Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Shirin Hakim, Mahdi Ghodsi, Azadeh Pourzand & Behrooz Bayat, Iran Revolution Monitor, Issue 3 – November 2023, Berlin: Center for Middle East and Global Order (CMEG), Dec. 2023.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Iran in Focus, Issue 7 (Special October 2023 Issue), Beirut: Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI), American University of Beirut (AUB), 13 pp.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Shirin Hakim, Mahdi Ghodsi, Azadeh Pourzand & Behrooz Bayat, Iran Revolution Monitor, Issue 2 – October 2023, Berlin: Center for Middle East and Global Order (CMEG), Nov. 2023.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Irans zynisches Kalkül für Palästina, Zeit online, 23/10.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Der westliche Trugschluss über das Ende der Revolution, Deutschlandfunk Kultur »Politisches Feuilleton«, 09/10.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Shirin Hakim, Mahdi Ghodsi, Azadeh Pourzand & Behrooz Bayat, Iran Revolution Monitor: Anniversary Issue, Berlin: Center for Middle East and Global Order (CMEG), Sep. 2023.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Amin Naeni, Iran’s BRICS membership: “Hello to the new world”?, Raisina Debates, Observer Research Foundation (ORF), 03/10 • {Hindi transl.} ईरान की ब्रिक्स सदस्यता का पश्चिम एशिया और दुनिया के लिए क्या मतलब है? • {Marathi transl.} इराण, ब्रिक्स सदस्यत्व आणि नवी सुरूवात • {German transl.} „Hallo neue Welt“? Zur BRICS-Mitgliedschaft Irans, Potsdam: WeltTrends, No. 198 (fall 2023), pp. 82-87.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Iran in Focus, Issue 6 (August-September 2023), Beirut: Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI), American University of Beirut (AUB), 11 pp.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Iran in Focus, Issue 5 (Spring/Summer), Beirut: Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI), American University of Beirut (AUB), 12 pp.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, The Islamic Republic in Existential Crisis: The Need for a Paradigm Shift in the EU’s Iran Policy, Paris: European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), Chaillot Paper, No. 178, 29 June 2023.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Amin Naeni, The Islamic Republic’s grand-strategic dilemma following the deal with Saudi Arabia, The Middle East and Global Review, Global Policy Journal & Center for Middle East and Global Order (CMEG), 22/06 • Republished: Dialogue with the Islamic World, 04/09.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Linke Dogmatik untergräbt internationale Solidarität, Deutschlandfunk Kultur »Politisches Feuilleton«, 25/04.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Amin Naeni, Maximum pressure’ gears up: Protests drive Iran’s Saudi deal,, 04/04 • {German transl.} Iran-Proteste machen das Regime gesprächsbereit,, 11/04 • {Arabic transl.} ضغط الاحتجاجات حفز إيران على التقارب مع السعودية,, 17/04.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Iran in Focus, Issue 4 (Winter 2022/2023), Beirut: Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI), American University of Beirut (AUB), 15 pp.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Iran: Why the revolutionary process is likely to persist, BTI Blog, Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 14/03 • {German transl.} Iran: Warum sich der revolutionäre Prozess fortsetzen wird, 14/03 • Republished:, 15/03, {German transl.}, 14/03.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Der revolutionäre Prozess in Iran, Bonn (Germany): Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb), 16/02.
Simon Engelkes & Ali Fathollah-Nejad, »Frau, Leben, Freiheit: Proteste in Iran«, Die politische Meinung, Vol. 68, No. 578 (Jan./Feb. 2023), Berlin: Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), pp. 118-121.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, An Iran opposition coalition was long overdue: It’s an important step forward on the rocky road to change, IranSource, Washington, DC: Atlantic Council, 05/01 • cited in: „Wichtiger Schritt“: Politologe Fathollah-Nejad begrüßt gemeinsame Erklärung prominenter Exil-Iraner, DLF, 06/01.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Wenn die Revolution der einzige Ausweg ist, Zeit online, 01/11 • Re-Published by Qantara, 02/11.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Rahman Bouzari, The Nuclear Pyramid of the Islamic Republic, Cairo Review of Global Affairs (online), 20/10.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, The establishment-population divide is not simply a generational matter, in: F. Schiavi (ed.) Women, Life, Freedom: Iran at a Crossroads, »MED This Week«, Milan: ISPI (Italian Institute for International Political Studies), 29/09.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Michael Young, Can the Iranian System Survive?, Beirut: Diwan, Carnegie Middle East Center, 29/09. • {Arabic transl.} هل يصمد النظام الإيراني؟, 03/10. • Re-Published by Qantara, 05/10.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Rahman Bouzari, Iranian Revolution: Hijab Edition, New Lines Magazine, 26/09 | Emran Feroz, Über den Aufstand in Iran, piqd, 27/09.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Iran in Focus, Issue 3 (Spring/Summer), Beirut: Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI), American University of Beirut (AUB), 15 pp.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Wirtschaftskrise im Iran: Sanktionen statt Atomabkommen, taz – die Tageszeitung, 08/07, p. 11.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Rahman Bouzari, A country in free fall, a corruptocracy in full swing: Why a building collapse in Iran matters, Washington, DC: Middle East Institute (MEI), 07/06 • {German transl.} Warum ein Gebäudesturz im Iran zum Politikum wird, transl. Hermes Kalamos: Historia, Cultura & Geopolítica Iran-Journal, 13/06.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, The Geography of Protests: Why Khuzestan Matters, in: F. Schiavi (ed.) Iran: No End to Mounting Protests, »MED This Week«, Milan: ISPI (Italian Institute for International Political Studies), 01/06.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Iran in Focus, Issue 2 (Feb.–March), Beirut: Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI), American University of Beirut (AUB), 16 pp.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the nature of Iranian–Russian relations, Washington, DC: Middle East Institute (MEI), 21/03 | republished by Dialogue with the Islamic World • {Spanish transl.} La invasión de Rusia a Ucrania y la naturaleza de las relaciones entre Irán y Rusia, Hermes Kalamos: Historia, Cultura & Geopolítica (Revista Oficial del Instituto Symposium) • {German transl.} Russlands Einmarsch in der Ukraine und das Wesen der iranisch-russischen Beziehungen, Hermes Kalamos | republished as Iran und der Ukraine-Krieg: Stets zu Putins Diensten?, | slightly edited & republished by Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb), 05/07 • {French transl.} L’invasion russe de l’Ukraine et la nature des relations irano-russes, Hermes Kalamos • {Italian transl.} L’invasione russa dell’Ucraina e la natura delle relazioni iraniano-russe, Hermes Kalamos • {Arabic transl.} الغزو الروسي لأوكرانيا وطبيعة العلاقات الإيرانية الروسية, Hermes Kalamos | republished by • recounted in Persian by Iranian Diplomacy (Tehran) • cited in: Gilbert Achcar, Russia and Iran are accelerating their project to rival the Suez Canal, Al-Quds Al-Arabi (London), 21/06 | transl. into English by Middle East Monitor, 24/06.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, How Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Is Rebounding in Iran, The National Interest (online), 21/03.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, The Run-Up To JCPOA’s Revival, Global Policy Journal (online), School of Government and International Affairs (SGIA), Durham University, UK, 3 March.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Iran in Focus, Issue 1 (Jan.), Beirut: Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI), American University of Beirut (AUB), 10 pp.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Mahdi Ghodsi, Raisi’s shrinking budget cements the Islamic Republic’s »trinity«, Washington, DC: Middle East Institute (MEI), 20/01.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Wirtschaft im Iran: Die Krise des Mullah-Kapitalismus, Dialog mit der islamischen Welt, 28/12 • {English transl.} The causes of Iran’s economic woes, Dialogue with the Islamic World, 30/12 | republished by New Age (Dhaka), 07/01/2022 • {French transl.} Iran. La crise du capitalisme des mollahs, A l’encontre (site de la revue La brèche), 03/01/2022 | republished by Presse toi à gauche (Québec, Canada), 01/02/2022 • {Spanish transl.} Irán – La crisis del capitalismo de los mulás, Correspondecia de Prensa, 03/01/2022 • {Portuguese transl.} Irão, a crise do capitalismo dos mulás, Esquerda (Portugal), 23/01/2022 | republished as Irã, a crise do capitalismo dos mulás, Democracia e Mundo do Trabalho em Debate (Brazil), 31/01/2022.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Continuity and change in Raisi’s approach to the nuclear deal, in: Hypes and Hopes for the Iranian Nuclear Deal, »ISPI MED This Week«, Milan: Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI), 29/11.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Hamidreza Azizi, Iran and the Taliban after the US fiasco in Afghanistan, Washington, DC: Middle East Institute, 22/09 • {German transl.} Iran und die Taliban: Geopolitik in Afghanistans Nachbarschaft, iz3w: Zeitschrift zwischen Nord und Süd, Freiburg: Aktion Dritte Welt e.V. – informationszentrum 3. welt, Nr. 388 (Jan.–Feb. 2022), S. 9–11.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Bidens Iran-Politik und der Schatten der Obama-Doktrin, WeltTrends: Das außenpolitische Journal, Vol. 29, No. 179 (Sep. 2021), pp. 35–40 | republished by Iran-Journal, 18/09 • Arabischer Publizistenverein Deutschlands (APVD).
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, The Real Winner is the Boycott Campaign, in: Beyond Iran’s Elections: Making Sense of Raisi’s Islamic Republic, ISPI MED This Week, Milan: Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI), 23/06.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Arash Sarkohi, Irans soziale Frage – im Schatten von Politik und Wahlkampf, Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stifung (FES), 31/05 | republished as Präsidentschaftswahlen im Iran: Irans Elite ignoriert die explosive soziale Frage, Dialog mit der Islamischen Welt, 07/06 • in English translation: The Social Question – the Neglected Topic in Iranian Politics and the Presidential Campaign, Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), 31/05 | republished as Iran’s elite politicians ignore the burning social issues, Dialogue with the Islamic World, 07/06 •
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Amin Naeni, Iran’s »reformists« contemplate their post-election future, IranSource, Washington, DC: Atlantic Council, 13/05 • in Arabic translation by the Arab Center for Research and Studies (ACRS), Cairo, 22/05.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Das »alte Spiel« ist aus: Irans Präsidentschaftswahl, Internationale Politik (IP), Berlin: German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), No. 3/2021 (May/June), pp. 79–83.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Iran 1400 Brief: Beyond the Headlines, Amman: Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Middle East and North Africa (FNF-MENA), weekly analysis May–Aug.:
Iran 1400 Brief: Beyond the Headlines, 23–29/08.
Iran 1400 Brief: Beyond the Headlines, 16–22/08.
Iran 1400 Brief: Beyond the Headlines, 9–15/08.
Iran 1400 Brief: Beyond the Headlines, 2–8/08.
Iran 1400 Brief: Beyond the Headlines, 26/07–1/08.
Iran 1400 Brief: Beyond the Headlines, 19–25/07.
Iran 1400 Brief: Beyond the Headlines, 12–18/07.
Iran 1400 Brief: Beyond the Headlines, 5–11/07.
Iran 1400 Brief: Beyond the Headlines, 28/06–4/07.
Iran 1400 Brief: Beyond the Headlines, 21–27/06.
Iran 1400 Brief: Beyond the Headlines, 14–20/06.
Iran 1400 Brief: Beyond the Headlines, Special Edition: Candidates’ Profiles, June.
Iran 1400 Brief: Beyond the Headlines, 7–13/06.
Iran 1400 Brief: Beyond the Headlines, 31/05–6/06.
Iran 1400 Brief: Beyond the Headlines, 24–30/05.
Iran 1400 Brief: Beyond the Headlines, 17–23/05.
Iran 1400 Brief: Beyond the Headlines, 10–16/05.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Amin Naeni, Iran’s pre-election social media buzz: Toward avoiding a repeat of 2020, Washington, DC: Middle East Institute (MEI), 29/04.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Amin Naeni, The Islamic Republic’s timely vaccine against U.S. pressure? Iran–China 25-year cooperation programme, Dialogue with the Islamic World, 07/04 • republished by New Age (Bangladesh), 12/04.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Amin Naeni, The Window is Closing Quickly for Iran’s Foreign Minister: Why Zarif May Be Over-Ambitious to See the JCPOA Revived the Fastest Possible,, Amman: Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, Middle East and North Africa program (FNF MENA), 26/03.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Cinzia Bianco, With the boycott over, Qatar tries to reclaim top regional mediator role, IranSource, Washington, DC: Atlantic Council, 23/02 | Reported in »Sicherheitspolitische Presseschau«, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb).
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Iran’s risky »counter-pressure« against the fallout of Trump’s »maximum pressure« policy: The 4 January twin incidents, AMEC Insights, Johannesburg: Afro–Middle East Centre (AMEC), 24/01.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, The President’s Daughter and Dissent in Iran, Newlines Magazine, Washington, DC: Center for Global Policy (CGP), 19/01 | long version: Iranian Faezeh Hashemi, Rafsanjani’s daughter, speaks out, Dialogue with the Islamic World, 10/02.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Marx Goes Gulf: The Rise of the Working Class, in: Florence Gaub (ed.) Conflicts to Come: 15 Scenarios for 2030, Chaillot Paper, No. 161 (Dec.), Paris: European Union Institute for Strategic Studies (EUISS), ch. 1 (pp. 17–20).
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, After Fakhrizadeh killing: Why Iranian over-reaction is unlikely, CLAWS Focus, Centre for Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS), New Delhi, 14/12 | republished by Afro–Middle East Centre (AMEC), 14/12 | Indian Defence Review (IDR), 19/12.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Mahdi Ghodsi, The Geopolitical Roots of Iran’s Economic Crisis, Sada Journal Feature, Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Middle East program, 30/11 | republished by Afro–Middle East Centre (AMEC), 03/11 • In Arabic translation by Carnegie • in a German version: Warum Irans Wirtschaftskrise (geo-)politisch ist, Iran-Journal, 24/12 • Preliminary version: Beyond the corona pandemic: What are the causes of Iran’s economic crisis? [in Persian], Radio Zamaneh, 06/08.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Amin Naeni, The US election through the eyes of Iran’s moderates and hardliners, IranSource, Washington, DC: Atlantic Council, 27/10 | republished by Afro–Middle East Centre (AMEC), 04/12.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Rückblick: Wie sehr wurde um den iranischen General Soleimani tatsächlich getrauert?, Buchkomplizen »Auslandsbericht«, 25/10.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, COVID-19 nach einem Annus Horribilis: Die Coronakrise in Iran, in: Thomas Schmidinger & Josef Weidenholzer (eds.) Virenregime: Wie die Coronakrise unsere Welt verändert [Virus regime: How the Corona crisis has changed our world], Vienna: bahoe books, pp. 443–457, Oct. 2020.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, COVID-19 after an »Annus Horribilis«: The Coronavirus in Iran after a »Horrible Year«, The Cairo Review of Global Affairs (online), 25/08 | cited in: Iqtisadi: The Middle East Economy 10 (6).
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Ausverkauf nationaler Interessen? Verhandlungen über Partnerschaft zwischen Iran und China,, 12/08 | republished by Iran-Journal, 12/08 ▪ in English translation: Hic sunt dracones: Is Iran set to forfeit its national interests to China?,, 21/08 | republished by New Age (Bangladesh), 25/08.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Amin Naeni, The tale of an Iranian foreign minister’s rise and fall from grace, IranSource, Washington, DC: Atlantic Council, 29/07.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, L’Iran et le Conseil de coopération du Golfe : des relations entre un aveugle et un sourd (Iran and the Gulf Cooperation Council: Like the deaf trying to communicate with the blind), Confluences méditerranée, No. 113 (Summer 2020, »L’Iran en quête d’équilibre«, eds. C. Therme & M.-R. Djalili), pp. 167–176.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Emerging pandemic-related triple crisis raises fears of protests in Iran, Brookings Institution, 21/06 | republished by The Left Berlin • in Arabic translation by the Brookings Doha Center.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Amin Naeni, What explains the decline of Iran’s moderates? It’s not Trump, Order from Chaos, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 15/06 • in Arabic translation by the Brookings Doha Center | Reported by (Tehran) & Sasa Post.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, The Politics of Culture in Times of Rapprochement: European Cultural and Academic Exchange with Iran (2015–16), new forewords by Amir-Hassan Cheheltan & Arshin Adib-Moghaddam, Potsdam (Germany): Wissenschaftsverlag WeltTrends.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad et al., Rethinking US Policy Toward Iran: A Forum, Middle East Report, No. 294, Spring (»Exit Empire – Imagining New Paths for US Policy«) | in French translation.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Iran und der Golfkooperationsrat [Iran and the GCC], in: M. Baraki & F. Edlinger (eds.) Krise am Golf: Hintergründe, Analysen, Berichte [Crisis in the Gulf: Backgrounds, analyses, reports], Vienna: Promedia, pp. 73–82.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Corona in Iran: Folgenreiche geopolitische Prioritätensetzung [Corona in Iran: Consequential geopolitical priorities], WeltTrends: Das außenpolitische Journal, No. 163, May 2020, pp. 7–8.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Amin Naeni, Iran’s corona-diplomacy: The Rouhani administration’s miscalculated efforts to get sanctions lifted, Order from Chaos, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 29/04 | Discussed in Finnish: Arno Rydman, Iranin virhelaskelma käy kalliiksi – Donald Trump ei hievahda [Iran’s miscalculation is going to be costly – Donald Trump won’t slip], Verkkouutiset (Helsinki), 30/04.]
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, The Islamic Republic of Iran Four Decades On: The 2017/18 Protests Amid a Triple Crisis, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution & Doha: Brookings Doha Center (Brookings Doha Center Analysis Paper, No. 28), April 2020 | in Arabic translation.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Where’s Iran Going? After the 2020 Parliamentary Elections, Orient XXI, 14/04 | Republished by the Afro–Middle East Centre (Johannesburg), 24/04 | Translated into French as Où va l’Iran ?, Orient XXI : Le journal de référence du monde arabe et musulman & into Arabic.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, The coronavirus underscores »new patterns of dependency« in Iran, in: Tarik M. Yousef et al., Brookings experts on the implications of COVID-19 for the Middle East and North Africa, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 26/03 | republished by Water Policy Association (Hidropolitik Akademi, Ankara), 05/04 • in Arabic translation by the Brookings Doha Center | republished by Al Ghad (Jordan), 08/04.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Policymakers must address the MENA region’s »triple crisis« in order to build sustainable states, in: Tarik M. Yousef et al., The Middle East and North Africa over the next decade: Key challenges and policy options, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 03/03 • in Arabic translation by the Brookings Doha Center.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Iran’s parliamentary elections occur amid unprecedented pressures: And the hardliners are moving toward monopolizing power, Order from Chaos, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 20/02 | cited in Iran’s regime »facing fundamental test of legitimacy«, Democracy Digest, National Endowment for Democracy (NED), 21/02 | short version published on, 21/02 • in Arabic translation by the Brookings Doha Center.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, The Revolution’s Broken Promises, in: S. Maloney (ed.) The Iranian Revolution at 40, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, ch. 2 (pp. 8–17).
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Karam Shaar, Iran’s credit line to Syria: A well that never runs dry, IranSource, Washington, DC: Atlantic Council, 10/02.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Süleymani’nin Ardından Neler Olacak? [What will happen after Soleimani?], transl. from English by Esra Subaşı, Perspektif (Turkey), 05/02.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Tod von Qassem Soleimani: Geliebt-gehasster General [Qassem Soleimani’s death: Beloved-hated general], Der Tagesspiegel, 08/01, p. 6.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, What the killing of Qassem Soleimani could mean, PBS NewsHour, 03/01 | republished on Order from Chaos, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 07/01.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad et al., Around the halls: Experts react to the killing of Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani, Order from Chaos, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 03/01 | Vietnamese translation.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad et al., Around the halls: Experts discuss the recent US airstrikes in Iraq and the fallout, Order from Chaos, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 02/01.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Die Proteste im Iran sind ein dramatischer Wendepunkt [The protests in Iran are a dramatic turning-point], Deutsche Welle (DW), 03/12 ▪ republished as Die nächste Protestewelle nur eine Frage der Zeit [The next wave of protests only a matter of time], Iran-Journal, 11/12 | DW translations: Serbian/Bosnian, 05/12.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Leicht entflammbar – Schwerste Unruhen seit 40 Jahren: Was die Proteste im Iran so außergewöhnlich macht [Easily infammable – Gravest unrest since 40 years: What makes the protests in Iran extraordinary], Der Tagesspiegel, 02/12, p. 6 ▪ Excerpts cited by Deutschlandfunk, 03/12 ▪ Translated into Persian: واکنش فاجعهبار اروپا در برابر سرکوبها در ایران [Europe’s catastrophic response to the crackdown in Iran], Kayhan (London), 04/12.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Iran’s bloody protests are just the beginning, DW Perspectives, Deutsche Welle (DW), 28/11 | DW translations: Brazilian Portuguese ▪ Persian.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Why Iranians are revolting again, Order from Chaos, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 19/11 ▪ Posted on RealClearWorld, 22/10 ▪ Excerpts reproduced in P. Gadalla, Unpacking this fall’s protests across the world, Brookings Now, Brookings Institution, 02/12 ▪ Arabic translation by the Brookings Doha Center ▪ Republished by Al-Jarida (Kuwait), 29/11 | Lebanese Center for Research and Consulting ▪ Excerpts translated into French (Libération, L’Orient-Le Jour, Les clés du Moyen-Orient [Arab transl. by Hafryat, Cairo]), Spanish (, Madrid | La Hora Digital, Madrid), Vietnamese (RFI Tiếng Việt) & Finnish (Helsingin Sanomat).
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Payam Ghalehdar, The mirage of regime change: Why the United States is Khamenei’s bogeyman, Dialogue with the Islamic World, 20/11.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Payam Ghalehdar, Iranisch-amerikanisches Verhältnis: Eine unendliche Geschichte der Feindschaft?,, 18/11 ▪ republished as »Die Mär vom Regime Change«, Iran-Journal, 02/12.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Anja Palm, MENA Spring 3.0: The Persistent »Triple Crisis« in Europe’s Neighbourhood, in: M. Sus & M. Hadeed (eds.) European Security 2030: The Results of the Dahrendorf Foresight Project, Dahrendorf Forum, LSE IDEAS, Sep., 50–53.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Four Decades Later, Did the Iranian Revolution Fulfill Its Promises?, Order from Chaos, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 11/07.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad et al., A Harmful U.S. Sanctions Strategy? Foreign Affairs Asks the Experts, Foreign Affairs, 11/06.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Qatar and the Delicate Balance between Iran and the U.S., in: What Brookings experts are saying about the two-year anniversary of the Gulf crisis, Brookings Institution, 03/06 | in Arabic translation ▪ reported: Qatar has overcome the blockade economically and politically and has proved its ability to prosper (in Arabic), Lusail News, 04/07.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Swamped in a Triple Crisis, Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Cairo: School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (GAPP) at American University in Cairo (AUC), No. 33 (Spring 2019), pp. 120–125 ▪ republished as The Islamic Republicʹs existential crisis: Will Iran crack under the strain?, Dialogue with the Islamic World, 08/07.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Europe and the Future of Iran Policy: Dealing with a Dual Crisis, Washington, DC & Doha: Brookings Institution | in Arabic translation by the Brookings Doha Center, 22 October.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and its nefarious consequences, The Region, 14/07 ▪ republished by Brookings Doha Center | in Arabic translation by the Brookings Doha Center.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Proteste im Iran: Politikum Umweltkrise [Protests in Iran: Political issue environmental crisis], Berlin: Heinrich Boell Foundation, 06/07.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Brief aus Doha (Trumps Rückzug aus dem Iran-Atomdeal und seine schändlichen Konsequenzen) [Letter from Doha (Trump’s Withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal and Its Nefarious Consequences)], WeltTrends: Das außenpolitische Journal, Vol. 26, No. 141 (July 2018), pp. 12–13.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, The End of the Iran Deal Spells the End of Iranian Moderates, The National Interest, 26/06 ▪ republished on (Lebanese Phalanges Party), 27/06 | cited in IRGC takeover? Iran protests may change leadership, but not regime, Democracy Digest, Washington, DC: National Endowment for Democracy (NED), 27/06 | reported in Arabic by (UAE), 28/06 ▪ Al-Khaleej Post (Cairo), 29/06 | in Arabic translation by the Brookings Doha Center ▪ republished by Annabaa Net (Iraq), 09/07.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Iran und der Krieg in Syrien: Das Regime-Narrativ wird zunehmend infrage gestellt [Iran and the war in Syria: The regime’s narrative is increasingly being questioned], FriedensForum: Zeitschrift der Friedensbewegung, Vol. 31, No. 4 (July/August 2018), pp. 32–34.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Iran and Qatar One Year after the Blockade, in: Tarik Yousef et al, What Brookings experts are saying about the one-year anniversary of the Gulf crisis, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 04/06 | in Arabic translation.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Wüste Eden: Über Irans Wasser- und Umweltkrisen [Desert Eden: On Iran’s water and evironmental crises], ARTE-Magazin, May 2018, pp. 21–22.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Iranians Respond to the Regime: »Leave Syria alone!«, Al Jazeera English, 02/05 ▪ cited in: Siria, el complejo escenario geopolítico de Medio Oriente [Syria, the Middle East’s complex geopolitical scene], La Tercera (Chile), 06/05 | Arabic translation by Brookings Doha Center, 02/05 | cited in: Yeghia Tashchian, Political Analysis: Why Iran Cannot Fight Israel (Armenian), Aztag Daily (Armenian daily in Lebanon), 02/06.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Iran and Syria’s War: Fighting »Terror« Publicly, Mourning the Dead Secretly, Al Jazeera English, 01/05 ▪ republished by Al Siasi (Amman), 03/05 | Arabic translation by Brookings Doha Center, 02/05.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, There’s more to Iran’s protests than you’ve been told, PBS NewsHour, 03/04 ▪ republished on Track Persia, 05/04 ▪ included in the weekly American Iranian Council’s Iran Digest Week of April 6–April 13, 17/04 | Arabic translation by the Brookings Doha Center, 04/04 ▪ republished by Annabaa Net (Iraq), 09/04.
Bernd W. Kubbig, Marc Finaud & Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Against All Odds – Decreasing the Saudi–Iranian Rivalry for Regional Hegemony Through and in the Wake of the JCPOA: Obstacles and Opportunities, 6th Cooperative Idea – APOME (Academic Peace Orchestra Middle East, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt) & GCSP, Policy Forum for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation in the Middle East/Gulf, Geneva: Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP), No. 9 (March 2018).
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Iran’s Image in Europe: Making Believe, transl. from German, Dialogue with the Islamic World, 18/03.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Vom schönen Schein der Islamischen Republik: Westliche Perspektiven auf den Iran, Dialog mit der islamischen Welt, 07/03 ▪ republished on Iran-Journal, 19/03.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Das Ende der Stabilität in Iran: Zur jüngsten iranischen Rebellion [The end of stability in Iran: On the recent Iranian rebellion], WeltTrends, No. 137 (March 2018), pp. 4–8.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Revolte gegen die Revolution: Bilanz zum 39. Jahrestag der Revolution in Iran [Revolt against the revolution: Balance-sheet on the 39th anniversary of the Revolution in Iran], taz.die tageszeitung, 03–04/02, p. 11. {Media coverage: Perlentaucher: Das Kulturmagazin, 03/02 | Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung (Federal Agency for Civic Education, bpb), »Sicherheitspolitische Presseschau«, 04/02 | Iran International TV (London), media review show »Irân az negâh-e digarân« [Iran viewed by others], 06/01}
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Iran: Hält das Atomabkommen? [Iran: Will the nuclear deal survive?], LuXemburg Spezial »Weltordnungskonflikte«, January 2018, pp. 62–69.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Arash Sarkohi, »Fürchtet euch!« Wenn Slogans für sich sprechen [»Be afraid!« When slogans speak for themselves], Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 16/01, p. 37. {Media coverage: Perlentaucher: Das Kulturmagazin, 16/10 | Dirk Liesemer, »Brot, Arbeit, Freiheit«: Was die Menschen im Iran auf die Straße treibt, piqd, 20/10.}
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Causes behind Iran’s Protests: A Preliminary Account, Al Jazeera English, 06/01 ▪ republished on Iran Matters, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 06/01 ▪ republished as Protests in Iran: The Spark that Turned Into a Wildfire, Dialog with the Islamic World, 09/01.
Arabic translation by Brookings Doha Center, 06/01.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Quo vadis Iran? Außen- und innenpolitischer Rückblick 2017 und Ausblick 2018 [Quo vadis Iran? Foreign policy and domestic politics review 2017 and prospects for 2018], Iran-Journal, 06/01 ▪ republished by Arabischer Publizisten-Verein Deustchlands (APVD), 09/01.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Iran : Les racines et ferments de la colère [Iran: Roots and ferments of the rage], L’Orient-Le Jour (Beirut), 06/01, p. 9 ▪ republished on CameroonVoice (Montreal), 08/01.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Protestwelle im Iran: »Rohani, ich bereue!« [Wave of protest in Iran: »Rohani, I regret«], Dialog mit der islamischen Welt, 04/01 ▪ Trans. into Arabic,, 05/01 ▪ republished as Der enttschäuschende Hoffnungsträger [The disappointing bearer of hope], Iran-Journal, 05/01.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Wenn die letzte Hoffnung zerstört ist: Warum das Regime im Iran jetzt infrage gestellt wird [When the last hope is destroyed: Why the regime in Iran is now being put in question], Der Tagesspiegel (Berlin), 04/01, p. 6.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Saudi Arabia and Iran – An Unresolved Conflict: Your Guide to Understanding the Historical Struggle for Influence (Arabic), transl. from the English original ‘The Iranian–Saudi Hegemonic Rivalry’, Sana Press, 21/12 ▪ Mosnad News (Yemen), 24/05/2018 ▪, 24/05.
Ali Fathollah-Nejad, The Survival of the Nuclear Deal and Iran’s External and Internal Challenges, in: ibid. et al, The Middle East and North Africa in 2018: Challenges, threats, and opportunities, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 21/12.