OVERVIEW - Dr. Ali Fathollah-Nejad • Official Website
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 Updated in March 2014.


2011         Der Iran-Konflikt und die Obama-Regierung: Alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen? [The Iran Conflict and the Obama Administration: Old Wine in New Skins?], Potsdam: Potsdam University Press (WeltTrends-Papiere, No. 12), reprint [ISSN 1864-0656 | ISBN 978-3-86956-042-7].

2010         Der Iran-Konflikt und die Obama-Regierung: Alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen? [The Iran Conflict and the Obama Administration: Old Wine in New Skins?], Potsdam: Potsdam University Press (WeltTrends-Papiere, No. 12), March [ISSN 1864-0656 | ISBN 978-3-86956-042-7].

2007         Iran in the Eye of Storm: Backgrounds of a Global Crisis [online], Peace and Conflict Studies, Institute of Sociology, University of Münster (Germany), 3rd edn., May ▪ republished by the Institute for Strategic Studies, Zurich ▪ documented by Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) e.V. (13/04) ▪ reprinted as Report by Nathan Hale Institute for Intelligence and Military Affairs (Boise, ID: Liberty Park, USA™ Foundation).

Book Chapters

2014          Long Live the Tyrant! The Myth of Benign Sanctions – plus Epilogue on the Geneva Agreement with Iran, in: Konrad Adenauer Foundation [KAS] (ed.) Iran-Reader 2014, compiled by Oliver Ernst, Sankt Augustin & Berlin (Germany): KAS, pp. 81–96.

2013         Iran’s Civil Society Grappling with a Triangular Dynamic, in: Aarts, Paul & Cavatorta, Francesco (eds.) Civil Society in Syria and Iran: Activism in Authoritarian Contexts, Boulder, CO & London: Lynne Rienner, pp. 39–68.

2012         Der internationale Konflikt um Iran und das Völkerrecht: Versuch einer Gesamtdarstellung [The International Iran Conflict and International Law: Towards a Complete Overview], in: Crome, Erhard (ed.) Die UNO und das Völkerrecht in den internationalen Beziehungen der Gegenwart [The UN and International Law in Contemporary International Relations], Potsdam (Germany): WeltTrends (Potsdamer Textbücher, No. 18), pp. 137–206.

2011          Der internationale Konflikt um Iran und das Völkerrecht [The International Iran Conflict and International Law], in: Crome, Erhard (ed.) Die UNO und das Völkerrecht in den internationalen Beziehungen der Gegenwart [The UN and International Law in Contemporary International Relations], Berlin: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (RLS Papers), pp. 67–93.

2010         The Iran Conflict in an Interpolar World: The Case of China, in: Luedtke, Ralph-M. & Strutynski, Peter (eds.) Kapitalismus, Krise und Krieg: Den Kreislauf durchbrechen [Capitalism, Crisis and War: Disrupting the Cycle], Kassel (Germany): Jenior Verlag (Kasseler Schriften zur Friedenspolitik, Bd. 17 [Kassel Scripts on Peace Policy, Vol. 17]), pp. 99–111.

2009         Kriegsgefahr gebannt? Obama und der Iran [Danger of War Averted? Obama and Iran], in: Luedtke, Ralph-M. & Strutynski, Peter (eds.) Deutschland im Krieg: Transatlantischer ImperiaArtlismus, NATO und EU [Germany at War: Transatlantic Imperialism, NATO and EU], Kassel (Germany): Jenior Verlag (Kasseler Schriften zur Friedenspolitik, Bd. 16 [Kassel Scripts on Peace Policy, Vol. 16]), pp. 140–172.

2008         Mut zur Integration! Plädoyer für eine partizipative Demokratie [Courage for Integration! Pleading for a Participative Democracy], in: Kissau, K.; Kortmann, M.; Tietze, K.; et al. (eds.), Migration steuern oder verwalten? Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich, pp. 121–145.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

2014          Why Sanctions against Iran are Counterproductive: Conflict Resolution and State–Society Relations, International Journal, Vol. 69, No. 1 (March 2014), pp. 48–65.

2013         Building Sustainable Security for Southwest Asia: A Regional Integration Process of the Highest Priority, Palestine–Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture, Vol. 19, Nos. 1 & 2 (Autumn), pp. 15–22.

Other Periodicals

2013e       Das Genfer Abkommen mit Iran: Eine Folge der Sanktionspolitik? [The Geneva Agreement with Iran: A Result of the Sanctions Policy?], inamo: Berichte und Analysen zu Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens, Berlin: Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten (inamo), Vol. 19, No. 76 (Winter), p. 3.

2013d        Long Live the Tyrant! The Myth of Benign Sanctions, New Politics (New York), Vol. 14, No. 3 (Summer), pp. 17–24.

2013c       Nefarious Fallouts of Iran Sanctions: Time for Abandoning Coercive Diplomacy, Asfar: The Middle Eastern Journal (UK), No. 3 (August).

2013b       Les sanctions contre l’Iran : Les multiples impacts néfastes [Sanctions on Iran: Multiple Nefarious Impacts], Géostratégiques, Paris: Paris Academy of Geopolitics, No. 40 (3rd trimester 2013), pp. 155–161.

2013a       Iran, die Bürgerrechtsbewegung und der Westen: Zehn Thesen [Iran, the Civil Rights Movement and the West: Ten Theses], FriedensForum: Zeitschrift der Friedensbewegung, No. 2/2013 (March), pp. 31–33 | republished online on Die Freiheitsliebe, 12 June ▪ ZNet Deutschland, 13 June ▪ aixpaix.de: Aachener Friedensmagazin, 13 June ▪ Arab Spring Collective, 1 July.

2012f        Lang lebe der Tyrann! Die Mär von den gutartigen Sanktionen, inamo: Berichte und Analysen zu Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens, Berlin: Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten (inamo), Vol. 18, No. 72 (Winter), pp. 77–79.

2012e       Iran: Die falsche Medizin (Iran: The Wrong Medicine), Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, Vol. 57, No. 4 (April), pp. 9–13 | Republished in Münchner Aufruf: Aufstehen für den Frieden – Kein Krieg gegen Iran, Newsletter, No. 2 (10 July).

2012d       Auf Kollisionskurs mit dem Iran: Von Spektakeln, lähmenden Sanktionen und der Vorbereitung eines Krieges [On Collision Course with Iran: On Spectacles, Crippling Sanctions and the Preparation of a War], Hintergrund: Das Nachrichtenmagazin, No. 2/2012, pp. 15–19. [Fußnoten | Footnotes]

2012c       Sicherheitskonferenz Nahost: Eine zivilgesellschaftliche Initiative [Middle East Security Conference: A Civil-Society Initiative], WeltTrends: Zeitschrift für internationale Politik, Vol. 20, No. 83 (March–April), pp. 98–100.

2012b       Krieg gegen Iran? [War Against Iran?], FriedensJournal, No. 2/2012 (March), pp. 3–4.

2012a       Konferenz für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit im Mittleren und Nahen Osten, Sand im Getriebe: Internationaler deutschsprachiger Rundbrief der ATTAC-Bewegung, No. 94 (15 February), p. 12.

2011b       (& Kaveh Yazdani) Das Verhältnis von Religion und Staat in Iran: Von den Safaviden bis heute [The Relationship between Religion and State in Iran: From the Safavids until Today], Zeitschrift für Religion und Gesellschaft, Cologne: Forschungszentrum für Religion und Gesellschaft (forege), Vol. 1, No. 2 (Autumn), pp. 298–312.

2011a       Will There Be War on Iran? A Fresh Yet Divergent Look at an Old Question, The Middle East in London, London: London Middle East Institute (LMEI), School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, Vol. 7, No. 7 (February–March), pp. 16–17 | republished online as Is War with Iran Inevitable?, Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 01/02 ▪ Payvand Iran News,01/02 ▪ e-International Relations (e-IR), 02/02 ▪ Iranian Diplomacy, 02/02 ▪ Monthly Review Webzine, 03/02 ▪ Iran Review, 03/02.

2010e       Sanktionsregime gegen den Iran: Entstehung und Auswirkungen [The Sanctions Regime on Iran: Its Formation and Impacts], inamo: Berichte und Analysen zu Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens, Berlin: Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten (inamo), Vol. 16, No. 63 (Autumn), pp. 33–39.

2010d       Unkluge Kollateralschäden »smarter« Sanktionen gegen Iran [Collateral Damages of »Smart« Sanctions against Iran], FriedensJournal, No. 3/2010 (May), pp. 6–7.

2010c       Collateral Damage of Iran Sanctions, The ColdType Reader, No. 46 (May), pp. 56–57.

2010b       The ‘Middle East’: From Past and Present Attributions to a Future Regional Identity?, Polyvocia: SOAS Journal of Graduate Research, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, Vol. 2 (March), pp. 3–20.

2010a       Iran: Gescheiterter Auftakt im Atompoker [Iran: Failed Prelude to the Nuclear Poker], in: Informationsstelle Wissenschaft und Frieden (ed.) 2008: Yes we can – 2010: No I can’t? Ein Jahr US-Außen- und Militärpolitik unter Obama, Dossier No. 63, Supplement to Wissenschaft und Frieden, Vol. 28, No. 1 (Feb.), pp. 12–14.

2009e       (& Miriam Shabafrouz) Dem Iran drohen im Atomstreit schärfere Sanktionen [Iran is Threatened with Sharper Sanctions in the Nuclear Dispute], Zenith – Zeitschrift für den Orient, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 38–39.

2009d       Die Obama-Administration im Umgang mit Iran: Von Risiken und Chancen für Frieden und Demokratie [The Obama Administration Dealing with Iran: On Risks and Chances for Peace and Democracy], Berlin: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (RLS Standpunkte, No. 21/2009), November.

2009c       60 Jahre Nakba: Von ethnischer Säuberung zur Dekolonisierung? [Nakba 60 Years On: From Ethnic Cleansing to Decolonization?], inamo: Berichte und Analysen zu Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens, Berlin: Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten (inamo), Vol. 15, No. 58 (10/07/09, Summer 2009), pp. 56–60.

2009b       Iran: Das amerikanische Dilemma zwischen alter und neuer Politik [Iran: The American Dilemma between Old and New Policies], Eurasisches Magazin, No. 06/09 (2 June 2009), pp. 15–22, online.

2009a       US-Politik gegenüber Iran vor einem Wendepunkt?, Interview, FriedensJournal, No. 3/2009 (May), pp. 8–9.

2008d       Kommt der Krieg gegen den Iran? Wie in den USA über einen Iran-Krieg nachgedacht wird [Is War Against Iran Coming? How an Iran War is Discussed in the U.S.], WeltTrends – Zeitschrift für internationale Politik (Journal of International Politics), Vol. 16, No. 63 (November/December 2008), pp. 5–10.

2008c       Damoklesschwert Iran-Krieg [Iran War as Sword of Damocles], FriedensJournal, No. 4/2008 (July), pp. 3–5 ▪ updated and slighty revised version on NRhZ-Online – Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Online Flyer No. 157 (30/07/08).

2008b       »Business as usual«? Neokonservatives Kriegsgetrommel in Berlin [»Business as Usual«? Neoconservative War-Drumming in Berlin], inamo: Berichte und Analysen zu Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens, Berlin: Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten (inamo), Vol. 14, No. 54 (01/07/08), pp. 61–63.

2008a       »Aufs Maul hauen, einknasten, umbringen«: Ex-linke Bellizisten trommeln zum Präventivkrieg gegen den Iran, analyse & kritik, No. 529 (20/06/08), p. 19.

2007         »Don’t blame the messenger for the message«? Wie die EU-Diplomatie den Weg für einen US-Angriff auf Iran ebnet [How EU Diplomacy Paved the Way for a U.S. War on Iran], AUSDRUCK, Tübingen: Informationsstelle Militarisierung, June 2007, pp. 3–6 [lead at Linksnet, 29/05) and in: Informationsstelle Militarisierung e.V. (ed.), Studien zur Militarisierung EUropas 28/2007, 7 pages.

»Very good«  Andreas Zumach (UN Correspondent)

2006         Offensive Realism, Concepts of Power, and China – Is There A New “Biggest and Baddest Dude on the Block”?, 360° – Das studentische Journal für Politik und Gesellschaft, 01/2006, Issue China als globaler Faktor im 21. Jahrhundert? [China as global factor in the 21st century?], pp. 38–48; Summary.


2013         Iran: Warum Sanktionen den Tyrannen helfen [Iran: Why Sanctions Help Tyrants], Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 03/01, p. 28 ▪ republished as Warum Sanktionen Teherans Tyrannen helfen [Why Sanctions Help Tehran’s Tyrants], Qantara.de: Dialog mit der islamischen Welt, 07/01.

Qantara.de, 19/01  ▪ Jadaliyya (Washington, DC & Beirut: Arab Studies Institute), 15/02.

2012/13    Obama May Set the Stage for an Agreement with Iran in Second Term: Researcher, interviewed by Javad Heirannia for the Mehr News Agency (MNA) and the Tehran Times, Tehran Times, 12 December 2012, p. 1.

Âmrika va Ettehâdieh Oroupa pazirâ-ye eslâm-e siâsi dar jahân-e arab khâhand bood; ghomâr dar Souriyeh, interviewed by Javad Heirannia, Mehr News Agency, 17 Dey 1391 (6 January 2013) ▪ republished on Ghatreh.com, 17 Dey 1391 (6 January 2013).

2009c       Strategen uneins, junge Welt (Berlin), No. 109, 12/05, pp. 10–11 (Thema).

2009b      Liberaler Falke, junge Welt (Berlin), No. 63, 16/03, pp. 10–11 (Thema).

2009a       The »Coalition of the Willing« Against Iran?, Iran Times (International) (Washington, DC), Vol. XXXVIII, No. 5, 02/01.

2008b      »Die Kriegsgefahr ist groß und bleibt aktuell«, interview with William R. Polk, junge Welt (Berlin), 03/11, p. 8.

2008a       Krieg vor Toresschluß? Wie in den USA über einen Angriff auf den Iran gedacht wird, junge Welt (Berlin), No. 187, 12/08, pp. 10–11 (Thema).


forthc.      Interview with Dr. Ziba Mir-Hosseini (London Middle East Institute) on Islamic and European feminisms.

2013e       The Geneva Agreement with Iran: A Result of the Sanctions Policy?, Fair Observer, 04/12 ▪ republished on Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 09/12 ▪ published (slightly edited) as The Geneva Accords and the Return of the »Defensive Realists«, LobeLog (U.S. foreign affairs blog of the international news wire service Inter Press Service), 05/12 ▪ republished on Payvand Iran News, 06/12.

 Iran-Sanktionen: Wie gut zielt der Westen? [Iran Sanctions: How Well Does the West Target?],Telepolis, 12/11 ▪ republished as Der lange Schatten der Iran-SanktionenThe Huffington Post Deutschland, 20/11.

2013d       Fallouts of Iran Sanctions, World Policy Journal (online), New York: World Policy Institute, 31/07 ▪ republished on Oriental Review (Moscow), 01/08 ▪ published as ‘Nefarious Fallouts of Iran Sanctions’ on Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 05/08 ▪ Payvand Iran News, 05/08 ▪ Iranian.com, 05/08 ▪ Fair Observer, 09/08.

2013c       Sanctions against Iran: Like a Slow Poison Injected into Society, Qantara.de: Dialogue with the Islamic World, 24 June ▪ republished on Iranian.com, 01/07 ▪ published as The Myth of Benign Sanctions, Your Middle East, 01/07 ▪ published as Iran: The Myth of Benign Sanctions, Shabka InfoNet (Vienna), 04/07 ▪ (slightly edited) published as The Myth of Benign Sanctions against Iran, +972 Magazine (Israel), 02/07.

2013b       Les sanctions contre l’Iran : Les multiples impacts néfastes, Le Huffington Post (France, en association avec le groupe Le Monde), 21/06 ▪ republished on Mondialisation.ca, Montreal: Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation, 21/06 ▪ Les multiples impacts néfastes des sanctions contre l’Iran, Le Huffington Post (Québec), 21/06 ▪ Le Grand Soir (France), 29/06.

2013a       Sanktionen verlängern die Lebensdauer autoritärer Regime [Sanctions Prolong the Lifespan of Authoritarian Regimes], Interviewed by Ramon Schack, Telepolis, 14/03 ▪ republished as »Den Chinesen auf dem Silbertablett serviert«: Sanktionen gegen den Iran [»Handing Iran to China on a Silver Plate: Sanctions against Iran], Zenith Online, 02/04 ▪ republished on aixpaix.de: Aachener Friedensmagazin, 14/03 ▪ republished on ZNet Deutschland, 09/04 ▪ republished on AG Friedensforschung (Germany), 15/04.

2012e        Die Iran-Sanktionen treffen die Falschen: Wie Embargos ihr Ziel verfehlen [Iran Sanctions Hit the Wrong Ones: How Embargoes Miss Their Target], Deutschlandradio Kultur, »Politisches Feuilleton«, 29/11 ▪ republished on ZNet Deutschland, 10/12 ▪  republished on aixpaix.de: Aachener Friedensmagazin, 03/01/2013 ▪ republished on Arab Spring Collective, 25/01/2013.

2012d       (& Hillel Schenker) Iran, Israel und der Westen: Auswege aus der Bedrohungsspirale [Iran, Israel and the West: Exiting the Dangerous Spiral], IPPNWforum, No. 130 (June), Berlin: International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) Germany, pp. 10–11 republished on aixpaix.de: Aachener Friedensmagazin, 06/09.

(& Hillel Schenker) Iran, Israel, and the West: Is There a Way Out of the Crisis?, Palestine–Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture (online), 25/07 ▪ slightly edited version republished on Fair Observer, 27/08 ▪ Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 28/08 ▪ Arab Spring Collective (Cairo), 29/08 ▪ Iranian.com, 3/09.

2012c       Krieg gegen den Iran? Zeit für Diplomatie, Zenith Online, 04/04.

2012b        Gleichgewicht der Abrüstung: Atomwaffenfreie Zone in Westasien, The European (online), 19/02 ▪ republished as Atomwaffenfreie Zone in Westasien: Wieso sie im längerfristigen Interesse Irans und Israels liegt, Telepolis, 24/02.

A Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons in Western Asia: Why It Would Be in the Long-Term Interest of Both Iran and Israel, Payvand Iran News, 09/03 ▪ also published on Iran Review, 10/03 ▪ published as Let’s Get Even: Nuclear Free Zone Is in the Long-Term Interest of Both Iran and Israel, Iranian.com, 10/03 ▪ an edited version initially appeared as A Nuclear Weapons Free Zone in the Middle East, guest column, Informed Comment, 01/03.

2012a       Eine Konferenz für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit im Mittleren und Naher Osten: Eine Verpflichtung aus dem „Arabischen Frühling“ und dem Israel-Iran-Konflikt [A Conference for Security and Cooperation in the Middle East: An Obligation Imposed by the “Arab Spring” and the Israel–Iran Conflict] ▪ published on  Alsharq: Nachrichten und Hintergründe rund um den Nahen und Mittleren Osten [„der meistgelesene deutschsprachige Blog zum Nahen und Mittleren Osten“], 23/01/2012 ▪ published on ZNet Deutschland, 23/01/2012 ▪ also published on IPPNW.de, Berlin: International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) Germany.

2011e       A New Security Architecture for the Middle East?, Fair Observer, 13/12 ▪ also published as A Conference for Security and Cooperation for the Middle East?, Monthly Review Webzine, 15/12 ▪ republished on Europe’s World, 24/12. [Translation from Eine KSZE für den Nahen Osten? »Arabischer Frühling« zeigt: Druck der Zivilgesellschaft wirkt, Interview by Thomas Kachel, Neues Deutschland, 08/11/2011, p. 8.]

2011d       A Conference for Security and Cooperation in the Middle East: An Obligation Imposed by the »Arab Spring« and the Israel–Iran Conflict ▪ published on  Fair Observer, 02/12 ▪ slightly edited version published as Security and Cooperation in the Middle East: Searching for a Solution, openDemocracy, 01/12 ▪ published as WMD Free Zone: Avoiding a Collision Over Nuclear Monopoly and Deterrence, Iranian.com, 08/12 ▪ published on Payvand Iran News, 09/12 ▪ published on Foreign Policy Journal, 09/12 ▪ published on Iran Review, 09/12 ▪ published on Atlantic Community, Berlin: Atlantische Initiative, 19/01/2012.

2011c       U.S. Policy on Iran under Bush II and Obama, Interview by Leonhardt van Efferink (Editor of ExploringGeopolitics) ▪ published on Iran Review, 20/09 ▪ republished as From Bush to Obama: US Policy Towards Iran on Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 20/09 ▪ republished as Iran: Barack Obama, Encirclement, Dual-Track Approach on Iranian Diplomacy,25/09.

2011b       (with Maria Exner) Prestige oder Publicity? Sarrazin und Broder in London [Prestige or Publicity? Sarrazin and Broder in London], Zenith Online, 18/02.

2011a       (with Mark Erbel & Adnan Tabatabai) Wenn Kritik auf (den Vorwurf der) Zensur stößt: Protest gegen Thilo Sarrazin und Henryk M. Broder in London [When Criticism is Met with (the Allegation of) Censorship: Protest Against Thilo Sarrazin and Henryk M. Broder in London], vorwärts.de (website of the central organ of the German Social Democratic Party, SPD), 17/02.

2010c        Les dommages collatéraux des « sanctions ciblées » contre l’Iran [The Collateral Damages of “Targeted Sanctions” against Iran], À l’encontre: Revue politique virtuelle, Switzerland, 11/05 ▪ republished on Mondialisation.ca, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 15/05 ▪ slightly abridged version published as Sanctions contre l’Iran, sanctions contre les Iraniens [Sanctions against Iran, Sanctions against Iranians], Mediapart, France, 14/05.

2010b       Collateral Damages of Smart Sanctions on Iran, Informed Comment, guest editorial, 12/03 ▪ republished on Monthly Review Webzine, 12/03 ▪ republished on Europe’s World, 15/03 ▪ republished on Payvand Iran News, 16/03 ▪ republished on e-International Relations (e-IR), 19/04 ▪ republished as How Smart are Sanctions?, Iranian.com, 15/03 ▪ republished as Sanctions on Iran: What are the Implications?, Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 16/03 ▪ abridged version published as Collateral Damages of Smart Sanctions, Truthout, op-ed, 23/03.

Jaké jsou důsledky sankcí na Írán?, trans. P. Kreuz, Eastbound.cz, 17/03.

Unkluge Kollateralschäden „smarter Sanktionen“ gegen Iran, Telepolis, 23/03 ▪ republished on ZNet Deutschland, 23/03 ▪ republished on Global Research, German site, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 29/04.

Pourquoi des « sanctions avisées » contre l’Iran provoqueraient des dommages collatéraux, trans. M. Mialane, edit. F. Giudice, Tlaxcala, 15/04.

2010a       Germany’s Fear of Finkelstein, The Palestine Chronicle, 02/03 ▪ republished on Eurasia Review, 02/03 ▪ republished on uruknet.info, 02/03 ▪ republished on CounterCurrents.org, 03/03 ▪ republished, Information Clearing House, 03/03 ▪ republished as Germany’s Finkelstein Phobia on Pacific Free Press, 04/03 ▪ republished as Silencing Critics of Israel: Germany’s Finkelstein Phobia, Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 04/03 ▪ republished on INCnews Global Intelligence, 04/03 ▪ republished on Political Theatrics, 04/03 ▪ republished on ZNet, 25/03 ▪ slightly edited version published on Monthly Review Webzine, 01/03 ▪ republished on the website of Jews for Justice for Palestinians (JFJFP), 10/03.

Finkelstein fiche la trouille à une certaine Allemagne, trans. M. Charbonnier, Palestine – Solidarité, 04/03 ▪ republished as La phobie Finkelstein en Allemagne, Mondialisation.ca, Montreal: Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation, 04/03 ▪ republished as L’Allemagne a peur de Finkelstein, trans. M. Charbonnier, edit. F. Giudice, Tlaxcala, 05/03.

Zittire i critici di Israele: La fobia della Germania de Norman Finkelstein, Arianna Editrice, trans. A. Carancini, 07/03 ▪ republished on Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 08/03.

Německé obavy z Finkelsteina a umlčování kritiky Izraele, Outsider Media, 08/03.

In excerpts.

2009g       What Middle East Policy to Expect from the New German Government? When Promising Ideas Threaten to be Buried in Transatlantic Waters, e-International Relations (e-IR), 04/11 ▪ republished on Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 05/11 ▪ republished on Foreign Policy Journal, 08/11 ▪ republished on Iran Review, 08/11 ▪ republished on Payvand Iran News, 16/11 ▪ slightly edited version published on Monthly Review Webzine, 06/11 ▪ republished on Sociologias, 07/11.

2009f         “Verhaltenswechsel des Regimes” statt “Regimewechsel”, Telepolis, 24/05.

2009e       „Obama for President!“ Ein Rückblick auf die Obamania des US-Establishments, ZNet Deutschland, 30/04 ▪ abridged version republished in NRhZ-Online – Neue Rheinische Zeitung, No. 196  (06/05)

2009d       Interview with Gilbert Achcar: Turning Away from a Strategy of Confrontation, Qantara.de – Dialogue with the Islamic World, 03/04 ▪ republished The American Muslim, 07/08.

, حوار مع الباحث جلبرت أشقر: “الحلول الوسط بدل استراتيجية المواجهة

Qantara.de, 06/08.

 Interview mit Gilbert Achcar: Abkehr von einer Strategie der Konfrontation, Qantara.de – Dialog mit der islamischen Welt, Übers. Daniel Keicol, 02/04.

2009c       Playing Nuclear Politics: The Islamic republic has little to gain from acquiring the bomb, The Guardian (online), 20/02 ▪ republished on Payvand Iran News, 24/02 ▪ republished as Playing Nuclear Politics with Iran, The Brunei Times, 22/02.

»Good piece« Parag Khanna

2009b       More Zionist Than Israel? German Policy and Media on Gaza, Monthly Review Webzine, 30/01.

»Excellent exposé«  Omar Barghouti | »Excellent analysis«  P U L S E

2009a       German Media Censorship on Gaza? Merkel’s Will, Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 22/01/09 ▪ republished [with functioning endnotes] on NormanFinkelstein.com, 29/01 ▪ abridged version published on The Palestine Chronicle, 16/02.

»Pretty grim scene«  Prof. Noam Chomsky | »Fabulous«  Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

2008i        Obama’s »Coalition of the Willing« Against Iran?, Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 20/11 ▪ republished on mediaLeft, 20/11 ▪ slightly complemented version published as A Mere Atmospheric Change in Obama’s Foreign Policy, Payvand Iran News, 21/11.

»Excellent«  Prof. Noam Chomsky

2008h       Desperate Need for Serious Change in Transatlantic Foreign Policy, Monthly Review Webzine, 08/11/08 ▪ republished on Iran Review, 08/11 | EU-Digest, 27/11.

2008g       Iran Falling Into the »Net« of a »Worldwide Policy«: On the U.S. Foreign Policy Doctrine and Its (Present) Dangers, Interview with Dr. William R. Polk, Informed Comment, 13/10/2008 ▪ republished on Iran Coverage, p. 738, 13/10 | Global Research, 16/10 | ZNet, 17/10 | Payvand Iran News, 20/10.

»Quite interesting«  Prof. Noam Chomsky

2008f       Iranpolitik der USA: Rätselraten um Kriegsabsichten, Qantara.de – Dialog mit der islamischen Welt, 12/08/08 ▪ republished on Iran-Now Network Magazin, 18/08

ABD’nin İran politikası: Olası savaş tahminleri (trans. M. Tüzel), Qantara.de – İslam dünyasıyla diyalog, 13/08

US foreign policy and Iran: Of War Games and Guessing Games (trans. R. Walker), Qantara.de – Dialogue with the Islamic World, 15/08. ▪ republished on Iranian.com, 17/08 ▪ also republished on The American Muslim, 19/08.

2008e       Appeasement und Ausnahmezustand? Über den richtigen Umgang mit dem „Schurkenstaat“ Iran, Telepolis, 06.06.08 ▪ republished in: Compass – Infodienst für christlich-jüdische und deutsch-israelische Tagesthemen im Web, Nr. 932 (06/06) ▪ linked at: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.

2008d       Neo-Con Conference Pushes for War on Iran, Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 01/06/08 ▪ republished on NormanFinkelstein.com ▪ published as Germany’s First Neo-Con Conference Pushes for War on Iran, Payvand Iran News, 05/06 | Unholy Alliances, Iranian.com, 26/06 ▪ linked at Antiwar.com Viewpoints.

»a shocking report«  Prof. Noam Chomsky | »very useful«  Dr. Norman Finkelstein |

»excellent report«  Abraham Weizfeld (Alliance of Concerned Jewish Canadians)

2008c       »Atomarer Präventivschlag gegen die Un-Zivilisation«? Gedankenspiele für einen Krieg gegen den Iran auf Internationaler Konferenz, NRhZ-Online – Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Online Flyer No. 148 (28/05/08) ▪ linked at: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (30/05)

2008b       »Business as usual«? »Aufs Maul hauen, verknasten und umbringen: Das ist Anti-Faschismus!« Bericht zur Iran-Konferenz des Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin, ZNet Deutschland, 24/05/08 ▪ also published on: Iran-Now Network, 04/06/08 | excerpts published on: SteinbergRecherche, 25/05 ▪ linked at: Das Palästina Portal, 25/05 | BessereWeltLinks.

trans. A. Ahgary, Mantegh-e Jang-Talabân [The Logic of Warmongers], Radio Zamaneh, 21/07 (Part 1), 23/07 (Part 2) | commented trans. A. Ahgary, Morouri bar yek Conference [On a Conference], Akhbare Rooz (Iranian Political Bulletin), 30/07.

2008a       »Abzug ist die einzige Alternative«. Interview mit Joachim Guilliard, Organisator der Internationalen Irak-Konferenz, NRhZ-Online – Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Online Flyer No. 143 (23/04/08) ▪ also published: with Joachim Guilliard, Interview zur Irakkonferenz 2008, ZNet Deutschland, 07/05/08.

roshangari, trans. N. Jafarpour, 13/05/08 [24 Ordibehesht 1387].

2007g       »Von der Iran-Krise zum Weltkrieg ist es nicht weit«. Das Säbelrassen der US-Neokonservativen dürfte im Fall Iran zu einem Flächenbrand führen, in: OnlineReports, 01/12/07.

2007f        »Man muss mit den Hüften schwingen!« – Ein Gespräch mit dem Schriftsteller Feridun Zaimoğlu, Eurozine, 16/11/07.

»You’ve got to swing your hips!« – A conversation with Feridun Zaimoğlu, in: Eurozine, 16/11/07.

»a refreshingly vivacious interview«  Carl H. Frederiksson

2007e       »Den Onkel Tom, den spiele ich nicht!«, Ein Gespräch mit dem deutsch-iranischen Schriftsteller und Orientalisten Navid Kermani, in: Eurozine, 27/07/07.

»I won’t be an Uncle Tom«, A conversation with Navid Kermani, in: Eurozine, 27/07/07.

»truly interesting and excellent«  Dr. Moustafa Bayoumi (CUNY)

2007d       Wie die EU-Diplomatie den Weg für einen US-Angriff auf Iran ebnete (unabridged version), Iran-Now Network Magazin (top story on 14/06/07).

2007c       La roulette russe et la guerre contre l’Iran : Les derrière-pensées moscovites et ses risques (version révisée), Mondialisation.ca, Montreal: Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation, 01/05/07 (lead on 02/05/07).

2007b       Russian Roulette and the War on Iran: Ulterior motives of a potential Iran War profiteer—and its risks, Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 21/04/07 ▪ also published on CASMII | Indymedia UK | World Affairs Brief.

La roulette russe et la guerre contre l’Iran, trans. K. Loubnani, ContreInfo, 24/04.

La roulette russa e la guerra all’Iran (comeDonChisciotte.net, 29/04 | Arianna Editrice, 30/04 | Nuovo Agenzia Radicale, 30/04).

2007a       Teetering on the Brink of Disaster: The Neocons’ Decision to Bomb Iran, Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 09/04/07 (lead on 10/04/07) ▪ also published on Indymedia UK | World Prout Assembly | University of Graz | Iran Now Network Magazin).

Danse au bord du volcan : la décision des néocons de bombarder l’Iran (Trans. F. Giudice, Tlaxcala, 11/04; Quibla – Le quotidien online des Musulmans libres et actifs et leurs alliés) ▪ Catastrophe annoncée : la décision des Néoconservateurs de bombarder l’Iran (Trans. F. Giudice, Mondialisation.ca, Montreal: Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation, 12/04, lead on 16/04) ▪ also published on Alterinfo | Anadalous.ma.

Kassioun.org (Syria).

Alef (lead on 12/04 [23 Farvardin 1386], also English original pdf with footnotes)

▪ cited in Center for Media and Democracy’s Iran SourceWatch among 2007’s most important articles.

2006b       Orient in Osnabrück: Das Morgenland-Festival verbindet Welten, Iran-Now Network Magazin (lead on 17/10/06), Radio Q Campus-Magazin (24/10/06), pdf also online.

2006a       Research Paper Iran in the Eye of Storm – Backgrounds of a Global Crisis on the website of German Power Structure Research (late March).

2004         Sole website at the University of Münster on the 2004 U.S. Presidential Elections – Institute of Political Science, University of Münster (Germany).

2003         Website Who’s next? Future prospects of the Near and Middle East – An analysis of U.S. foreign policy by focusing on think tanks – Peace and Conflict Studies, Institute of Sociology, University of Muenster (Germany).


2011         New Insights Into the Islamic Republic of Iran, Development and Cooperation (D+C), Bonn: Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (German Society for International Cooperation, GIZ), Vol. 52, No. 5 (May), pp. 208–209. [Review essay on: Arshin Adib-Moghaddam, Iran in World Politics: The Question of the Islamic Republic, London: Hurst 2007 & New York: Columbia University Press 2008; Hamid Dabashi, Iran: A People Interrupted, New York: New Press 2007; Elaheh Rostami-Povey, Iran’s Influence: A Religious–Political State and Society in its Region, London & New York: Zed Books 2010.] | Republished on Europe’s World, 22/05/2011 ▪ on Global Research, Montreal: Centre for Research on Globalization, 22/05/2011 ▪ on e-International Relations (e-IR), 22/02/2011 ▪ on Monthly Review Webzine, 23/05/2011 ▪ as Defining Moment on Iranian.com, 23/05/2011 ▪ on Atlantic-Community.org, 24/05/2011 ▪ on Humanitarian Texts: World-Wide Asian–Eurasian Human Rights Forum, 25/05/2011 ▪ on ZNet, 31/05/2011.

 Neue Blicke auf die Islamische Republik Iran, Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit (E+Z), Vol. 52, No. 5 (May), pp. 208–209 | Republished on ZNet Deutschland, 15/06/2011.

Čo je to politický islam?, trans. Peter Nedoroščík, utopia, 01/07/2011.

2009         Literaturbericht: Wenn das Rationale den Blick für Lösungen frei macht [When Rationality Opens the Way for Solutions], books review of Christoph Bertram, Rethinking Iran: From Confrontation to Cooperation, Paris: European Union Institute for Security Studies 2008, and of Volker Perthes, Iran: Eine politische Herausforderung. Die prekäre Balance von Vertrauen und Sicherheit, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp 2008, WeltTrends – Zeitschrift für internationale Politik (Journal of International Politics),  Vol. 17, No. 68 (September–October),Online Extra.

2008         Book review of Arshin Adib-Moghaddam, The International Politics of the Persian Gulf: A Cultural Geneology, London: Routledge 2006, Die Friedens-Warte – Journal of International Peace and Organization, Vol. 83, Nos. 2–3, pp. 219–222 & inamo: Berichte und Analysen zu Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens, Berlin: Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten (inamo), No. 55 (Fall).