Talks & Lectures
5 July 2014 Directing Workshop III on »Wandel durch Handel? Wirtschaftspolitische Entwicklungen in der Islamischen Republik Iran« [Change through Trade? Economic-Policy Developments in the Islamic Republic of Iran] | Seminar »Der Iran unter Präsident Hassan Rohani: Zwischen Stabilisierung des Regimes, außenpolitischer Öffnung und der Hoffnung auf wirtschaftliche Erneuerung« [Iran under President Hassan Rohani: Between Regime Stabilization, Foreign-Policy Opening and the Hope for Economic Renewal | Organized by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) & Cologne Forum for International Relations and Security Policy (KFIBS, Kölner Forum für Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik), in cooperation with the German Orient Institute (DOI, Deutsches Orient-Institut) | Bochum, Germany | 4–5 July 2014.
19 March 2014 Arabische Revolten: Hintergründe, Auswirkungen, Ausblick [The Arab Revolts: Backgrounds, Ramifications, Outlook | Organized by: Essener Friedens-Forum (EFF) & Volkshochschule (VHS) Essen | Essen, Germany.
27 Feb. 2014 Eine neue Ära für Iran? Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Außen- und Innenpolitik [A New Era for Iran? Opportunities and Challenges for Foreign and Domestic Politics] | «Universitätsgespräche«, Deutsch-Iranischer Freundschaftsverein (DIFV) | Humboldt University of Berlin.
10 Oct. 2013 Die internationale Debatte um das iranische Nuklearprogramm zwischen ziviler und militärischer Konfliktbearbeitung [The International Debate on the Iranian Nuclear Program between Civilian and Military Conflict Management] | 4. Hafis-Dialog Weimar »Krieg und Frieden: Erinnerungskulturen und der Abbau von Feindbildern in Deutschland und im Iran« [4th Hafez Dialogue Weimar: »War and Peace: Commemorative Cultures and the Dismantling of Foe Images in Germany and Iran«] | Panel discussion with: Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Dr. Jaleh Lackner-Gohari (Vienna) & Nina Ansari(artist, Berlin) & Dr. Babak Khalatbari (political scientist, Berlin) & Dr. Fariborz Saremi(political scientist, Hamburg) & Dr. Armin Triebel(University of Potsdam, Germany) & Dr. Mirko Wittwar (literary scholar) | Organized by: Konrad Adenauer Foundation | mon ami, Weimar (Germany).
28 Feb. 2013 Sanktionen – Mit Risiken und Nebenwirkungen: Dynamiken und Auswirkungen der Embargos im Iran und im Irak [Sanctions – With Risks and Side Effects: Dynamics and Effects of the Embargoes in Iran and Iraq] | Panel discussion with: Ali Fathollah-Nejad & Dr.h.c. Hans von Sponeck (fmr. UN Assistant Secretary-General & UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq) | Chaired by: Prof. Udo Steinbach (Director, Governance Center Middle East | North Africa, Humboldt–Viadrina School of Governance, Berlin) | Welcoming address by: Matthias Jochheim (Chairman, IPPNW Germany) | Organized by: IPPNW (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War) Germany & Governance Center Middle East | North Africa, Humboldt–Viadrina School of Governance, Berlin | Berlin, Germany.
26 Nov.2012 Feindbild Iran: Krieg oder Frieden? | Organized by Friedensinitiative Backnang; Politischer Arbeitskreis, club junges europa (cje) Backnang e.V.; Naturfreunde Backnang | Arbeiterwohlfahrt Backnang | Backnang (near Stuttgart), Germany.
27 Oct. 2012 Die Arabischen Revolten: Interpretationsmuster, Dilemmata und Herausforderungen [The Arab Revolts: Interpretative Patterns, Dilemmas and Challenges]| cluster meeting of the political science and sociology sections of the Hans Böckler Foundation on the subject of the “Arab Spring”, Berlin, 26–28 October.
11 Oct. 2012 Discussant of the talk by Prof. Barry Buzan (LSE) on “The Decentralized World in the 21st Century” | panel “After Bipolarity: Power Shifts in the 21st Century” | 5th Foreign Policy Conference of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in cooperation with the foreign policy journal WeltTrends, “Hegemony and Multipolarity: World Orders in the 21st Century” | University of Potsdam, 11–12 October.
2 June 2012 Wohin führen Sanktionen und Kriegsdrohungen gegen den Iran? [Where Do Sanctions and War Threats Against Iran Lead To?] | Venedey Forum 2012 »Zündeln an der Tankstelle: Kriege und Völkerrecht« [Playing with Fire at the Gas Station: Wars and International Law] | Friedenskoordination Berlin (FRIKO), Berlin.
9 May 2012 Der Konflikt zwischen dem Iran und dem Westen: Hintergründe und Perspektiven [The Conflict between Iran and the West: Backgrounds and Perpectives] | Studium Generale Lecture Series: »Die Entwicklungen in der islamischen Welt und die Rolle des Westens« [Developments in the Islamic World and the Role of the West] | Business and Information Technology School (BiTS), Iserlohn (Germany).
30 April 2012 Droht ein Krieg des Westens gegen den Iran? Was Deutschland und Europa für eine Deeskalation der angespannten Lage tun können | Discussant: Dr. Rolf Mützenich (German MP), Foreign Policy Spokesman of the Parliamentary Group of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), Co-Chair of the German–Iranian MP Group of the German Bundestag, Chair of the Socialist International (SI) Committee on Disarmament | Moderated by: Peter Philipp (journalist, fmr. Chief Correspondent for DW-Radio/ | Organized by the Cologne Forum for International Relations and Security Policy (KFIBS, Kölner Forum für Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik) | Chaired by Sepideh Parsa (KFIBS) | Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies (IOA), University of Bonn.
23 April 2012 Iran, Israel und der Westen: Gibt es einen Ausweg aus der Bedrohungsspirale? (Iran, Israel and the West: Is There a Way Out of the Crisis?) | Panel discussion with Hillel Schenker (Co-Editor, Palestine–Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture) | Organized by the German section of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) & the Friedrich Ebert Foundation | Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Berlin, 18 h.
23 April 2012 Iran, Israel und der Westen: Gibt es einen Ausweg aus der Bedrohungsspirale? (Iran, Israel and the West: Is There a Way Out of the Crisis?) | Press Conference with Hillel Schenker (Co-Editor, Palestine–Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture) & Dr. Jens Wagner (board member of IPPNW Germany) | Organized by the German section of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) | Office of the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA), Berlin, 11 h.
22 April 2012 Der Iran-Atomkonflikt: Gibt es einen Weg aus der Bedrohungsspirale? [The Iran Nuclear Conflict: Is There Way Out of the Spiral of Threats?] | Public symposium with Hillel Schenker (Co-Editor, Palestine–Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture) & Prof. Udo Steinbach (former Director, German Orient Institute [renamed as: German Institute of Global and Area Studies GIGA], 1976–2006) | Annual meeting of the German section of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), Braunschweig (Germany).
9 March 2012 Drohungen – Sanktionen – Krieg: Eskalationsstrategie gegen den Iran [Threats – Sanctions – War: Escalation Strategy against Iran | Podium discussion with Kuros Yalpani (Webmaster, | Organized by Münchner Bündnis gegen Krieg und Rassismus, EineWeltHaus, Munich (Germany).
8 March 2012 Iran im Auge des Orkans [Iran in the Eye of Storm] | Podium discussion with Kuros Yalpani (Webmaster,, Moderator: Thomas Pany (Editor, Telepolis) | Import Export, Munich (Germany).
6 March 2012 10 Jahre Iran-Konflikt: Gibt es noch Hoffnung auf eine friedliche Lösung? [The Iran Conflict 10 Years On: Is There Still Hope for a Peaceful Resolution?] | Organized by Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft – Vereinigte KriegsdienstgegnerInnen (DFG-VK), Forum für gesellschaftlichen Frieden in Karlsruhe (FgF), Friedensbündnis Karlsruhe, Internationales Begegnungszentrum (ibz) | ibz, Karlsruhe (Germany).
7 Dec. 2011 Interest-Driven Policy Versus Human Rights To Be Continued? A Review of and Lessons from Western Policy towards Northern Africa and Western Asia [Weiterhin Interessenpolitik versus Menschenrechte? Rückblick und Lehren aus der westlichen Politik gegenüber Nordafrika und Westasien] | Organized by the Iran working group (AK Iran) of the Amnesty International Campus Group Bonn|Dies Academicus, University of Bonn.
30 Nov. 2011 Der Iran-Atomkonflikt und Europa: Eine vermeidbare Krise und Lösungsaussichten [The Iran Nuclear Conflict and Europe: A Preventable Crisis and the Prospects for a Settlement]| Conference on »Iran – als mögliche Atommacht eine Gefahr für Europa?« [Iran – As a Potential Nuclear Power a Threat to Europe?] | Europäische Akademie Nordrhein-Westfalen in cooperation with the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung), Bonn (Germany), 27/11–02/12/2011.
30 Nov. 2011 Außenpolitische Zielsetzung Irans und Europa: Ein historischer Abriss [Iran’s Foreign-Policy Goals and Europe: A Historical Account]| Conference on »Iran – als mögliche Atommacht eine Gefahr für Europa?« [Iran – As a Potential Nuclear Power a Threat to Europe?] | Europäische Akademie Nordrhein-Westfalen in cooperation with the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung), Bonn (Germany), 27/11–02/12/2011.
26 Nov. 2011 Iran und Israel: Auswirkungen der US-Iran-Krise und des »Arabischen Frühlings« [Iran and Israel: Consequences of the U.S.–Iran Crisis and of the »Arab Spring« | Israel und seine Nachbarn: Ressentiments – Feindschaften – Koalitionen [Israel and its Neighbors]| DIE HEGGE – Christliches Bildungswerk | Willebadessen-Niesen (Germany), 25–27/11/2011.
12 Nov. 2011 The Methodology of Citizens’ Panels and its Perspectives in Migration Matters | Keynote Speech in Part 1 “Migration and Citizens’ Panels” | International Workshop »Improving the Situation of Immigrants – Citizens and Experts Debate«, concluding the project GOAL (Granting Opportunities of Active Learning), led by ALDA (Association of Local Democracy Agencies) | Bucharest, 12–13 November 2011.
24 Oct. 2011 Chairing the panel discussion on »The Road to Regional Security and Cooperation in the Middle East« with Ziad AbuZayyad (Co-Editor & Co-Publisher, Palestine–Israel Journal [PIJ] & Conference for Security and Cooperation in the Middle East [CSCME], Palestine), Hillel Schenker (Co-Editor, PIJ & CSCME, Israel), Gen. (rtd.) Mohammad K. Shiyyab (Founder & General Manager, Middle East Studies Center, Amman/Jordan), Prof. Mohssen Massarrat (CSCME, Germany/Iran) |6th SOAS/British Pugwash London Conference on a Middle East Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone | School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, 24/10/2011.
13 July 2011 Panel discussion on »The Challenge of Dealing With Iran« with Stephen Twigg MP (Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs & fmr. Director and currently Senior Research Associate, Foreign Policy Centre, London) & Mark Fitzpatrick (Director of the Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Programme, International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), London | Organized by the Young Fabians Middle Eastern Programme | House of Commons, London.
17 April 2011 The End of the American Empire? The Arab Revolutionary Process and the Threat to U.S.-Led Western Hegemony | Panel on “Structures of Power and Strategies of Resistance in North Africa and West Asia”, ‘Sunday of Resistance’ event, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.
27 Jan. 2011 Sanktionen und Kriegsdrohungen gegen Iran: Facetten eines globalen Konfliktes [Sanctions and Threats of War against Iran: Facets of a Global Conflict] | Organized by Münchner Bündnis gegen Krieg und Rassismus & Münchner Friedensbündnis | EineWeltHaus, Munich, Germany.
4 Dec. 2010 Friedens- und entwicklungspolitische Auswirkungen der Iran-Politik [Peace and Developmental Ramifications of the Iran Policy] | 17th nationwide and international »Friedenspolitischer Ratschlag 2010« [Federal Committee Peace Counsel]: Globaler Kampf um Rohstoffe, Wasser und Energie [Global Fight for Resources, Water and Energy] | University of Kassel (Germany), 4–5/12/2010.
30 June 2010 Iran und wir: Ein Blick hinter die Schlagzeilen [Iran and Us: Taking a Look Behind the Headlines] | LOGE | Essen (Germany).
25 June 2010 Iran im Visier: Sanktionen, Propaganda, Kriegsdrohungen [Targeting Iran: Sanctions, Propaganda, Threats of War] | Organized by Heidelberg Forum gegen Militarismus und Krieg; DieLinke.SDS; Heidelberger Friedensratschlag; DIE LINKE HD-Rhein-Neckar; VVN/BdA Heidelberg (Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes – Bund der Antifaschistinnen und Antifaschisten, Kreisvereinigung Heidelberg) | University of Heidelberg (Germany).
13 Apr. 2010 Iran – demokratische Reform oder Krieg? Die innen- und aussenpolitischen Zukunftsperspektiven Teherans [Iran – Democratic Reform or War? Future Perspective of Tehran’s Domestic and Foreign Affairs] | Invited by & discussion with Andreas Zumach, Geneva-based UN correspondent & author | “Politik am Stehtisch” | Theater Winkelwiese, Zurich.
15 Feb. 2010 Iran in World Politics | Organized by Imperial College Union Political Philosophy Society (PPS) | Panel with Shirin Shafaie (PhD Candidate, School of Oriental and African Studies [SOAS], University of London) | Imperial College London.
3 Feb. 2010 What Lies Ahead? The Movement, Sanctions and the West | Organized by Campaign Iran | Panel with Prof. Ali Ansari (Director of the Institute for Iranian Studies, University of St. Andrews, Scotland & [then] Associate Fellow, Middle East and North Africa Programme, Chatham House) and Lindsey German (Convenor of the Stop the War Coalition, UK) | Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, London.
13 Jan. 2010 Panel discussion on »Iran – Revolution 2.0? Die Bewegung gegen Ahmadinedschad und die Rolle der neuen Medien« [Iran – Revolution 2.0? The Movement Against Ahmadinejad and the Role of New Media] with Yalda Zarbakhch (media researcher), Sara Dehkordi (Network of Young Iranians in Berlin), Sam T. Fard (Journalist, taz), Rüdiger Göbel (deputy editor-in-chief, junge Welt daily, Berlin) | Organized by Helle Panke, LiMA (Linke Medienakademie) and Die Tageszeitung (taz) | tazcafé, Berlin.
5 Dec. 2009 Die Obama-Administration und der Iran-Konflikt in einer multipolaren Welt [The Obama Administration and the Iran Conflict in a Multipolar World] | 16th nationwide and international »Friedenspolitischer Ratschlag 2009« [Federal Committee Peace Counsel]: Kapitalismus, Krise und Krieg [Capitalism, Crisis and War] | University of Kassel (Germany), 5–6/12/2009.
22 June 2009 Jenseits »kollektiver Konfusion«: Erklärungsmuster und Kontinuitäten iranischer Außenpolitik [Beyond »Collective Confusion«: Explanatory Patterns and Continuities of Iranian Foreign Policy] | Symposium on »Der Iran in der internationalen Politik: Internationale Krisen als Blockade regionaler Entwicklung« [Symposium: Iran in International Politics: International Crises as Blockade for Regional Development] | Österreichische Orient-Gesellschaft Hammer-Purgstall in cooperation with Österreichischen Institut für Internationale Politik (OIIP, Austrian Institute for International Affairs) | Diplomatische Akademie Wien (Diplomatic Academy of Vienna / Vienna School of International Studies).
18 June 2009 Der Iran-Konflikt und die Rolle Europas [The Iran Conflict and the Role of Europe] | Organized by Visions d’Europe | University of Münster (Germany).
30 Apr. 2009 The West–Iran Conflict and the Centrality of International Law | Debate on »Iran: Diplomacy and the Rule of Law« with Douglas Murray (Director of the Centre for Social Cohesion, UK & author of Neoconservatism: Why We Need It [2006] | Organized by The Law and Justice Forum, College of Law The College of Law, London.
27 Apr. 2009 Obama and Iran | Panel discussion with Jon Snow (Channel 4 News journalist and presenter), Dr. Mehri Honarbin–Holliday (Canterbury Christ Church University & Campaign Iran leading member), John Rees (co-founder of the Stop the War Coalition), chaired by Baroness Prof. Haleh Afshar | Organized by Campaign Iran | School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.
17 Mar. 2009 A European Idea for Euro–Iranian Relations | Conference on »Iran and Europe: Green Visions for the Future« | Organized by The Greens / European Free Alliance (EFA) | European Parliament, Brussels.
4 Feb. 2009 Obama and Iran: What Policy Recommendations the New U.S. President Has On Offer | Discussant: Dr. Elaheh Rostami-Povey (SOAS) | Organized by SOAS Persian Society – School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London.
6 Dec. 2008 Kriegsgefahr gebannt? Die neue US-Administration und der Iran [Danger of War Averted? The New U.S. Administration and Iran] | 15th nationwide and international »Friedenspolitischer Ratschlag 2008« [Federal Committee Peace Counsel]: Die Welt nach Bush: Friedlicher? Gerechter? Ökologischer? [The World After Bush: More Peaceful? More Just? More Ecological?] | University of Kassel (Germany), 6–7/12/2008.
26 May 2008 Der Iran im Blickfang der Weltpolitik: Perspektiven von Krieg und Frieden in einer eskalierenden Situation [Iran in the Eye of World Politics: Perspectives on War and Peace in an Escalating Situation] | Katholische Studierenden- und Hochschulgemeinde (KSHG) Münster | Münster (Germany).
16 April 2008 Das Atomprogramm des Iran: Propaganda und Wirklichkeit [The Nuclear Program of Iran: Propaganda and Reality] | Essener Friedens-Forum (EFF) | Essen (Germany).
10 April 2008 Zwischen Kriegsdrohungen und Sanktionen: Die westliche Politik gegenüber Iran [Between the Threat of War and Sanctions: The West’s Policy vis-à-vis Iran] | Organized by Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft – Vereinigte KriegsdienstgegnerInnen (DFG–VK), Forum für gesellschaftlichen Frieden (FgF) in Karlsruhe, Friedensbündnis Karlsruhe | Karlsruhe (Germany).
3 March 2008 Droht mit einer Aggression der USA gegen den Iran der Dritte Weltkrieg? [Is the Third World War Impending With a U.S. Aggression against Iran?] | Organized by Linker Dialog Köln, Förderverein Kölner Friedensforum, Arbeitskreis Hiroshima-Nagasaki, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation North-Rhine-Westphalia | DGB-Haus, Cologne (Germany).
28 Feb. 2008 Iran im Fadenkreuz: Fragen zu Krieg und Frieden [Iran in the Crosshairs: Questions on War and Peace] | International Center, University of Münster (Germany).
4 Feb. 2008 The Iranian Science Community in the Crosshairs: An Action Against Whom? | CES Café | Centre for European Studies (CES), University of Twente (NL).
31 Aug. 2007 Die Iran-Krise [The Iran Crisis] |Evangelische Gemeinde zu Düren [Protestant Community of Düren] | Düren (Germany).
2 Oct. 2006 Konfliktherd Iran: Droht der Krieg?[Hot Spot Iran: On the Verge of War?]| Panel discussion with Senior Consistory Steinhäuser (Appointee of the Protestant Churches at the Parliament and Government of Saxony-Anhalt) | Organized by Magdeburger Bündnis 50 plus e.V. & Ökumenischer Friedensarbeitskreis | Magdeburg (Germany).
1 Sep. 2006 Iran, Libanon: Krisen und Kriege – Was sind die Alternativen? [Iran, Lebanon: Crises and Wars – What Alternatives?] |Anti-War Day event organized by ATTAC Rüsselsheim, DGB Rüsselsheim, Arbeit und Leben Starkenburg | Rüsselsheim (Germany).
31 Aug. 2006 Aktuelle Krisen im Nahen Osten [Current Crises in the Middle East] | Organized by WASG (Wahlalternative Arbeit & Soziale Gerechtigkeit) Groß-Gerau | Groß-Gerau (Germany).
29 May 2006 Krieg im Iran? Hintergründe und Einblicke [War on Iran? Backgrounds and Insights] | Organized by WASG (Wahlalternative Arbeit & Soziale Gerechtigkeit) Gütersloh | Gütersloh (Germany).
10 May 2006 Iran-Atomkonflikt und Perspektiven [Iran Nuclear Conflict and Perspectives] | Ringvorlesung: Umwelt, Entwicklung, Frieden [Lecture Series: Environment, Development, Peace], studium generale, SS06| University of Osnabrück (Germany).
14 Feb. 2006 Iran in the Eye of Storm: The Nuclear Issue and Beyond | Institute of Political Science (IfPol), University of Münster (Germany).
20 Jan. 2006 Iran im Brennpunkt: Das Atomprogramm und der Westen [Iran in Focus: The Nuclear Program and the West] | Speaker’s Corner, Peperoni, Münster (Germany).