts cited by Deutschlandfunk, 03/12 Translated into Persian: واکنش فاجعه‌بار اروپا در برابر سرکوب‌ها در ایران [Europe’s catastrophic response to the crackdown in Iran], Kayhan (London), 04/12.

2018             Revolte gegen die Revolution: Bilanz zum 39. Jahrestag der Revolution in Iran [Revolt against the revolution: Balance-sheet on the 39th anniversary of the Revolution in Iran], taz.die tageszeitung, 03–04/02, p. 11. {Media coverage: Perlentaucher: Das Kulturmagazin, 03/02 | Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung (Federal Agency for Civic Education, bpb), »Sicherheitspolitische Presseschau«, 04/02 | Iran International TV (London), media review show »Irân az negâh-e digarân« [Iran viewed by others], 06/01}

2018            (& Arash Sarkohi) »Fürchtet euch!« Wenn Slogans für sich sprechen [»Be afraid!« When slogans speak for themselves], Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 16/01, p. 37. {Media coverage: Perlentaucher: Das Kulturmagazin, 16/10 | Dirk Liesemer, »Brot, Arbeit, Freiheit«: Was die Menschen im Iran auf die Straße treibt, piqd, 20/10.}

2018            Wenn die letzte Hoffnung zerstört ist: Warum das Regime im Iran jetzt infrage gestellt wird [When the last hope is destroyed: Why the regime in Iran is now being put in question], Der Tagesspiegel (Berlin), 04/01, p. 6.

2018             Iran : Les racines et ferments de la colère [Iran: Roots and ferments of the rage], L’Orient-Le Jour (Beirut), 06/01, p. 9 ▪ republished on CameroonVoice (Montreal), 08/01.

2017            »Ein Pyrrhussieg für Iran« [»A Pyrrhic victory for Iran«], interviewed by Daniel Steinvorth, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 23/12.

2017            Libanon hält den Atem an: Ein neues Kapitel im iranischen-saudischen Hegemonialkonflikt [Lebanon is holding its breath: A new chapter in the Iranian–Saudi hegemonic rivalry], Neue Zürcher Zeitung, p. 10, 22/11.

2016           Iran and Saudi Arabia: The Impending Storm, New Age: The Outspoken Daily (Bangladesh), 14/01.

2013           Iran: Warum Sanktionen den Tyrannen helfen [Iran: Why sanctions help tyrants], Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 03/01, p. 28 ▪ republished as Warum Sanktionen Teherans Tyrannen helfen [Why sanctions help Tehran’s tyrants], Qantara.de: Dialog mit der islamischen Welt, 07/01.

Qantara.de, 19/01  ▪ Jadaliyya (Washington, DC & Beirut: Arab Studies Institute), 15/02.

2009c        Strategen uneins, junge Welt (Berlin), No. 109, 12/05, pp. 10–11 (Thema).

2009b        Liberaler Falke, junge Welt (Berlin), No. 63, 16/03, pp. 10–11 (Thema).

2009a        The »Coalition of the Willing« Against Iran?, Iran Times (International) (Washington, DC), Vol. XXXVIII, No. 5, 02/01.

2008b        »Die Kriegsgefahr ist groß und bleibt aktuell«, interview with William R. Polk, junge Welt (Berlin), 03/11, p. 8.

2008a        Krieg vor Toresschluß? Wie in den USA über einen Angriff auf den Iran gedacht wird, junge Welt (Berlin), No. 187, 12/08, pp. 10–11 (Thema).




2024f       Iran will Israel mit strategischer Geduld bezwingen, Table.Media, 05/03.

2024     The Curious Case of the Kerman Attacks, New Lines Magazine, 04/03.

2024d      & Amin Naeni, Why Tehran may announce a fake voter turnout, Qantara.de, 28/02.

2024c      “Exporting its internal problems”: Understanding Iran’s January missile salvos against its neighbors, Washington, DC: Middle East Institute (MEI), 23/02.

2024b      USA und Iran nach der Jordanien-Attacke, Berlin: The Pioneer, 14/02.

2024a      The Western Fallacy of Seasonal Readings: Long-Term Revolutionary Processes in the Middle East: From the Arab World to Iran, Crown Center Workshop on the Middle East Landscape from a Transatlantic Perspective, Berlin Journal, The American Academy in Berlin, 11/01.

2023i        Irans zynisches Kalkül für Palästina, Zeit online, 23/10.

2023h       Der westliche Trugschluss über das Ende der Revolution, Deutschlandfunk Kultur »Politisches Feuilleton«, 09/10.

2023      & Amin Naeni, Iran’s BRICS membership: “Hello to the new world”?, Raisina Debates, Observer Research Foundation (ORF), 03/10 • {Hindi transl.} ईरान की ब्रिक्स सदस्यता का पश्चिम एशिया और दुनिया के लिए क्या मतलब है? • {Marathi transl.} इराण, ब्रिक्स सदस्यत्व आणि नवी सुरूवात • {German transl.} „Hallo neue Welt“? Zur BRICS-Mitgliedschaft Irans, Potsdam: WeltTrends, No. 198 (fall 2023), pp. 82-87.

2023       & Amin Naeni, The Islamic Republic’s grand-strategic dilemma following the deal with Saudi Arabia, The Middle East and Global Review, Global Policy Journal & Center for Middle East and Global Order (CMEG), 22/06 • Republished: Qantara.de: Dialogue with the Islamic World, 04/09.

2023e       Linke Dogmatik untergräbt internationale Solidarität, Deutschlandfunk Kultur »Politisches Feuilleton«, 25/04.

2023d       & Amin Naeni, Maximum pressure’ gears up: Protests drive Iran’s Saudi deal, Qantara.de, 04/04 • {German transl.} Iran-Proteste machen das Regime gesprächsbereit, Qantara.de, 11/04 • {Arabic transl.} ضغط الاحتجاجات حفز إيران على التقارب مع السعودية, Qantara.de, 17/04.

2023c       Iran: Why the revolutionary process is likely to persist, BTI Blog, Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 14/03 • {German transl.} Iran: Warum sich der revolutionäre Prozess fortsetzen wird, 14/03 • Republished: Qantara.de, 15/03, Qantara.de {German transl.}, 14/03.

2023b       Der revolutionäre Prozess in Iran, Bonn (Germany): Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb), 16/02.

2023a       An Iran opposition coalition was long overdue: It’s an important step forward on the rocky road to change, IranSource, Washington, DC: Atlantic Council, 05/01 • cited in: „Wichtiger Schritt“: Politologe Fathollah-Nejad begrüßt gemeinsame Erklärung prominenter Exil-Iraner, DLF, 06/01.

2022j        & Rahman Bouzari, The Nuclear Pyramid of the Islamic Republic, Cairo Review of Global Affairs (online), 20/10.

2022i        The establishment-population divide is not simply a generational matter, in: F. Schiavi (ed.) Women, Life, Freedom: Iran at a Crossroads, »MED This Week«, Milan: ISPI (Italian Institute for International Political Studies), 29/09.

2022h       & Michael Young, Can the Iranian System Survive?, Beirut: Diwan, Carnegie Middle East Center, 29/09. • {Arabic transl.} هل يصمد النظام الإيراني؟, 03/10. • Republished: Qantara, 05/10.

2022g       & Rahman Bouzari, Iranian Revolution: Hijab Edition, New Lines Magazine, 26/09 | Emran Feroz, Über den Aufstand in Iran, piqd, 27/09.

2022       & Rahman Bouzari, A country in free fall, a corruptocracy in full swing: Why a building collapse in Iran matters, Washington, DC: Middle East Institute (MEI), 07/06 • {German transl.} Warum ein Gebäudesturz im Iran zum Politikum wird, transl. Hermes Kalamos: Historia, Cultura & Geopolítica, Iran-Journal, 13/06. 

2022e       The Geography of Protests: Why Khuzestan Matters, in: F. Schiavi (ed.) Iran: No End to Mounting Protests, »MED This Week«, Milan: ISPI (Italian Institute for International Political Studies), 01/06.

2022d       Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the nature of Iranian–Russian relations, Washington, DC: Middle East Institute (MEI), 21/03 | republished by Qantara.de: Dialogue with the Islamic World • {Spanish transl.} La invasión de Rusia a Ucrania y la naturaleza de las relaciones entre Irán y Rusia, Hermes Kalamos: Historia, Cultura & Geopolítica (Revista Oficial del Instituto Symposium) • {German transl.} Russlands Einmarsch in der Ukraine und das Wesen der iranisch-russischen Beziehungen, Hermes Kalamos | republished as Iran und der Ukraine-Krieg: Stets zu Putins Diensten?, Qantara.de | slightly edited & republished by Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb), 05/07 • {French transl.} L’invasion russe de l’Ukraine et la nature des relations irano-russes, Hermes Kalamos • {Italian transl.} L’invasione russa dell’Ucraina e la natura delle relazioni iraniano-russe, Hermes Kalamos • {Arabic transl.} الغزو الروسي لأوكرانيا وطبيعة العلاقات الإيرانية الروسية, Hermes Kalamos | republished by Qantara.de • recounted in Persian by Iranian Diplomacy (Tehran) • cited in: Gilbert Achcar, Russia and Iran are accelerating their project to rival the Suez Canal, Al-Quds Al-Arabi (London), 21/06 | transl. into English by Middle East Monitor, 24/06. 

2022c       How Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Is Rebounding in Iran, The National Interest (online), 21/03. 

2022      The Run-Up To JCPOA’s Revival, Global Policy Journal (online), School of Government and International Affairs (SGIA), Durham University, UK, 3 March.

2022a       & Mahdi Ghodsi, Raisi’s shrinking budget cements the Islamic Republic’s »trinity«, Washington, DC: Middle East Institute (MEI), 20/01.

2021l        Wirtschaft im Iran: Die Krise des Mullah-Kapitalismus, Qantara.de: Dialog mit der islamischen Welt, 28/12 • {English transl.} The causes of Iran’s economic woes, Qantara.de: Dialogue with the Islamic World, 30/12 | republished by New Age (Dhaka),07/01/2022 • {French transl.} Iran. La crise du capitalisme des mollahs, A l’encontre (site de la revue La brèche), 03/01/2022 | republished by Presse toi à gauche (Québec, Canada), 01/02/2022 • {Spanish transl.} Irán – La crisis del capitalismo de los mulás, Correspondecia de Prensa, 03/01/2022 • {Portuguese transl.} Irão, a crise do capitalismo dos mulás, Esquerda (Portugal), 23/01/2022 | republished as Irã, a crise do capitalismo dos mulás, Democracia e Mundo do Trabalho em Debate (Brazil), 31/01/2022.

2021k        Continuity and change in Raisi’s approach to the nuclear deal, in: Hypes and Hopes for the Iranian Nuclear Deal, »ISPI MED This Week«, Milan: Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI), 29/11.

2021j         & Hamidreza Azizi, Iran and the Taliban after the US fiasco in Afghanistan, Washington, DC: Middle East Institute, 22/09 | cited in: A. Hussein,  How China and Iran could find more common ground – in Afghanistan, South China Morning Post, 07/08/22 • {German transl.} Iran und die Taliban: Geopolitik in Afghanistans Nachbarschaft, iz3w: Zeitschrift zwischen Nord und Süd, Freiburg: Aktion Dritte Welt e.V. – informationszentrum 3. welt, Nr. 388 (Jan.–Feb. 2022), S. 9–11.

2021i         The Real Winner is the Boycott Campaign, in: Beyond Iran’s Elections: Making Sense of Raisi’s Islamic Republic, ISPI MED This Week, Milan: Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI), 23/06.

2021h        & Arash Sarkohi, Irans soziale Frage – im Schatten von Politik und Wahlkampf, Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stifung (FES), 31/05 | republished as Präsidentschaftswahlen im Iran: Irans Elite ignoriert die explosive soziale Frage, Qantara.de: Dialog mit der Islamischen Welt, 07/06 • in English translation: The Social Question – the Neglected Topic in Iranian Politics and the Presidential Campaign, Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), 31/05  | republished as Iran’s elite politicians ignore the burning social issues, Qantara.de: Dialogue with the Islamic World, 07/06.

2021g        & Amin Naeni, Iran’s »reformists« contemplate their post-election future, IranSource, Washington, DC: Atlantic Council, 13/05 • in Arabic translation by the Arab Center for Research and Studies (ACRS), Cairo, 22/05.

2021f         & Amin Naeni, Iran’s pre-election social media buzz: Toward avoiding a repeat of 2020, Washington, DC: Middle East Institute (MEI), 29/04. 

2021e        & Amin Naeni, The Islamic Republic’s timely vaccine against U.S. pressure? Iran–China 25-year cooperation programme, Qantara.de: Dialogue with the Islamic World, 07/04 • republished by New Age (Bangladesh), 12/04.

2021d        & Amin Naeni, The Window is Closing Quickly for Iran’s Foreign Minister: Why Zarif May Be Over-Ambitious to See the JCPOA Revived the Fastest Possible, MENApol.Freiheit.org, Amman: Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, Middle East and North Africa program (FNF MENA), 26/03.  

2021c        & Cinzia Bianco, With the boycott over, Qatar tries to reclaim top regional mediator role, IranSource, Washington, DC: Atlantic Council, 23/02 | Reported in »Sicherheitspolitische Presseschau«, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb).

2021b        Iran’s risky »counter-pressure« against the fallout of Trump’s »maximum pressure« policy: The 4 January twin incidents, AMEC Insights, Johannesburg: Afro–Middle East Centre (AMEC), 24/01.

2021a        The President’s Daughter and Dissent in Iran, Newlines Magazine, Washington, DC: Center for Global Policy (CGP), 19/01 | long version: Iranian Faezeh Hashemi, Rafsanjani’s daughter, speaks out, Qantara.de: Dialogue with the Islamic World, 10/02.

2020r       After Fakhrizadeh killing: Why Iranian over-reaction is unlikely, CLAWS Focus, Centre for Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS), New Delhi, 14/12 | republished by  Afro–Middle East Centre (AMEC), 14/12 | Indian Defence Review (IDR), 19/12.

2020q      & Mahdi Ghodsi, The Geopolitical Roots of Iran’s Economic Crisis, Sada Journal Feature, Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Middle East program, 30/11 republished by Afro–Middle East Centre (AMEC), 03/11 • In Arabic translation by Carnegie • in a German version: Warum Irans Wirtschaftskrise (geo-)politisch ist, Iran-Journal, 24/12 • Preliminary version: Beyond the corona pandemic: What are the causes of Iran’s economic crisis? [in Persian], Radio Zamaneh, 06/08.

2020p      & Amin Naeni, The US election through the eyes of Iran’s moderates and hardliners, IranSource, Washington, DC: Atlantic Council, 27/10 | republished by Afro–Middle East Centre (AMEC), 04/12.

2020o      Rückblick: Wie sehr wurde um den iranischen General Soleimani tatsächlich getrauert?, Buchkomplizen »Auslandsbericht«, 25/10.

2020n      COVID-19 after an »Annus Horribilis«: The Coronavirus in Iran after a »Horrible Year«, The Cairo Review of Global Affairs (online), 25/08 | cited in: Iqtisadi: The Middle East Economy 10 (6).

2020m     Ausverkauf nationaler Interessen? Verhandlungen über Partnerschaft zwischen Iran und China, Qantara.de, 12/08 | republished by Iran-Journal, 12/08 in English translation: Hic sunt dracones: Is Iran set to forfeit its national interests to China?, Qantara.de, 21/08 | republished by New Age (Bangladesh), 25/08.

2020l       The tale of an Iranian foreign minister’s rise and fall from grace, IranSource, Washington, DC: Atlantic Council, 29/07.

2020k      Emerging pandemic-related triple crisis raises fears of protests in Iran, Brookings Institution, 21/06 | republished by The Left Berlin • in Arabic translation by the Brookings Doha Center.

2020j      & Amin Naeni, What explains the decline of Iran’s moderates? It’s not Trump, Order from Chaos, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 15/06 • in Arabic translation by the Brookings Doha Center | Reported by RoozNo.com (Tehran) & Sasa Post.

2020i       et al., Rethinking US Policy Toward Iran: A Forum, Middle East Report, No. 294, Spring (»Exit Empire – Imagining New Paths for US Policy«)  | in French translation.

2020h      & Amin Naeni, Iran’s corona-diplomacy: The Rouhani administration’s miscalculated efforts to get sanctions lifted, Order from Chaos, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 29/04 | Discussed in Finnish: Arno Rydman, Iranin virhelaskelma käy kalliiksi – Donald Trump ei hievahda [Iran’s miscalculation is going to be costly – Donald Trump won’t slip], Verkkouutiset (Helsinki), 30/04.]

2020i       Where’s Iran Going? After the 2020 Parliamentary Elections, Orient XXI, 14/04 | Republished by the Afro–Middle East Centre (Johannesburg), 24/04 | Translated into French as Où va l’Iran?, Orient XXI : Le journal de référence du monde arabe et musulman & into Arabic • discussed in: Iran: Reformer in der Krise [Iran: Reformers in crisis], Deutsche Welle (DW), 03/07.

2020h      The coronavirus underscores »new patterns of dependency« in Iran, in: Tarik M. Yousef et al., Brookings experts on the implications of COVID-19 for the Middle East and North Africa, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 26/03  | republished by Water Policy Association (Hidropolitik Akademi, Ankara), 05/04 • in Arabic translation by the Brookings Doha Center | republished by Al Ghad (Jordan), 08/04.

2020g      Policymakers must address the MENA region’s »triple crisis« in order to build sustainable states, in: Tarik M. Yousef et al., The Middle East and North Africa over the next decade: Key challenges and policy options, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 03/03 • in Arabic translation by the Brookings Doha Center.

2020f       Iran’s parliamentary elections occur amid unprecedented pressures: And the hardliners are moving toward monopolizing power, Order from Chaos, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 20/02 | cited in Iran’s regime »facing fundamental test of legitimacy«, Democracy Digest, National Endowment for Democracy (NED), 21/02 | short version published on Qantara.de, 21/02 • in Arabic translation by the Brookings Doha Center.

2020e      & Karam Shaar, Iran’s credit line to Syria: A well that never runs dry, IranSource, Washington, DC: Atlantic Council, 10/02.

2020d      Süleymani’nin Ardından Neler Olacak? [What will happen after Soleimani?], transl. from English by Esra Subaşı, Perspektif (Turkey), 05/02.

2020c      What the killing of Qassem Soleimani could mean, PBS NewsHour, 03/01 | republished on Order from Chaos, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 07/01.

2020b      et al., Around the halls: Experts react to the killing of Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani, Order from Chaos, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 03/01 | republished by South Asia Journal, 06/01 Vietnamese translation.

2020a      et al., Around the halls: Experts discuss the recent US airstrikes in Iraq and the fallout, Order from Chaos, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 02/01.

2019h      Die Proteste im Iran sind ein dramatischer Wendepunkt [The protests in Iran are a dramatic turning-point], Deutsche Welle (DW), 03/12 republished as Die nächste Protestewelle nur eine Frage der Zeit [The next wave of protests only a matter of time], Iran-Journal, 11/12 | DW translations: Serbian/Bosnian, 05/12.

2019g      Iran’s bloody protests are just the beginning, DW Perspectives, Deutsche Welle (DW), 28/11 | DW translations: Brazilian Portuguese Persian.

2019f       Why Iranians are revolting again, Order from Chaos, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 19/11 Posted on RealClearWorld, 22/10 Excerpts reproduced in P. Gadalla, Unpacking this fall’s protests across the world, Brookings Now, Brookings Institution, 02/12 Arabic translation by the Brookings Doha Center Republished by Al-Jarida (Kuwait), 29/11 | Lebanese Center for Research and Consulting Excerpts translated into French (Libération, L’Orient-Le Jour, Les clés du Moyen-Orient [Arab transl. by Hafryat, Cairo]), Spanish (NuevaTribuna.es, Madrid | La Hora Digital, Madrid), Vietnamese (RFI Tiếng Vit) & Finnish (Helsingin Sanomat).

2019e       & Payam Ghalehdar, The mirage of regime change: Why the United States is Khamenei’s bogeyman, Qantara.de: Dialogue with the Islamic World, 20/11.

2019d       & Payam Ghalehdar, Iranisch-amerikanisches Verhältnis: Eine unendliche Geschichte der Feindschaft?, Qantara.de, 18/11 republished as »Die Mär vom Regime Change«, Iran-Journal, 02/12. 

2019c       Four Decades Later, Did the Iranian Revolution Fulfill Its Promises?, Order from Chaos, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 11/07 • republished by Qantara.de: Dialogue with the Islamic World, 12/08| in Arabic translation by Brookings Doha Center republished by Delmon Post (Bahrain), 06/08 | Qantara.de: Dialogue with the Islamic World, 20/08.

2019b       et al., A Harmful U.S. Sanctions Strategy? Foreign Affairs Asks the Experts, Foreign Affairs, 11/06.

2019a       Qatar and the Delicate Balance between Iran and the U.S., in: What Brookings experts are saying about the two-year anniversary of the Gulf crisis, Brookings Institution, 03/06 | in Arabic translation reported: Qatar has overcome the blockade economically and politically and has proved its ability to prosper (in Arabic), Lusail News, 04/07.

2018k       Europe and the Future of Iran Policy: Dealing with a Dual Crisis, Washington, DC & Doha: Brookings Institution | in Arabic translation by the Brookings Doha Center, 22 October cited by Rasanah – International Institute for Iranian Studies (IIIS) | Cited in: http://jeanmonnetexcellence.bg/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5-%D0%94%D0%B8%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F-22.pdf 

2018j         Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and its nefarious consequences, The Region, 14/07  republished by Brookings Doha Center | in Arabic translation by the Brookings Doha Center.

2018i         Proteste im Iran: Politikum Umweltkrise [Protests in Iran: Political issue environmental crisis], Berlin: Heinrich Boell Foundation, 06/07.

2018h        The End of the Iran Deal Spells the End of Iranian Moderates, The National Interest, 26/06 republished on Kataeb.org (Lebanese Phalanges Party), 27/06 | cited in IRGC takeover? Iran protests may change leadership, but not regime, Democracy Digest, Washington, DC: National Endowment for Democracy (NED), 27/06 | reported in Arabic by 24.ae (UAE), 28/06 Al-Khaleej Post (Cairo), 29/06 | in Arabic translation by the Brookings Doha Center republished by Annabaa Net (Iraq), 09/07.

2018g         Iran and Qatar One Year after the Blockade, in: Tarik Yousef et al, What Brookings experts are saying about the one-year anniversary of the Gulf crisis, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 04/06 | in Arabic translation

2018f           Iranians Respond to the Regime: »Leave Syria alone!«, Al Jazeera English, 02/05 | cited in: Siria, el complejo escenario geopolítico de Medio Oriente [Syria, the Middle East’s complex geopolitical scene], La Tercera (Chile), 06/05 | Arabic translation by Brookings Doha Center, 02/05 | cited in: Yeghia Tashjiian, Political Analysis: Why Iran Cannot Fight Israel (Armenian), Aztag Daily (Armenian daily in Lebanon), 02/06 republished on Western Armenia Official TV Website, 18/06 | cited in: Yaghia Tashjian, Iran: Deterring Israel by avoiding direct military confrontation, New Eastern Politics, 08/08 • Arabic translation by Brookings Doha Center, 02/05.

2018e          Iran and Syria’s War: Fighting »Terror« Publicly, Mourning the Dead Secretly, Al Jazeera English, 01/05 ▪ republished by Al Siasi (Amman), 03/05 Arabic translation by Brookings Doha Center,02/05.

2018d         Vom schönen Schein der Islamischen Republik: Westliche Perspektiven auf den Iran, Qantara.de: Dialog mit der islamischen Welt, 07/03 ▪ republished on Iran-Journal, 19/03 Iran’s Image in Europe: Making Believe, transl. from German, Qantara.de: Dialogue with the Islamic World, 18/03.

2018c         Causes behind Iran’s Protests: A Preliminary Account, Al Jazeera English, 06/01 ▪ republished on Iran Matters, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 06/01 ▪ republished as Protests in Iran: The Spark that Turned Into a Wildfire, Qantara.de: Dialog with the Islamic World, 09/01 Arabic translation by Brookings Doha Center, 06/01.

2018b         Quo vadis Iran? Außen- und innenpolitischer Rückblick 2017 und Ausblick 2018 [Quo vadis Iran? Foreign policy and domestic politics review 2017 and prospects for 2018], Iran-Journal, 06/01 ▪ republished by Arabischer Publizisten-Verein Deustchlands (APVD), 09/01.

2018a         Protestwelle im Iran: »Rohani, ich bereue!« [Wave of protest in Iran: »Rohani, I regret«], Qantara.de: Dialog mit der islamischen Welt, 04/01 ▪ republished as Der enttschäuschende Hoffnungsträger [The disappointing bearer of hope], Iran-Journal, 05/01 Trans. into Arabic, Qantara.de, 05/01.

2017i          The Survival of the Nuclear Deal and Iran’s External and Internal Challenges, in: ibid. et al, The Middle East and North Africa in 2018: Challenges, threats, and opportunities, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 21/12.

2017h         (et al) What Brookings experts are saying about the GCC summit, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 06/12 ▪ republished by Stratfor, 08/12 Translation into Arabic, Brookings Doha Center.

2017g         Lebanon Caught in the Crosshairs, Iran Matters (a special research initiative of the Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center’s Iran Project, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA), 06/12 ▪ slightly updated version published as Spectacles at a Time of Geopolitical Change: 4 November and the Iranian–Saudi Rivalry after the Fall of ISIL, The Region, 12/12.

2017f          The Iranian–Saudi Hegemonic Rivalry, Iran Matters (a special research initiative of the Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center’s Iran Project, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA), 25/10 ▪ republished by the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), 26/10 ▪ republished on Ανιχνεύσεις (Greece), 29/10.

Saudi Arabia and Iran – An Unresolved Conflict: Your Guide to Understanding the Historical Struggle for Influence (Arabic), Sana Press, 21/12 ▪ Mosnad News (Yemen), 24/05/2018 ▪ YemenAkhbar.com, 24/05.

2017e         Wandel durch Handel und Annäherung?, Iran-Journal, 31/05 ▪ republished as Westliche Iran-Politik: Wandel durch Handel?, Qantara.de: Dialog mit der Islamischen Welt, 23/08 ▪ short version published as Wandel durch Annäherung im Iran? Bilanz nach vier Jahren Rohani-Präsidentschaft, »Politisches Feuilleton«, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, 18/05.

The West’s Iran Policy: For Real Change Through Trade, Qantara.de: Dialogue with the Islamic World, 23/08.

2017d         Wahlen in Iran: „Kulturzeit“-Interview mit dem Nahost-Experten Ali Fathollah-Nejad, interviewed by Ursula Beyer, »Kulturzeit«, 3sat, 18/05.

2017c         Comeback der Hardliner? Vor der Präsidentschaftswahl in Iran, interviewed by Patrick Garber, »Tacheles«, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, 13/05.

2017b         Rouhanis neoliberal-autoritäre Wirtschaftsdoktrin [Rouhani’s neoliberal-authoritarian economic doctrine], Iran-Journal, 26/04 ▪ slightly edited version published as Rohanis vorhersehbares wirtschaftliches Scheitern: Wirtschaftspolitik im Iran, Qantara.de: Dialog mit der islamischen Welt, 15/05 Rouhani’s Neoliberal Doctrine Has Failed Iran, Washington, DC: Middle East Institute (Policy Memo), 18/05 ▪ republished as Rouhani’s Inevitable Failure: Economic Policy in Iran, Qantara.de: Dialogue with the Islamic World, 19/05 Arabic translation, Qantara.de, 19/05.

2017a         Irans janusköpfige Außenpolitik [Iran’s Janus-faced foreign policy], Iran-Journal, 15/04.

2016c      Der iranisch-saudische Konflikt und der Westen, Huffington Post Deutschland, 05/04.

2016b      (& Sebastian Sons) Der Konflikt zwischen Iran und Saudi-Arabien: Welche Gründe und Folgen hat die Rivalität? [The conflict between Iran and Saudi Arbabia: What are the reasons and consequences of the rivalry?], Berlin: German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) (»Fünf Fragen«), 21/01 ▪ listed in Sicherheitspolitische Presseschau [security-policy press review], Bonn: bpb (Federal Agency for Civil Education) ▪ republished by LabourNetAustria (Vienna), 05/02.

2016a      Iran-saudischer Konflikt: Zeichen auf Sturm, Qantara.de: Dialog mit der Islamischen Welt, 06/01 Iran and Saudi Arabia: The Impending Storm, translated from German by N. Coon, Qantara.de: Dialogue with the Islamic World, 06/01 ▪ republished by New Age: The Outspoken Daily (Bangladesh), 14/01.

2015c      Iran: Rosige Analysen sind irreführend [Iran: Rosy analyses are misleading], Deutschlandradio Kultur, »Politisches Feuilleton«, 07/07 ▪ republished as Prüfender Blick: Wahrnehmung der iranischen Führung im Westen, Qantara.de: Dialog mit der Islamischen Welt, 07/07 A Sober and Critical Eye is Needed: How the West Views Iran’s Leaders, translated from German by J. Bergeron, Qantara.de: Dialogue with the Islamic World, 10/07 Arabic translation by Y. Hejazi, Qantara.de, 13/07.

2015b      Vom Atomdeal geblendet: Weshalb beschönigende Iran-Analysen nicht weiterhelfen [Dazzled by the nuclear deal: Why varnished Iran analyses are not helpful], ipg-journal (Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft), Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), 06/07 ▪ republished by the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), 08/07 ▪ listed in Sicherheitspolitische Presseschau [security-policy press review], Bonn: bpb (Federal Agency for Civil Education), 16/07.

2015a      Atomdeal mit Iran: Die Hardliner werden nicht stillhalten [Nuclear deal with Iran: The hardliners won’t keep still], The Huffington Post Deutschland (in Zusammenarbeit mit Focus), 06/07 ▪ republished by the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), 13/07.

2013e      The Geneva Agreement with Iran: A Result of the Sanctions Policy?, Fair Observer, 04/12 ▪ republished on Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 09/12 ▪ published (slightly edited) as The Geneva Accords and the Return of the »Defensive Realists«, LobeLog (U.S. foreign affairs blog of the international news wire service Inter Press Service), 05/12 ▪ republished on Payvand Iran News, 06/12.

Iran-Sanktionen: Wie gut zielt der Westen? [Iran sanctions: How well does the West target?], Telepolis, 12/11 ▪ republished as Der lange Schatten der Iran-Sanktionen [The long shadow of Iran sanctions], The Huffington Post Deutschland (in Zusammenarbeit mit Focus), 20/11.

2013d      Fallouts of Iran Sanctions, World Policy Journal (online), New York: World Policy Institute, 31/07 ▪ republished on Oriental Review (Moscow), 01/08 ▪ published as ‘Nefarious Fallouts of Iran Sanctions’ on Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 05/08 ▪ Payvand Iran News, 05/08 ▪ Iranian.com, 05/08 ▪ Fair Observer, 09/08.

2013c      Sanctions against Iran: Like a Slow Poison Injected into Society, Qantara.de: Dialogue with the Islamic World, 24 June ▪ republished on Iranian.com, 01/07 ▪ published as The Myth of Benign Sanctions, Your Middle East, 01/07 ▪ published as Iran: The Myth of Benign Sanctions, Shabka InfoNet (Vienna), 04/07 ▪ (slightly edited) published as The Myth of Benign Sanctions against Iran, +972 Magazine (Israel), 02/07.

2013b      Les sanctions contre l’Iran : Les multiples impacts néfastes, Le Huffington Post (France, en association avec le groupe Le Monde), 21/06 ▪ republished on Mondialisation.ca, Montreal: Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation, 21/06 ▪ Les multiples impacts néfastes des sanctions contre l’Iran, Le Huffington Post (Québec), 21/06 ▪ Le Grand Soir (France), 29/06.

2013a      Sanktionen verlängern die Lebensdauer autoritärer Regime [Sanctions Prolong the Lifespan of Authoritarian Regimes], Interviewed by Ramon Schack, Telepolis, 14/03 ▪ republished as »Den Chinesen auf dem Silbertablett serviert«: Sanktionen gegen den Iran [»Handing Iran to China on a Silver Plate: Sanctions against Iran], Zenith Online, 02/04 ▪ republished on ZNet Deutschland, 09/04 ▪ republished on AG Friedensforschung (Germany), 15/04.

2012e       Die Iran-Sanktionen treffen die Falschen: Wie Embargos ihr Ziel verfehlen [Iran Sanctions Hit the Wrong Ones: How Embargoes Miss Their Target], Deutschlandradio Kultur, »Politisches Feuilleton«, 29/11 ▪ republished on ZNet Deutschland, 10/12 ▪  republished on aixpaix.de: Aachener Friedensmagazin, 03/01/2013 ▪ republished on Arab Spring Collective, 25/01/2013.

2012d     (& Hillel Schenker) Iran, Israel und der Westen: Auswege aus der Bedrohungsspirale [Iran, Israel and the West: Exiting the Dangerous Spiral], IPPNWforum, No. 130 (June), Berlin: International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) Germany, pp. 10–11 republished on aixpaix.de: Aachener Friedensmagazin, 06/09 (& Hillel Schenker) Iran, Israel, and the West: Is There a Way Out of the Crisis?, Palestine–Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture (online), 25/07 ▪ slightly edited version republished on Fair Observer, 27/08 ▪ Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 28/08 ▪ Arab Spring Collective (Cairo), 29/08 ▪ Iranian.com, 03/09.

2012c      Krieg gegen den Iran? Zeit für Diplomatie, Zenith Online, 04/04.

2012b       Gleichgewicht der Abrüstung: Atomwaffenfreie Zone in Westasien, The European (online), 19/02 ▪ republished as Atomwaffenfreie Zone in Westasien: Wieso sie im längerfristigen Interesse Irans und Israels liegt, Telepolis, 24/02 A Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons in Western Asia: Why It Would Be in the Long-Term Interest of Both Iran and Israel, Payvand Iran News, 09/03 ▪ also published on Iran Review, 10/03 ▪ published as Let’s Get Even: Nuclear Free Zone Is in the Long-Term Interest of Both Iran and Israel, Iranian.com, 10/03 ▪ an edited version initially appeared as A Nuclear Weapons Free Zone in the Middle East, guest column, Informed Comment, 01/03.

2012a      Eine Konferenz für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit im Mittleren und Naher Osten: Eine Verpflichtung aus dem „Arabischen Frühling“ und dem Israel-Iran-Konflikt [A Conference for Security and Cooperation in the Middle East: An Obligation Imposed by the “Arab Spring” and the Israel–Iran Conflict] ▪ published on  Alsharq: Nachrichten und Hintergründe rund um den Nahen und Mittleren Osten [„der meistgelesene deutschsprachige Blog zum Nahen und Mittleren Osten“], 23/01/2012 ▪ published on ZNet Deutschland, 23/01/2012 ▪ also published on IPPNW.de, Berlin: International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) Germany.

2011e       A New Security Architecture for the Middle East?, Fair Observer, 13/12 ▪ also published as A Conference for Security and Cooperation for the Middle East?, Monthly Review Webzine, 15/12 ▪ republished on Europe’s World, 24/12. [Translation from Eine KSZE für den Nahen Osten? »Arabischer Frühling« zeigt: Druck der Zivilgesellschaft wirkt, Interviewed by Thomas Kachel, Neues Deutschland, 08/11/2011, p. 8.]

2011d      A Conference for Security and Cooperation in the Middle East: An Obligation Imposed by the »Arab Spring« and the Israel–Iran Conflict ▪ published on Fair Observer, 02/12 ▪ slightly edited version published as Security and Cooperation in the Middle East: Searching for a Solution, openDemocracy, 01/12 ▪ published as WMD Free Zone: Avoiding a Collision Over Nuclear Monopoly and Deterrence, Iranian.com, 08/12 ▪ published on Payvand Iran News, 09/12 ▪ published on Foreign Policy Journal, 09/12 ▪ published on Iran Review, 09/12 ▪ published on Atlantic Community, Berlin: Atlantische Initiative, 19/01/2012.

2011c       U.S. Policy on Iran under Bush II and Obama, Interview by Leonhardt van Efferink (Editor of ExploringGeopolitics) ▪ published on Iran Review, 20/09 ▪ republished as From Bush to Obama: US Policy Towards Iran on Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 20/09 ▪ republished as Iran: Barack Obama, Encirclement, Dual-Track Approach on Iranian Diplomacy,25/09.

2011b      (& Maria Exner) Prestige oder Publicity? Sarrazin und Broder in London [Prestige or Publicity? Sarrazin and Broder in London], Zenith Online, 18/02.

2011a      (with Mark Erbel & Adnan Tabatabai) Wenn Kritik auf (den Vorwurf der) Zensur stößt: Protest gegen Thilo Sarrazin und Henryk M. Broder in London [When Criticism is Met with (the Allegation of) Censorship: Protest Against Thilo Sarrazin and Henryk M. Broder in London], vorwärts.de (website of the central organ of the German Social Democratic Party, SPD), 17/02.

2010c       Les dommages collatéraux des « sanctions ciblées » contre l’Iran [The Collateral Damages of “Targeted Sanctions” against Iran], À l’encontre: Revue politique virtuelle, Switzerland, 11/05 ▪ republished on Mondialisation.ca, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 15/05 ▪ slightly abridged version published as Sanctions contre l’Iran, sanctions contre les Iraniens [Sanctions against Iran, sanctions against Iranians], Mediapart (France), 14/05.

2010b      Collateral Damages of Smart Sanctions on Iran, Informed Comment, guest editorial, 12/03 ▪ republished on Monthly Review Webzine, 12/03 ▪ republished on Europe’s World, 15/03 ▪ republished on Payvand Iran News, 16/03 ▪ republished on e-International Relations (e-IR), 19/04 ▪ republished as How Smart are Sanctions?, Iranian.com, 15/03 ▪ republished as Sanctions on Iran: What are the Implications?, Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 16/03 ▪ abridged version published as Collateral Damages of Smart Sanctions, Truthout, op-ed, 23/03 Jaké jsou důsledky sankcí na Írán?, trans. P. Kreuz, Eastbound.cz, 17/03 Unkluge Kollateralschäden „smarter Sanktionen“ gegen Iran, Telepolis, 23/03 ▪ republished on ZNet Deutschland, 23/03 ▪ republished on Global Research, German site, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 29/04 Pourquoi des « sanctions avisées » contre l’Iran provoqueraient des dommages collatéraux, trans. M. Mialane, edit. F. Giudice, Tlaxcala, 15/04.

2010a      Germany’s Fear of Finkelstein, The Palestine Chronicle, 02/03 ▪ republished on Eurasia Review, 02/03 ▪ republished on uruknet.info, 02/03 ▪ republished on CounterCurrents.org, 03/03 ▪ republished, Information Clearing House, 03/03 ▪ republished as Germany’s Finkelstein Phobia on Pacific Free Press, 04/03 ▪ republished as Silencing Critics of Israel: Germany’s Finkelstein Phobia, Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 04/03 ▪ republished on INCnews Global Intelligence, 04/03 ▪ republished on Political Theatrics, 04/03 ▪ republished on ZNet, 25/03 ▪ slightly edited version published on Monthly Review Webzine, 01/03 ▪ republished on the website of Jews for Justice for Palestinians (JFJFP), 10/03 Finkelstein fiche la trouille à une certaine Allemagne, trans. M. Charbonnier, Palestine – Solidarité, 04/03 ▪ republished as La phobie Finkelstein en Allemagne, Mondialisation.ca, Montreal: Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation, 04/03 ▪ republished as L’Allemagne a peur de Finkelstein, trans. M. Charbonnier, edit. F. Giudice, Tlaxcala, 05/03 Zittire i critici di Israele: La fobia della Germania de Norman Finkelstein, Arianna Editrice, trans. A. Carancini, 07/03 ▪ republished on Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 08/03 Německé obavy z Finkelsteina a umlčování kritiky Izraele, Outsider Media, 08/03 In excerpts.

2009g     What Middle East Policy to Expect from the New German Government? When Promising Ideas Threaten to be Buried in Transatlantic Waters, e-International Relations (e-IR), 04/11 ▪ republished on Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 05/11 ▪ republished on Foreign Policy Journal, 08/11 ▪ republished on Iran Review, 08/11 ▪ republished on Payvand Iran News, 16/11 ▪ slightly edited version published on Monthly Review Webzine, 06/11 ▪ republished on Sociologias, 07/11.

2009f        “Verhaltenswechsel des Regimes” statt “Regimewechsel”, Telepolis, 24/05.

2009e     „Obama for President!“ Ein Rückblick auf die Obamania des US-Establishments, ZNet Deutschland, 30/04 ▪ abridged version republished in NRhZ-Online – Neue Rheinische Zeitung, No. 196  (06/05)

2009d     Interview with Gilbert Achcar: Turning Away from a Strategy of Confrontation, Qantara.de: Dialogue with the Islamic World, 03/04 ▪ republished The American Muslim, 07/08 Arabic translation, Qantara.de, 06/08  Interview mit Gilbert Achcar: Abkehr von einer Strategie der Konfrontation, trans. D. Keicol, Qantara.de: Dialog mit der islamischen Welt, 02/04.

2009c      Playing Nuclear Politics: The Islamic republic has little to gain from acquiring the bomb, The Guardian (online), 20/02 ▪ republished on Payvand Iran News, 24/02 ▪ republished as Playing Nuclear Politics with Iran, The Brunei Times, 22/02.

»Good piece« Parag Khanna

2009b     More Zionist Than Israel? German Policy and Media on Gaza, Monthly Review Webzine, 30/01.

»Excellent exposé«  Omar Barghouti | »Excellent analysis«  P U L S E

2009a     German Media Censorship on Gaza? Merkel’s Will, Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 22/01/09 ▪ republished [with functioning endnotes] on NormanFinkelstein.com, 29/01 ▪ abridged version published on The Palestine Chronicle, 16/02.

»Pretty grim scene«  Prof. Noam Chomsky | »Fabulous«  Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

2008i      Obama’s »Coalition of the Willing« Against Iran?, Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 20/11 ▪ republished on mediaLeft, 20/11 ▪ slightly complemented version published as A Mere Atmospheric Change in Obama’s Foreign Policy, Payvand Iran News, 21/11.

»Excellent«  Prof. Noam Chomsky

2008h     Desperate Need for Serious Change in Transatlantic Foreign Policy, Monthly Review Webzine, 08/11/08 ▪ republished on Iran Review, 08/11 | EU-Digest, 27/11.

2008g     Iran Falling Into the »Net« of a »Worldwide Policy«: On the U.S. Foreign Policy Doctrine and Its (Present) Dangers, Interview with Dr. William R. Polk, Informed Comment, 13/10 ▪ republished on Iran Coverage, p. 738, 13/10 | Global Research, 16/10 | ZNet, 17/10 | Payvand Iran News, 20/10.

»Quite interesting«  Prof. Noam Chomsky

2008f      Iranpolitik der USA: Rätselraten um Kriegsabsichten, Qantara.de – Dialog mit der islamischen Welt, 12/08/08 ▪ republished on Iran-Now Network Magazin, 18/08 ABD’nin İran politikası: Olası savaş tahminleri (trans. M. Tüzel), Qantara.de – İslam dünyasıyla diyalog, 13/08 US foreign policy and Iran: Of War Games and Guessing Games (trans. R. Walker), Qantara.de – Dialogue with the Islamic World, 15/08. ▪ republished on Iranian.com, 17/08 ▪ also republished on The American Muslim, 19/08.

2008e     Appeasement und Ausnahmezustand? Über den richtigen Umgang mit dem „Schurkenstaat“ Iran, Telepolis, 06.06.08 ▪ republished in: Compass – Infodienst für christlich-jüdische und deutsch-israelische Tagesthemen im Web, Nr. 932 (06/06) ▪ linked at: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.

2008d     Neo-Con Conference Pushes for War on Iran, Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 01/06 ▪ republished on NormanFinkelstein.com ▪ published as Germany’s First Neo-Con Conference Pushes for War on Iran, Payvand Iran News, 05/06 | Unholy Alliances, Iranian.com, 26/06 ▪ linked at Antiwar.com Viewpoints.

»a shocking report«  Prof. Noam Chomsky | »very useful«  Dr. Norman Finkelstein |

»excellent report«  Abraham Weizfeld (Administrative Secretary, Alliance of Concerned Jewish Canadians)

2008c      »Atomarer Präventivschlag gegen die Un-Zivilisation«? Gedankenspiele für einen Krieg gegen den Iran auf Internationaler Konferenz, NRhZ-Online – Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Online Flyer No. 148 (28/05/08) ▪ linked at: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (30/05)

2008b     »Business as usual«? »Aufs Maul hauen, verknasten und umbringen: Das ist Anti-Faschismus!« Bericht zur Iran-Konferenz des Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin, ZNet Deutschland, 24/05/08 ▪ also published on: Iran-Now Network, 04/06/08 | excerpts published on: SteinbergRecherche, 25/05 ▪ linked at: Das Palästina Portal, 25/05 | BessereWeltLinks trans. A. Ahgary, Manteq-e Jang-Talabân [The logic of warmongers], Radio Zamaneh, 21/07 (Part 1), 23/07 (Part 2) | commented trans. A. Ahgary, Morouri bar yek Conference [On a Conference], Akhbare Rooz (Iranian Political Bulletin), 30/07.

2008a     »Abzug ist die einzige Alternative«. Interview mit Joachim Guilliard, Organisator der Internationalen Irak-Konferenz, NRhZ-Online – Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Online Flyer No. 143 (23/04/08) ▪ also published: with Joachim Guilliard, Interview zur Irakkonferenz 2008, ZNet Deutschland, 07/05/08 roshangari, trans. N. Jafarpour, 13/05/08 [24 Ordibehesht 1387].

2007g     »Von der Iran-Krise zum Weltkrieg ist es nicht weit«. Das Säbelrassen der US-Neokonservativen dürfte im Fall Iran zu einem Flächenbrand führen, in: OnlineReports, 01/12/07.

2007f      »Man muss mit den Hüften schwingen!« – Ein Gespräch mit dem Schriftsteller Feridun Zaimoğlu, Eurozine, 16/11/07.

»You’ve got to swing your hips!« – A conversation with Feridun Zaimoğlu, in: Eurozine, 16/11/07.

»a refreshingly vivacious interview«  Carl H. Frederiksson

2007e     »Den Onkel Tom, den spiele ich nicht!«, Ein Gespräch mit dem deutsch-iranischen Schriftsteller und Orientalisten Navid Kermani, in: Eurozine, 27/07/07  »I won’t be an Uncle Tom«, A conversation with Navid Kermani, in: Eurozine, 27/07/07.

»truly interesting and excellent«  Dr. Moustafa Bayoumi (CUNY)

2007d     Wie die EU-Diplomatie den Weg für einen US-Angriff auf Iran ebnete (unabridged version), Iran-Now Network Magazin (top story on 14/06/07).

2007c      La roulette russe et la guerre contre l’Iran : Les derrière-pensées moscovites et ses risques (version révisée), Mondialisation.ca, Montreal: Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation, 01/05/07 (lead on 02/05/07).

2007b     Russian Roulette and the War on Iran: Ulterior motives of a potential Iran War profiteer—and its risks, Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 21/04/07 ▪ also published on CASMII | Indymedia UK | World Affairs Brief La roulette russe et la guerre contre l’Iran, trans. K. Loubnani, ContreInfo, 24/04 La roulette russa e la guerra all’Iran (comeDonChisciotte.net, 29/04 | Arianna Editrice, 30/04 | Nuovo Agenzia Radicale, 30/04).

2007a     Teetering on the Brink of Disaster: The Neocons’ Decision to Bomb Iran, Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 09/04/07 (lead on 10/04/07) ▪ also published on Indymedia UK | World Prout Assembly | University of Graz | Iran Now Network Magazin) Danse au bord du volcan : la décision des néocons de bombarder l’Iran (Trans. F. Giudice, Tlaxcala, 11/04; Quibla – Le quotidien online des Musulmans libres et actifs et leurs alliés) ▪ Catastrophe annoncée : la décision des Néoconservateurs de bombarder l’Iran (Trans. F. Giudice, Mondialisation.ca, Montreal: Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation, 12/04, lead on 16/04) ▪ also published on Alterinfo | Anadalous.ma. Kassioun.org (Syria) Alef (lead on 12/04 [23 Farvardin 1386], also English original pdf with footnotes) ▪ cited in Center for Media and Democracy’s Iran SourceWatch among 2007’s most important articles.

2006b     Orient in Osnabrück: Das Morgenland-Festival verbindet Welten, Iran-Now Network Magazin, 17/10 ▪ republished on Radio Q Campus-Magazin, 24/10.

2006a     Research Paper Iran in the Eye of Storm – Backgrounds of a Global Crisis on the website of German Power Structure Research (late March).

2004       Sole website at the University of Münster on the 2004 U.S. Presidential Elections – Institute of Political Science, University of Münster (Germany).

2003       Website Who’s next? Future prospects of the Near and Middle East – An analysis of U.S. foreign policy by focusing on think tanks – Peace and Conflict Studies, Institute of Sociology, University of Muenster (Germany).





2011        New Insights Into the Islamic Republic of Iran, Development and Cooperation (D+C), Bonn: Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (German Society for International Cooperation, GIZ), Vol. 52, No. 5 (May), pp. 208–209. [Review essay on: Arshin Adib-Moghaddam, Iran in World Politics: The Question of the Islamic Republic, London: Hurst 2007 & New York: Columbia University Press 2008; Hamid Dabashi, Iran: A People Interrupted, New York: New Press 2007; Elaheh Rostami-Povey, Iran’s Influence: A Religious–Political State and Society in its Region, London & New York: Zed Books 2010.] | Republished on Europe’s World, 22/05 ▪ on Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 22/05 ▪ on e-International Relations (e-IR), 22/02 ▪ on Monthly Review Webzine, 23/05 ▪ as Defining Moment on Iranian.com, 23/05 ▪ on Atlantic-Community.org, 24/05 ▪ on Humanitarian Texts: World-Wide Asian–Eurasian Human Rights Forum, 25/05 ▪ on ZNet, 31/05.

Neue Blicke auf die Islamische Republik Iran, Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit (E+Z), Vol. 52, No. 5 (May), pp. 208–209 | Republished on ZNet Deutschland, 15/06/2011.

Čo je to politický islam?, trans. Peter Nedoroščík, utopia, 01/07/2011.

2009       Literaturbericht: Wenn das Rationale den Blick für Lösungen frei macht [When rationality opens the way for solutions], WeltTrends: Zeitschrift für internationale Politik (Journal of International Politics), Vol. 17, No. 68 (September–October), Online Extra. [Books review of Christoph Bertram, Rethinking Iran: From Confrontation to Cooperation, Paris: European Union Institute for Security Studies 2008; Volker Perthes, Iran: Eine politische Herausforderung. Die prekäre Balance von Vertrauen und Sicherheit, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp 2008.]

2008       Book review of Arshin Adib-Moghaddam, The International Politics of the Persian Gulf: A Cultural Geneology, London: Routledge 2006, Die Friedens-Warte – Journal of International Peace and Organization, Vol. 83, Nos. 2–3, pp. 219–222 & inamo: Berichte und Analysen zu Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens, Berlin: Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten (inamo), No. 55 (Fall).